In the past I’ve talked about various options open to an IC population interested in pursuing healing rather than palliative matter science methods The energy science also has palliative methods as well but the topic of this blog is not to palliate the IC bladder pain syndrome but to eliminate it
The energy science model’s understanding of the origin of disease makes this possible and allows you to understand why the below therapies work in eliminating IC as well as its sister diseases of IBS, GERD, fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, and in men chronic prostatitis
As I’ve discussed in the past the energy science views disease as originating in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) due to vibrational frequencies(aka qualities) that become excessive The common reasons for the accumulation are related to nutrition and lifestyle behaviors that I’ve discussed in the past This explains why dietary advice becomes so foundational for people with IC(see
One of the common sites of accumulation of these frequencies is the colon Most if not all people with IC have abnormal bowel patterns consisting of gas, bloating, and constipation and/or diarrhea(often leading to the diagnosis of IBS) These colon symptoms are associated with abnormal agni or digestive capability
The common frequencies that are involved are hot and mobile which leads to the burning on urination and frequency of urination along with urgency Once the accumulation of these vibrational frequencies become excessive they move to various parts of the bladder
In moving horizontally these qualities leave the colon where they have become excessive and affect the bladder leading to the above symptoms
As you can see the effect of bladder symptoms is just that The effect of the underlying vibrational disturbance in the colon So as you can surmise treatment of the bladder does not deal with the cause, namely the disturbance of vibrational frequencies in the colon Otherwise one treatment of hydrodistention, botox, or bladder instillations will not deal with the problem’s origin
Hence in the energy science discipline of healing most effort is directed toward clearing the basic imbalance in the colon
#1 The most effective way of bringing these abnormal vibrational frequencies back to the colon for elimination is by medicated herbal enemas One might ask why not just do the same thing but through the bladder since you could eliminate these abnormal increased frequencies that way
This is a great question The answer lies in the root cause If these qualities of hot and mobile are arising from the colon and they are not eliminated at the source they will continue to feed the already disturbed bladder despite being removed from the bladder
#2 The hot quality or vibrational frequency although excessive in the colon actually has its origin in the small bowel and disrupts colon function The best and easiest way to remove this vibrational frequency is through purgation triphala, or using herbs to cause a short period(one day) of diarrhea Common purgative herbal agents that can do the trick are nisshotra(very mild),(mild), and castor oil(strong)
#3 Herbal formulas support both of the above techniques as well as the bladder and the body as a whole during the process These formulas are specific to the other imbalances that are present as well (treating IBS, GERD, fibromyalgia, vulvodynia)
There is a tendency in all of us to want the quick fix, hoping that if we just find that one magic pill, remove that one irritating food that IC will go away But the reversal of this energy pattern that sometimes has taken years to develop takes time As I’ve written before at least 2months for every year of imbalance in straight forward cases
Does this mean there will not be relief of symptoms for that long? No, as you do the work things gradually begin getting better but it does take time It just depends on how severe your symptoms and whether you’re tired of being sick
In the end the energy science brings about real healing because it deals with the origin of the disease If interested in knowing more about this approach you can contact me through for a free one hour consultation where we can review your case together
Best in your journey Dr Bill
From an energy science view painful IC flares and bladder pain are a result of inflammation in the urinary channel(UT) since too much of hot produces inflammation. Interesting isn’t it that the words burning and flare are used to describe what is physically going on? I wrote a while ago about the use of the antiinflammatory cocktail using pomegranite juice and aloe vera gel and several of you have contacted me to tell me how helpful this has been. So here’s another antiinflammatory drink! This time a tea made from cumin...
read moreThe sour taste provokes painful IC flares The problem is that acidity is hidden away in matter science dietary recommendations It’s also widely known that cultural diets that favor a more alkaline nature tend to promote within cultures greater longevity (eg Asian diets) Animal based protein diets which are high in acidity(fatty acids) demonstrate decreased longevity From an energy science perspective this is not about vegetarianism; it’s about what increasing amounts of acid loading does to person Not only does...
read more“Mildred, I’ve got some good news and bad news,” says Dr Jones “The good news is that you don’t have a urinary tract infection by your culture But the bad news is that I don’t know why you have these symptoms of frequency and burning” But then Mildred proceeds to tell Dr Jones that the antibiotic that he prescribed before the culture results were back actually made her feel better Now both are scratching their heads But in the end Mildred doesn’t care because her symptoms are...
read moreThe pain of IC occurs because of an imbalance somewhere in inner space From our previous blogs it’s apparent that from an energy science point of view dis-ease or imbalance in the mindbody occurs due to imbalance of qualities beginning in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) This is particularly important for those who have associated conditions such as GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia, and chronic prostatitis So the key is correct the imbalance in order to get your life back before IC changed it and turned into a shambles The Precious...
read moreIC pain and the pain of IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) are interrelated on an energy level because gut problems begin the imbalance that leads to IC symptoms What happens in the gut in IC eventually leads to problems in the urinary tract To be aware of this is to begin the healing of painful IC flares Why? Because when you begin to understand the origins of your dis-ease then you can be empowered to take on the challenges to live the life you once had And we have seen that there are often psychological similarities between those with...
read moreInterstitial cystitis(IC) bladder pain with flares can be amplified by the routine use of nuts of any kind and this includes their butters!! Peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter Why? Unlike the matter science(MS) nutritional information that fatty acids are good and bad, the energy science(ES) of Ayurveda states that all nuts are inflammatory due to these molecular fatty acids regardless of the “good or bad nature of them” The reason for this is that the post digestive(small bowel) effect is heating therefore...
read moreInterstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...
read moreThose with IC know that acidity has something to do with their bladder pain and other symptoms either intuitively or reading what others have to say about IC and its causative factors This leads to a large number of dietary recommendations to eliminate the acidity from the diet and to reduce symptoms of pelvic pain You can go a long way toward resolution of your symptoms if you do fundamental changes in your nutritional format just by eliminating known trigger foods from your food choices But as I have written before what foods to avoid...
read moreThe pain of IC is related to pelvic inflammation particularlyof the bladder The flares that occur are related to the episodic increase in intensity of this inflammation So it stands to reason that the treatment for such a chronic disease would be antiinflammatory(AIF) This is not rocket science, folks! And there is a wide host of naturally occurring AIF For example, tumeric is commonly used in cooking and is a well understood AIF which when used with black pepper is potentiated even further in terms of its AIF effect Now the well...
read moreAs you know the pelvic pain from IC can be so severe that it precludes having normal sexual activity In a survey done through the ICA organization 90% of IC patients report problems with intimacy And the majority of women(50-85%) have associated vulvodynia or pain specifically related to the vagina The fear of bringing on the pain and a flare can lead to avoidance and resulting isolation Some have reported breaking into a cold sweat due to anxiety just with foreplay And this can obviously put a severe strain on a marital relationship...
read moreBy definition IC is diagnosable by having symptoms of a UTI but a negative culture, best done on a well done cath specimen If the culture is negative with lower tract irritative symptoms(LTIS of frequency, urgency, burning on urination) and no gross hematuria(blood seen in the urine), one is fairly safe in assuming IC, especially if this happens over and over again Other urological workup can be done but this definition essentially seals the deal
If there are associated symptoms of IBS, GERD, fibromyalgia, vulvodynia in women, prostatitis in men, this increases the likelihood that one is dealing with IC bladder pain syndrome This particular group of disease labels often accompany interstitial cystitis This is particularly the case for IBS since almost all women and men who have IC have disturbed bowel function(poor digestion, gas, bloating, poor appetite, diarrhea, constipation etc)
Most people with IC know their symptoms pretty well At times the flare doesn’t seem typical in the way the symptoms come on and how the flare evolves In these situations it’s best to get a urine culture on a cath specimen to be sure this atypical presentation is not a bacterial infection
Why do bladder infections occur with IC which is defined as a nonbacterial inflammatory change of the bladder? Well, let’s think about this Bacterial infections in the body are largely opportunistic Even if you innoculate a lady’s bladder with organisms the normal bladder within several voidings will show the bacteria the door No bacteria left in the bladder
In other words the bladder has the natural capability of removing bacteria It is suggested that almost all women get organisms pushed into the bladder during intercourse but few women get infected….or the human race wouldn’t be as successful at procreation as it is today
But the IC bladder mucosa is not normal and its GAG layer is more than likely defective due to the hot and mobile qualities energetically So the IC bladder is prone to bacterial infections
What this means is important for anyone with IC The imbalance in the bladder produces often times a mix of nonbacterial inflammatory episodes(that we call a flare) and bacterial infections that need treatment with herbs or antibiotics
I mentioned at the outset that further urological workup may be necessary This is particularly the case if there is gross hematuria associated with symptoms Although IC can produce gross hematuria with LTIS one should not ignore this cardinal symptom marker of urinary blood, especially if associated with clots
I have seen a patient who LTIS with gross hematuria and a classic Hunner’s ulcer by endoscopy, and a negative upper tract Xray who had by ureteroscopy a ureteral cancer Although this rare presentation of 2 diagnoses one must always be very vigilant when gross hematuria occurs in the clinical course of IC
Best in Health DB
From an energy science view painful IC flares and bladder pain are a result of inflammation in the urinary channel(UT) since too much of hot produces inflammation. Interesting isn’t it that the words burning and flare are used to describe what is physically going on? I wrote a while ago about the use of the antiinflammatory cocktail using pomegranite juice and aloe vera gel and several of you have contacted me to tell me how helpful this has been. So here’s another antiinflammatory drink! This time a tea made from cumin...
read moreThe sour taste provokes painful IC flares The problem is that acidity is hidden away in matter science dietary recommendations It’s also widely known that cultural diets that favor a more alkaline nature tend to promote within cultures greater longevity (eg Asian diets) Animal based protein diets which are high in acidity(fatty acids) demonstrate decreased longevity From an energy science perspective this is not about vegetarianism; it’s about what increasing amounts of acid loading does to person Not only does...
read more“Mildred, I’ve got some good news and bad news,” says Dr Jones “The good news is that you don’t have a urinary tract infection by your culture But the bad news is that I don’t know why you have these symptoms of frequency and burning” But then Mildred proceeds to tell Dr Jones that the antibiotic that he prescribed before the culture results were back actually made her feel better Now both are scratching their heads But in the end Mildred doesn’t care because her symptoms are...
read moreThe pain of IC occurs because of an imbalance somewhere in inner space From our previous blogs it’s apparent that from an energy science point of view dis-ease or imbalance in the mindbody occurs due to imbalance of qualities beginning in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) This is particularly important for those who have associated conditions such as GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia, and chronic prostatitis So the key is correct the imbalance in order to get your life back before IC changed it and turned into a shambles The Precious...
read moreIC pain and the pain of IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) are interrelated on an energy level because gut problems begin the imbalance that leads to IC symptoms What happens in the gut in IC eventually leads to problems in the urinary tract To be aware of this is to begin the healing of painful IC flares Why? Because when you begin to understand the origins of your dis-ease then you can be empowered to take on the challenges to live the life you once had And we have seen that there are often psychological similarities between those with...
read moreInterstitial cystitis(IC) bladder pain with flares can be amplified by the routine use of nuts of any kind and this includes their butters!! Peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter Why? Unlike the matter science(MS) nutritional information that fatty acids are good and bad, the energy science(ES) of Ayurveda states that all nuts are inflammatory due to these molecular fatty acids regardless of the “good or bad nature of them” The reason for this is that the post digestive(small bowel) effect is heating therefore...
read moreInterstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...
read moreThose with IC know that acidity has something to do with their bladder pain and other symptoms either intuitively or reading what others have to say about IC and its causative factors This leads to a large number of dietary recommendations to eliminate the acidity from the diet and to reduce symptoms of pelvic pain You can go a long way toward resolution of your symptoms if you do fundamental changes in your nutritional format just by eliminating known trigger foods from your food choices But as I have written before what foods to avoid...
read moreThe pain of IC is related to pelvic inflammation particularlyof the bladder The flares that occur are related to the episodic increase in intensity of this inflammation So it stands to reason that the treatment for such a chronic disease would be antiinflammatory(AIF) This is not rocket science, folks! And there is a wide host of naturally occurring AIF For example, tumeric is commonly used in cooking and is a well understood AIF which when used with black pepper is potentiated even further in terms of its AIF effect Now the well...
read moreAs you know the pelvic pain from IC can be so severe that it precludes having normal sexual activity In a survey done through the ICA organization 90% of IC patients report problems with intimacy And the majority of women(50-85%) have associated vulvodynia or pain specifically related to the vagina The fear of bringing on the pain and a flare can lead to avoidance and resulting isolation Some have reported breaking into a cold sweat due to anxiety just with foreplay And this can obviously put a severe strain on a marital relationship...
read moreEverything that we observe whether it’s our body or the world around us can be viewed as either a wave or a particle When it’s a particle we see the world as reassuringly solid and palpable From this world view we see things around as molecules; but when the world is seen as a wave our view changes The world is seen as vibrating pulsating energy
These vibrational frequencies are identified as money, struggles, obstructions to what we want, the passion of life itself Biologically vibrational frequencies are what make us up as an identifiable body in space
In the allopathic medical tradition measurement of molecules or their molecular arrangement is how disease is both detected and serves as a monitor for the effectiveness in treatment In contrast in the energy science medical disciplines imbalances that lead to disease is based on a disturbance of vibrational frequencies in the body called qualities
As I’ve written in the past the qualities prominent in the IC bladder pain syndrome are hot and mobile(of the total of 20 contrasting qualities, eg hot and cold, mobile and static, heavy and light etc) So in IC, IBS, GERD, fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, and chronic prostatitis these qualities play important roles in the disease process
So from the above it would not be surprising that hot weather is problematic for IC You see, the quality that affects the physiology from a energy science perspective doesn’t have to be ingested If you are exposed to hot weather the energy body absorbs that quality as if you ingested it
The difference between ingesting the hot quality and being environmentally exposed to hot is that when ingested that hot qualitya remains with you to be processed over a 35 day period whereas if you’re simply exposed to the quality and its effect goes away after exposure
But what happens if you work in a hot kitchen for your occupation Then day in and day out, week after week, month after month the hot quality exposure is consistent and persistent Then over time it will be like you’re ingesting the hot quality every day and indeed it will have a physiologic impact
So you feel pretty good after that cup of coffee so no big deal….didn’t have any influence on you, right? Well, the energy science would say that anything that is taken in has an effect and that there is a compounding effect that takes place when coffee is taken, hot weather is thrown into the equation, perhaps a cheeseburger with ketchup,etc etc This compounding effect produces the flares
You see, it’s not just one choice that brings about the flare but a multitude of choices that go back 35 days That’s why it’s actually quite fallacious to say that the choice made yesterday caused the flare today The flare is actually the cumulative body response of many different choices that have been made over at least the last month
And this doesn’t take into consideration the level of the say the hot quality in the body before the ingestion Say the level of the hot quality is a 5 and it takes a 10 to get a flare Well then, you have a cushion You could do a number of different things to provoke and not get a flare until you reach 9 then the hot day is the straw that breaks the proverbial camel’s back
Lastly for some the flares for the above reasons don’t occur during the hot time of year They occur after the summer mounting up time and in the fall one is more predisposed to the flare It’s much like the spring cold which is just a physiologic release of all the buildup of the heavy qualities that developed during the winter months
1 The obvious is not to expose yourself to heat unnecessarily, whether it be at the beach, work, or at home Look for ways to cool off your local environment
2 Pay close attention to what foods y0u are taking in during the summer months( and particularly use cooling foods such as fresh cilantro or coconut
3 Use cooling herbs such as mint, cumin, coriander, fennel, turmeric, wintergreen in cooking foods
Just being aware of the hot quality can go a long ways to prevent buildup of the hot quality and the flares it produces
To Health as a Skill DB
From an energy science view painful IC flares and bladder pain are a result of inflammation in the urinary channel(UT) since too much of hot produces inflammation. Interesting isn’t it that the words burning and flare are used to describe what is physically going on? I wrote a while ago about the use of the antiinflammatory cocktail using pomegranite juice and aloe vera gel and several of you have contacted me to tell me how helpful this has been. So here’s another antiinflammatory drink! This time a tea made from cumin...
read moreThe sour taste provokes painful IC flares The problem is that acidity is hidden away in matter science dietary recommendations It’s also widely known that cultural diets that favor a more alkaline nature tend to promote within cultures greater longevity (eg Asian diets) Animal based protein diets which are high in acidity(fatty acids) demonstrate decreased longevity From an energy science perspective this is not about vegetarianism; it’s about what increasing amounts of acid loading does to person Not only does...
read more“Mildred, I’ve got some good news and bad news,” says Dr Jones “The good news is that you don’t have a urinary tract infection by your culture But the bad news is that I don’t know why you have these symptoms of frequency and burning” But then Mildred proceeds to tell Dr Jones that the antibiotic that he prescribed before the culture results were back actually made her feel better Now both are scratching their heads But in the end Mildred doesn’t care because her symptoms are...
read moreThe pain of IC occurs because of an imbalance somewhere in inner space From our previous blogs it’s apparent that from an energy science point of view dis-ease or imbalance in the mindbody occurs due to imbalance of qualities beginning in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) This is particularly important for those who have associated conditions such as GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia, and chronic prostatitis So the key is correct the imbalance in order to get your life back before IC changed it and turned into a shambles The Precious...
read moreIC pain and the pain of IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) are interrelated on an energy level because gut problems begin the imbalance that leads to IC symptoms What happens in the gut in IC eventually leads to problems in the urinary tract To be aware of this is to begin the healing of painful IC flares Why? Because when you begin to understand the origins of your dis-ease then you can be empowered to take on the challenges to live the life you once had And we have seen that there are often psychological similarities between those with...
read moreInterstitial cystitis(IC) bladder pain with flares can be amplified by the routine use of nuts of any kind and this includes their butters!! Peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter Why? Unlike the matter science(MS) nutritional information that fatty acids are good and bad, the energy science(ES) of Ayurveda states that all nuts are inflammatory due to these molecular fatty acids regardless of the “good or bad nature of them” The reason for this is that the post digestive(small bowel) effect is heating therefore...
read moreInterstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...
read moreThose with IC know that acidity has something to do with their bladder pain and other symptoms either intuitively or reading what others have to say about IC and its causative factors This leads to a large number of dietary recommendations to eliminate the acidity from the diet and to reduce symptoms of pelvic pain You can go a long way toward resolution of your symptoms if you do fundamental changes in your nutritional format just by eliminating known trigger foods from your food choices But as I have written before what foods to avoid...
read moreThe pain of IC is related to pelvic inflammation particularlyof the bladder The flares that occur are related to the episodic increase in intensity of this inflammation So it stands to reason that the treatment for such a chronic disease would be antiinflammatory(AIF) This is not rocket science, folks! And there is a wide host of naturally occurring AIF For example, tumeric is commonly used in cooking and is a well understood AIF which when used with black pepper is potentiated even further in terms of its AIF effect Now the well...
read moreAs you know the pelvic pain from IC can be so severe that it precludes having normal sexual activity In a survey done through the ICA organization 90% of IC patients report problems with intimacy And the majority of women(50-85%) have associated vulvodynia or pain specifically related to the vagina The fear of bringing on the pain and a flare can lead to avoidance and resulting isolation Some have reported breaking into a cold sweat due to anxiety just with foreplay And this can obviously put a severe strain on a marital relationship...
read moreLast week I wrote about various cooking oils that when used according to your energy constitutional makeup will bring you closer to balance and harmony But there is one cooking oil that can be used by everyone anytime (except in moderation for PK people) This cooking oil comes from unsalted butter, has a very high burning point(technically it’s called smoke point), and best of all is highly medicinal As a matter of fact it is a cornerstone in energy science therapies to heal IC bladder pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, and amazingly even vulvodynia
Remember when we were young and there was the rare treat of having lobster? Growing up in the Midwest it was an unusual happening but ….
What about that golden liquid butter that they served with the lobster for dipping? The menu said it was clarified butter but all I remember was that it was gooood with the lobster Now the journey with clarified butter has come full circle and I understand it with a different perspective
From an energy science nutritional view clarified butter is named ghee and it’s not just melted butter The clarification process frees the butter of the harmful fatty acids which are cooked out of the unsalted butter that you begin with Literally the fatty acids are cooked out and you find them at the bottom of the cooking vessel as a slimy, oily, heavy, static, soft, slow/dull, liquid goo Why would anyone want to put that into their mindbodies?
But what’s left is actually medicine A food that is the oily essence of milk and with the fatty acids removed the ama producing qualities of butter go with it That is, the slimy, heavy, static, soft, slow/dull, and liquid qualities are removed
The medicinal properties of ghee are extraordinary It stimulates digestive fire, oleates the GI tract hence improving function, penetrates all the tissue layers of the mindbody within twenty four hours, and can serve as an excellent vehicle in proper circumstances to deliver herbs to all tissue layers of the body
The matter science nutritional literature is devoid of understanding the power of this type of food preparation because of its molecular approach to foods and diet The mindbody is a richer reality than a sophisticated collection of molecules
Here’s a link: …… that beautifully takes you through a pictorial step by step process in ghee’s preparation Pay attention to the last couple of steps so you don’t burn the ghee
But it’s a very simple process to do at home and much less expensive than buying it prepared
The wonderful thing about making your own ghee is that it gets you involved If you’ve been a member of this energy science community for long you know that I’m all about having you take responsibility for your own healing Healing doesn’t live in a pill or a magic procedure
No, healing lies in your participation This is pivotal if you want to heal your IC from an energy science point of view
As I have written earlier one of the aspects of healing is detoxification That is, removing ama from the GIT as well as the peripheral deep tissues and channels The urinary tract is a channel and as I have alluded to earlier is responsive to detoxification quite easily Since ghee has similar properties to ama(undigested unprocessed food) which is a result of poor digestive strength(the energy science term for this is agni) when it penetrates tissues energetically it loosens the ama in the tissue and brings it back to the GIT for elimination
So ghee as an internal oleation food is central to the detoxification process if you are so inclined to take on such work But I would have to say that detoxification is a primary energy science procedure if one is having trouble clearing IC symptoms
To health as a skill Love DrBill
From an energy science view painful IC flares and bladder pain are a result of inflammation in the urinary channel(UT) since too much of hot produces inflammation. Interesting isn’t it that the words burning and flare are used to describe what is physically going on? I wrote a while ago about the use of the antiinflammatory cocktail using pomegranite juice and aloe vera gel and several of you have contacted me to tell me how helpful this has been. So here’s another antiinflammatory drink! This time a tea made from cumin...
read moreThe sour taste provokes painful IC flares The problem is that acidity is hidden away in matter science dietary recommendations It’s also widely known that cultural diets that favor a more alkaline nature tend to promote within cultures greater longevity (eg Asian diets) Animal based protein diets which are high in acidity(fatty acids) demonstrate decreased longevity From an energy science perspective this is not about vegetarianism; it’s about what increasing amounts of acid loading does to person Not only does...
read more“Mildred, I’ve got some good news and bad news,” says Dr Jones “The good news is that you don’t have a urinary tract infection by your culture But the bad news is that I don’t know why you have these symptoms of frequency and burning” But then Mildred proceeds to tell Dr Jones that the antibiotic that he prescribed before the culture results were back actually made her feel better Now both are scratching their heads But in the end Mildred doesn’t care because her symptoms are...
read moreThe pain of IC occurs because of an imbalance somewhere in inner space From our previous blogs it’s apparent that from an energy science point of view dis-ease or imbalance in the mindbody occurs due to imbalance of qualities beginning in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) This is particularly important for those who have associated conditions such as GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia, and chronic prostatitis So the key is correct the imbalance in order to get your life back before IC changed it and turned into a shambles The Precious...
read moreIC pain and the pain of IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) are interrelated on an energy level because gut problems begin the imbalance that leads to IC symptoms What happens in the gut in IC eventually leads to problems in the urinary tract To be aware of this is to begin the healing of painful IC flares Why? Because when you begin to understand the origins of your dis-ease then you can be empowered to take on the challenges to live the life you once had And we have seen that there are often psychological similarities between those with...
read moreInterstitial cystitis(IC) bladder pain with flares can be amplified by the routine use of nuts of any kind and this includes their butters!! Peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter Why? Unlike the matter science(MS) nutritional information that fatty acids are good and bad, the energy science(ES) of Ayurveda states that all nuts are inflammatory due to these molecular fatty acids regardless of the “good or bad nature of them” The reason for this is that the post digestive(small bowel) effect is heating therefore...
read moreInterstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...
read moreThose with IC know that acidity has something to do with their bladder pain and other symptoms either intuitively or reading what others have to say about IC and its causative factors This leads to a large number of dietary recommendations to eliminate the acidity from the diet and to reduce symptoms of pelvic pain You can go a long way toward resolution of your symptoms if you do fundamental changes in your nutritional format just by eliminating known trigger foods from your food choices But as I have written before what foods to avoid...
read moreThe pain of IC is related to pelvic inflammation particularlyof the bladder The flares that occur are related to the episodic increase in intensity of this inflammation So it stands to reason that the treatment for such a chronic disease would be antiinflammatory(AIF) This is not rocket science, folks! And there is a wide host of naturally occurring AIF For example, tumeric is commonly used in cooking and is a well understood AIF which when used with black pepper is potentiated even further in terms of its AIF effect Now the well...
read moreAs you know the pelvic pain from IC can be so severe that it precludes having normal sexual activity In a survey done through the ICA organization 90% of IC patients report problems with intimacy And the majority of women(50-85%) have associated vulvodynia or pain specifically related to the vagina The fear of bringing on the pain and a flare can lead to avoidance and resulting isolation Some have reported breaking into a cold sweat due to anxiety just with foreplay And this can obviously put a severe strain on a marital relationship...
read moreOils may be overlooked when looking for the “apparent trigger foods” in the IC diet In the energy science approach there are specific oils that carry the hot quality and these in the end will aggravate the small bowel, the seat of Pitta energy which is as you recall the energy of transformation in the body These oils if used improperly can produce the bladder pain of the IC bladder pain syndrome
Why would the small bowel be the focal point of transformative energy? It’s in the small bowel that foods are literally transformed from a vegetable, say broccoli…. and that piece of broccoli is transformed into molecules that can be used by your body for repair or energy to do things So when oils heat the small bowel they increase the energy pattern of Pitta which is responsible for the burning on urination as well as the pelvic burning that is associated with IC, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia IBS is also associated with diarrhea due to the hot quality in the small bowel The heat of GERD happens in the stomach
Almonds are actually seeds and in the skin of the almond are numerous enzymes that produce transformation so the almond can reproduce itself into another tree If the skin of the almond is left in place during the production of the oil then the oil will be heating The same is true for almond butter
Apricot, corn, mustard, safflower, and sesame round the list of oils to avoid
So you should think twice about fried foods in restaurants since you have no control over what kinds of oils are used
You may remember that castor oil is heating internally but when applied to the skin it has a cooling effect This particular fact can be utilized as a treatment effect in terms of utility in the management of IC flares as I’ve written earlier
Coconut and avocado oils can be used like castor externally due to their cooling effect but unlike castor they also have too much of a cooling effect internally so should not be used in cooking Hence routine use of coconut oil internally, even though the rage from a matter science view currently, is not a good idea as it will disrupt agni which is extremely important for health and improving your chances of healing IC
Sunflower, ghee, canola, olive, soy, flaxseed, primrose, and walnut are most suitable in descending order….so sunflower is the most cooling and walnut the most heating even though it has a cooling effect to the small bowel
So armed with this information you can begin to make better energetic choices around the choice of cooking oils in the kitchen
Ghee or clarified butter is an excellent cooking oil(high burn point) because not only does it cool the small bowel but its qualities are those of our digestive fire
Said another way, many who have IC have poor agni, ie poor digestive strength Using ghee on a regular basis helps promote strong digestion and in an indirect way begins healing IC
Anyone with IC should use ghee on a regular basis In our next post together we’ll discuss how to make this amazing cooking oil
From an energy science view painful IC flares and bladder pain are a result of inflammation in the urinary channel(UT) since too much of hot produces inflammation. Interesting isn’t it that the words burning and flare are used to describe what is physically going on? I wrote a while ago about the use of the antiinflammatory cocktail using pomegranite juice and aloe vera gel and several of you have contacted me to tell me how helpful this has been. So here’s another antiinflammatory drink! This time a tea made from cumin...
read moreThe sour taste provokes painful IC flares The problem is that acidity is hidden away in matter science dietary recommendations It’s also widely known that cultural diets that favor a more alkaline nature tend to promote within cultures greater longevity (eg Asian diets) Animal based protein diets which are high in acidity(fatty acids) demonstrate decreased longevity From an energy science perspective this is not about vegetarianism; it’s about what increasing amounts of acid loading does to person Not only does...
read more“Mildred, I’ve got some good news and bad news,” says Dr Jones “The good news is that you don’t have a urinary tract infection by your culture But the bad news is that I don’t know why you have these symptoms of frequency and burning” But then Mildred proceeds to tell Dr Jones that the antibiotic that he prescribed before the culture results were back actually made her feel better Now both are scratching their heads But in the end Mildred doesn’t care because her symptoms are...
read moreThe pain of IC occurs because of an imbalance somewhere in inner space From our previous blogs it’s apparent that from an energy science point of view dis-ease or imbalance in the mindbody occurs due to imbalance of qualities beginning in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) This is particularly important for those who have associated conditions such as GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia, and chronic prostatitis So the key is correct the imbalance in order to get your life back before IC changed it and turned into a shambles The Precious...
read moreIC pain and the pain of IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) are interrelated on an energy level because gut problems begin the imbalance that leads to IC symptoms What happens in the gut in IC eventually leads to problems in the urinary tract To be aware of this is to begin the healing of painful IC flares Why? Because when you begin to understand the origins of your dis-ease then you can be empowered to take on the challenges to live the life you once had And we have seen that there are often psychological similarities between those with...
read moreInterstitial cystitis(IC) bladder pain with flares can be amplified by the routine use of nuts of any kind and this includes their butters!! Peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter Why? Unlike the matter science(MS) nutritional information that fatty acids are good and bad, the energy science(ES) of Ayurveda states that all nuts are inflammatory due to these molecular fatty acids regardless of the “good or bad nature of them” The reason for this is that the post digestive(small bowel) effect is heating therefore...
read moreInterstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...
read moreThose with IC know that acidity has something to do with their bladder pain and other symptoms either intuitively or reading what others have to say about IC and its causative factors This leads to a large number of dietary recommendations to eliminate the acidity from the diet and to reduce symptoms of pelvic pain You can go a long way toward resolution of your symptoms if you do fundamental changes in your nutritional format just by eliminating known trigger foods from your food choices But as I have written before what foods to avoid...
read moreThe pain of IC is related to pelvic inflammation particularlyof the bladder The flares that occur are related to the episodic increase in intensity of this inflammation So it stands to reason that the treatment for such a chronic disease would be antiinflammatory(AIF) This is not rocket science, folks! And there is a wide host of naturally occurring AIF For example, tumeric is commonly used in cooking and is a well understood AIF which when used with black pepper is potentiated even further in terms of its AIF effect Now the well...
read moreAs you know the pelvic pain from IC can be so severe that it precludes having normal sexual activity In a survey done through the ICA organization 90% of IC patients report problems with intimacy And the majority of women(50-85%) have associated vulvodynia or pain specifically related to the vagina The fear of bringing on the pain and a flare can lead to avoidance and resulting isolation Some have reported breaking into a cold sweat due to anxiety just with foreplay And this can obviously put a severe strain on a marital relationship...
read moreYou would do anything to deal with the pain of IC especially when flares occur so it would stand to reason that using an antacid of some form would be appropriate since for some it gives them relief of their heartburn but has also been anecdotally reported by some to help with their IC symptoms But interestingly disease labels such as IBS, fibromyalgia, and even vulvodynia share the problems of too much heat in the physiology
Interestingly acid indigestion(heartburn) and GERD are strongly associated with IC In an online survey done by the ICA:
559 respondents to the diet survey
84% found diet helped reduced symptoms
Perhaps because this was an online survey the results are not available for search at the ICA site any longer but the survey obviously underscores the importance of nutrition and shows the interesting correlation with acid indigestion and IC From our previous blog discussion this correlation would be expected as the hot quality in the gut moves to affect the urinary system
Some foods to avoid are obvious such as cayenne pepper, chili pepper, and horseradish But other foods such as tomatoes, salt, and grains like buckwheat and corn are below the radar screen There is a compounding effect in the energy science discipline of healing Over time these foods effects mount up and then produce symptoms So the lesson is to avoid these cumulative effects to begin with by watching what you take in the first place
From an energy science point of view the tastes that carry the hot quality are sour, salty, and pungent It’s often difficult to know which foods carry the subtle tastes that can affect the GI tract so that’s why nutritional formats are so important
My father in law didn’t have IC pain and lived a relatively comfortable life except for anxiety now and then He had an interesting habit that I think is germane to our discussion today
As a matter of evening routine he would sneak into the kitchen late at night to have his two bowls of Hagen Daz ice cream after which he would take his cholesterol lowering pills(maybe two for good measure!) Comfortable that he had done his ounce of prevention he would then trundle off to bed
I think most would feel that taking two Lipitor after eating ice cream is …. well not preventative But isn’t that the same thing we are doing with antacids? Prelief is an antacid like many OTC antacids to help with the stomach symptoms of heartburn GERD Even Tagamet has been used off label for IC But isn’t that the same thing?
We all want our freedom of choice and the energy science of Ayurveda does not say “Never” It says that we all have free choice but we don’t have a choice about the consequences of our choices
Drugs and nutraceuticals are not meant to cover over poor food choices that cause the pain of IC which can be managed more successfully without the use of pharma
Of course there is the sentiment “My life is over All of my favs taken away from me!” These energy science nutritional formats are not an “all or none” proposition but the more closely you adhere to the format the better you will feel And after a while you’ll get tired of taking in foods that make you feel sick
In the end the energy discipline can help us with a qualitative scientific assessment of what foods are best for our mindbody energy makeup
Go to right now and take the quiz Then choose the appropriate nutritional format and print the pdf format off so you have it to follow
Read the incompatable food combination list and print off that file as well and post both on your refrigerator so you can reference them regularly
Use aloe vera gel(not the juice) on a regular basis (2T three times per day) Take it to work, travel with it, and make a ritual out of its use
To Health as a Skill Love DrBill
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From an energy science view painful IC flares and bladder pain are a result of inflammation in the urinary channel(UT) since too much of hot produces inflammation. Interesting isn’t it that the words burning and flare are used to describe what is physically going on? I wrote a while ago about the use of the antiinflammatory cocktail using pomegranite juice and aloe vera gel and several of you have contacted me to tell me how helpful this has been. So here’s another antiinflammatory drink! This time a tea made from cumin...
read moreThe sour taste provokes painful IC flares The problem is that acidity is hidden away in matter science dietary recommendations It’s also widely known that cultural diets that favor a more alkaline nature tend to promote within cultures greater longevity (eg Asian diets) Animal based protein diets which are high in acidity(fatty acids) demonstrate decreased longevity From an energy science perspective this is not about vegetarianism; it’s about what increasing amounts of acid loading does to person Not only does...
read more“Mildred, I’ve got some good news and bad news,” says Dr Jones “The good news is that you don’t have a urinary tract infection by your culture But the bad news is that I don’t know why you have these symptoms of frequency and burning” But then Mildred proceeds to tell Dr Jones that the antibiotic that he prescribed before the culture results were back actually made her feel better Now both are scratching their heads But in the end Mildred doesn’t care because her symptoms are...
read moreThe pain of IC occurs because of an imbalance somewhere in inner space From our previous blogs it’s apparent that from an energy science point of view dis-ease or imbalance in the mindbody occurs due to imbalance of qualities beginning in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) This is particularly important for those who have associated conditions such as GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia, and chronic prostatitis So the key is correct the imbalance in order to get your life back before IC changed it and turned into a shambles The Precious...
read moreIC pain and the pain of IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) are interrelated on an energy level because gut problems begin the imbalance that leads to IC symptoms What happens in the gut in IC eventually leads to problems in the urinary tract To be aware of this is to begin the healing of painful IC flares Why? Because when you begin to understand the origins of your dis-ease then you can be empowered to take on the challenges to live the life you once had And we have seen that there are often psychological similarities between those with...
read moreInterstitial cystitis(IC) bladder pain with flares can be amplified by the routine use of nuts of any kind and this includes their butters!! Peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter Why? Unlike the matter science(MS) nutritional information that fatty acids are good and bad, the energy science(ES) of Ayurveda states that all nuts are inflammatory due to these molecular fatty acids regardless of the “good or bad nature of them” The reason for this is that the post digestive(small bowel) effect is heating therefore...
read moreInterstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...
read moreThose with IC know that acidity has something to do with their bladder pain and other symptoms either intuitively or reading what others have to say about IC and its causative factors This leads to a large number of dietary recommendations to eliminate the acidity from the diet and to reduce symptoms of pelvic pain You can go a long way toward resolution of your symptoms if you do fundamental changes in your nutritional format just by eliminating known trigger foods from your food choices But as I have written before what foods to avoid...
read moreThe pain of IC is related to pelvic inflammation particularlyof the bladder The flares that occur are related to the episodic increase in intensity of this inflammation So it stands to reason that the treatment for such a chronic disease would be antiinflammatory(AIF) This is not rocket science, folks! And there is a wide host of naturally occurring AIF For example, tumeric is commonly used in cooking and is a well understood AIF which when used with black pepper is potentiated even further in terms of its AIF effect Now the well...
read moreAs you know the pelvic pain from IC can be so severe that it precludes having normal sexual activity In a survey done through the ICA organization 90% of IC patients report problems with intimacy And the majority of women(50-85%) have associated vulvodynia or pain specifically related to the vagina The fear of bringing on the pain and a flare can lead to avoidance and resulting isolation Some have reported breaking into a cold sweat due to anxiety just with foreplay And this can obviously put a severe strain on a marital relationship...
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