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Lifestyle Behaviors to Reduce Inflammation

From an energy science view the symptoms of interstitial cystitis(IC) are related to the hot quality among others   The burning on urination that feels like razor blades, the suprapubic or vaginal pain, the perineal pain of prostatitis are all related to this energetic quality that is in excess At this blog I have discussed extensively how the nutritional format is fundamental in clearing symptoms   From my research 91% of...

Four Ways to Alkalinize Acidity of Pitta

The chronic pain from the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia)  seeks a solution but you are told that the “dis-ease is treatable  not curable” But what would it be like if there was a solution?  Is it possible?  We are led to believe a lie, when we give up hope  And obviously there is no quick fix or IC wouldn’t be a problem  But...

Oil Pulling and IC

As I’ve talked about in the past the pelvic bladder pain of the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) is related to the hot and mobile qualities being stuck in the pelvis  But why do some 60% of IC patients not go on to severe chronic symptoms?  The answer in short form is toxic load in the urinary system that prevents the qualities from naturally...

IC and Rejuvenative Herbs

I think it’s pretty much consensus that pharmaceuticals are not the panacea for IC and bladder pain.  At least that was my experience with the IC patients who I worked with.  Herbs offer an alternative to pharmaceuticals and we have discussed a number of them for use such as CCF tea, the use of turmeric in cooking, as well as aloe vera gel. Herbs fall into 3 categories when looking at their functional effects. ...

IC and Healing Time

How long does it take to heal IC using an energy science approach?  Obviously this is a common question posed by those doing energy science work for clearance of their IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD and fibromyalgia) As a child you may have asked, “Are we there yet?” and “Now are we there yet?”  So when will this IC be over?   The short answer is,...

IBS and Detoxification

The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, and fibromyalgia) and the pain of IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) are interrelated on an energy level because gut problems begin the imbalance that leads to IC symptoms   What happens in the gut in IBS eventually leads to problems in the urinary tract because the GIT’s(gastrointestinal tract) digestive power is compromised...

IC and Interstim

When confronted with a chronic disease two questions usually come up   1  Why is this happening to me?  2  How can I get relief from these miserable symptoms that are plaguing me day in and day out?   The first question will be difficult to answer based on the current model of healing and is based on theory And the second question is more to the point of “allow me to get comfortable so I can at least...

IC and Hyperacidity

You would do anything to deal with the pain of the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, and fibromyalgia) especially when flares occur so it would stand to reason that using an antacid of some form would be appropriate since for some it gives them relief of their heartburn but has also been anecdotally reported by some to help with their IC symptoms Interestingly acid...

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