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Debiliatating IC and IBS: What To Do for the Muco...

The matter science discipline has made the relationship between IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) and intersitial cystitis from population studies but due to its model of healing it has little to say about the association  It exists but we don’t know why The energy science model relates that the vast majority of disease begins in the GI tract  This is why nutrition becomes the first mainstay of therapy  Of course it...

Energetic Releasing Flares or More of the Same: A ...

From an energy science perspective nothing is static   You’re either getting better or getting worse  So when a flare occurs it can signal either energy being released(good) or more imbalance of the existing energy patterns that are causing the symptoms to begin with(not so good) How do you know the difference?  Often times you don’t but your history can give you the answer Before EW(Energy Work) Before you...

The Emotional Aspects of IC and Chronic Disease

Every once in a while I like to spotlight a question that comes from the community that brings up a particular aspect of IC that has not been addressed in previous blogs  Here is such a question on emotions and discussion about the issue Is there an emotional or suppressed emotion aspect of the disease? Have you seen psychosomatic types of patterns, would you recommend psychotherapy? Also, is there a connection between low...

Cooling Yoga Postures for IC

In keeping with our theme from last week, I wanted to discuss with you this week the use of yoga postures for irritable bowel syndrome(IBS), fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, and chronic prostatitis  All of these matter science disease labels are associated in high percentages with IC (Also for more information see the YouTube video at Yoga has been used as a discipline for healing at the Ayurvedic Institute...

Using the Breath for Healing IC

When in between the painful bladder flares of the IC bladder pain syndrome there are things that you can do to help support your recovery as you move along  One of the more important techniques are yogic breathing exercises Moving Biological Energy As I’ve discussed in the past you can either see your body as a collection of molecules or as an energy field  This is because you simultaneously coexist as both  From...

Toxicity and IC

The toxicity that we talk about in the environment is no different than the toxicity we create for ourselves The good news is that you can do something about it The IC bladder pain syndrome is associated with toxicity not just an energetic imbalance As a matter of fact every disease carries toxic load to the tissues  But the matter science molecular model practiced today doesn’t have a concept of toxicity until late in...

If Castor Application Doesn’t Work

There is a great energy around the use of castor with some people finding relief from its application to the lower abdomen for the painful bladder of IC syndrome(fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, HAS/GERD, IBS) But if that doesn’t work try a mixture of castor, mustard and flax oils as a combination(a third of each) The same application technique applies  You can use a covering cloth over the oils directly applied to the...

6 Things to Know About Dairy and IC

The products that are derived from milk can be  problematic  It’s based on who is taking them in when it comes to IC and the painful bladder syndrome these choices lead to inflammation  In the energy science world this is a dictum that is the premise to individualizing one’s food choices according to who is eating the food  All foods have the potential to make us sick if not chosen properly and this is...

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