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Acid Indigestion and IC: 3 Ways to Manage

You would do anything to deal with the pain of IC especially when flares occur so it would stand to reason that using an antacid of some form would be appropriate since for some it gives them relief of their heartburn but has also been anecdotally reported by some to help with their IC symptoms  But interestingly disease labels such as IBS, fibromyalgia, and even vulvodynia share the problems of too much heat in the...

Restoring Biological Innocence and Healing Disease

The energy body is composed of three types of energy using the energy science model of Ayurveda  As I have talked about in the past how it is articulated in other models such as the Traditional Oriental Medicine discipline is different but in essence it’s the same, the mindbody is being seen as an energy field, not a matter field The three energy patterns in the Ayurvedic model are Vata(energy of movement),...

The Benefit of Detoxification in the IC Bladder Pa...

In the last couple of months I have written intermittently to you about the energy science’s understanding of toxic load(called ama) that occurs with all disease  Since this kind of thinking is completely foreign to those of us following the matter science medical model, it represents a radical departure as to how we think about the origin and treatment of disease The bladder pain syndrome is such a complex of...

Compounding Choices: Why They Count in Your IC

Doing energy science work to heal is different than what you’ve been exposed to as you’ve wandered through the matter science world of medicine and nutrition  This is because it does its science differently but its recommendations are at least grounded on a system of thinking that spans thousands of years, not just decades  This approach to IC(interstitial cystititis….bladder pain syndrome), IBS, GERD,...

IC and Toxic Load: Where Does It Come From? 5 Thin...

In the energy science of Ayurveda there can be no disease without the presence of toxicity  In this discipline it’s called AMA(this doesn’t stand for the American Medical Association) which means undigested, unprocessed food  Hmmm, if I have unprocessed, undigested food hanging around in my GIT(GI tract) that must mean that my digestive capability is in some way impaired?  Bingo Toxicity and Disease So in the...

Saltwater or Freshwater Fish for IC?

IC with its associated inflammatory disease labels such as acid indigestion, GERD, chronic prostatitis, IBS, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia all have one thing in common  Inflammation so it behoves those to stay away from inflammatory foods  To figure out which those are, the energy scince looks at tastes In energy science nutrition there are six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent  Three of these are...

Antiinflammatory Care for IC: 3 Things

The pain of IC is related to pelvic inflammation particularly of the bladder   The flares that occur are related to the episodic increase in intensity of this inflammation So it stands to reason that the treatment for such a chronic disease would be antiinflammatory(AIF)   This is not rocket science, folks!   And there is a wide host of naturally occurring AIF   For example, tumeric is commonly used in cooking and is a...

Fermented Foods and IC: 3 Things To Do

It’s clear that foods can heal but the converse of this statement is also true:  Foods can make us sick  But why is it that Molly can eat certain foods and you can’t?  It has to do with the qualities that increase in Molly and the qualities that increase in you AND which qualities bring about balance for Molly and which cause imbalance for you We are all uniquely different and what brings about the painful...

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