From an energy science view the symptoms of interstitial cystitis(IC) are related to the hot quality among others The burning on urination that feels like razor blades, the suprapubic or vaginal pain, the perineal pain of prostatitis are all related to this energetic quality that is in excess
At this blog I have discussed extensively how the nutritional format is fundamental in clearing symptoms From my research 91% of patients doing aloe and a nutritional format that reduces this hot quality get 50% relief of symptoms in 6 weeks
But what else can you do from an energy science view to reduce symptoms? This is one of many unique contributions of Ayurveda in helping us not only understand disease but also how to ameliorate symptoms
Let’s feel ourselves next to the stove and feeling the hot quality from the stove top The hot quality is intense and you can’t stand it for very long without having to pull away What would it look like if you live an intense lifestyle, that is, the energy pattern of Pitta is in excess and has localized somewhere in your body, let’s say the bladder? You would be focused, driven and have a tendency for overworking, overeating, overexercising, and overachieving And have a painful bladder that flares every so often or the bladder is always painful
There is no rest for the weary when Pitta is in excess And this also becomes stressful for the body maintaining the symptoms of IC
Now for some this driven lifestyle doesn’t fit Your Pitta excess as seen in the hot quality may have come in other legitimate ways such as types of foods eaten but one thing I can say is that if you have IC with burning on urination then the you have found some way to accumulate this quality
It is now known that DNA is very malleable and changes with our choice making Inflammation is a phenomenon of DNA and so you can change inflammation and hence your IC by changing your behavior patterns that produce inflammation
A friend once said to me, “The work will always be there tomorrow” So avoiding burning the midnight oils for deadlines is an important step in helping control overwork But this business of overworking is at times difficult in the corporate world Setting times for bed is helpful: Vata needs the most rest so in bed by 10p and up 630-7a; Pitta 1030p and up 6a; Kapha in bed by 11p and up 5 to 530a If you don’t know your energy pattern you can do a questionnaire here
There is a tendency for Pitta to overeat due to hot quality and what it does to the appetite If you don’t eat your biggest meal of the day at noon you risk having an appetite that can get out of control due to the hot quality
Exercising in the hot midday sun is very provoking to Pitta Not only are you not taking advantage of the metabolic fire ready to digest your foods but you’re overheating the body in the hottest part of the day
Finally you’re familiar with the hot mental patterns of behavior such as anger, hostility, judgement, criticism, and impatience Interestingly if you do the nutritional work and pay attention to the behavioral guidelines these mental patterns will subside That is, if you find yourself being critical and judgmental it will lessen with time
1 Get proper rest as noted above according to the time schedules It’s common for the Pitta energy pattern to demand too much of the Vata pattern which is delicate like a flower and needs rest
2 Eat the biggest meal between 11a and 2p and make this a important part of the day for yourself Use the Green Composite Protein Recipe and use every day
3 Exercise in the early cool morning hours
4 Wear sunglasses on sunny days as this reduces the hot quality to the Pitta sensitive eyes
5 If you find yourself overheating in your environment, stop and figure out how to cool off
6 A harried lifestyle of Vata with the above makes the hot quality worse since the movement fans the intensity and heat of Pitta so slowing down by doing contemplative practices such as yoga for exercise or meditation can be helpful
7 Use the evening to wind down but try reducing the alcohol because this provokes the hot quality
In summary it’s not just one thing that you do that will bring your IC symptoms under control but it’s building on top of things It’s a cumulative effect that pays dividends in reducing symptoms over time The key is to be aware of the things that can provoke the hot quality to lifestyle behavior choices
The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) is an inflammatory condition associated with serological inflammatory markers It would make sense then that using an antiinflammatory nutritional format would be key This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions This unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can be used with squash, grain, and...
read moreInterstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...
read moreIn the energy science world of healing it’s not just one thing that you do that brings about healing but rather a multiplicity of therapies done over a period of time that leads to results in dealing with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD and fibromylagia) Foundational Work Healing is just like building a structure….it begins with a good foundation 1 Doing a Day in Balance…this means going to bed early and getting up early, eating your biggest meal at noon, and...
read moreIn contrast to the matter science discipline the mind and body are intimately spliced…what happens in the body happens in the mind and what happens in the mind happens in the body There is really no difference between mind and body In the matter science(molecules) mind is located in the brain but the mind has escaped according to the energy science Mind is located in every cell of the mindbody For many these days the emotional traumas or hurts are thrown into a big black bag that we carry around with us so we don’t have to...
read moreIn the energy science of Ayurveda there are basically two ways to deal with clinical problems such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstital cystitis, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, and irritable bowel syndrome) The first is palliative treatment The second level of treatment to deal with clinical problems involves balancing procedures which correct the imbalances that produce the tissue disturbance leading to the symptoms in the first place I’ve covered these methods in detail in previous blogs and will touch...
read moreIn the energy science of Ayurveda imbalance of qualities such as hot, cold, heavy, light affect the metabolic fire called agni When this happens the end result is a toxic morbid substance called ama This is essence is how disease occurs in the energy model discipline In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualities of mobile and hot lead to early symptoms of the disease complex but as progression occurs more qualities become involved and deeper tissues become...
read moreMarmani are actually acupuncture points and can be used for therapy in all medical conditions Like the renowned chakra points in yoga marmani can have profound physiologic impact over time because specific points influence specific organs such as the bladder and nervous system tissue in the pelvis The effect to these point can be accomplished with oils such as castor oil or herbal creams that have their impact on the marmani Castor oil is cooling when applied externally on the skin and we have talked about this in previous posts as a...
read moreThe inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before the...
read moreProbably one of the most challenging clinical conditions in medicine are those where physical pain plays a role in the chronic disesase Although there is always a psychological or emotional component to this pain, it is the physical pain that becomes so daunting This is the case in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) and what makes it so challenging for people afflicted But what makes it so challenging? Is it really the pain? Or is it something...
read moreHealing is a process that is poorly understood in our Western culture From an energy science point of view it requires time because it’s a release of accumulated toxicity which takes time The major interfering stumbling block in the process of healing is the mind Seemingly time isn’t a commodity that much of us have in this Vata whacked…ie excessive movement… society in which we live but if real healing is going to happen it will require that a person decides on the part of herself to spend time to do the...
read moreObviously this is a common question posed by those doing energy science work for clearance of their IC complex of bladder pain and possibly IBS, GERD and fibromyalgia
As a child you may have asked, “Are we there yet?” and “Now are we there yet?” So when will this IC be over? The short answer is, “It’s over when it’s over.” But to be more specific, in general it takes 2 months of release for every year of imbalance So if you have had symptoms of IC for 10 years it will take 20 months of work to clear the energy qualities that have accumulated
This would make sense wouldn’t it? The longer the imbalance the more work is required to get resolution This doesn’t mean that there will not be improvement of symptoms The flare intensity get less as the months go by and then the frequency lessens But real healing takes time!
The body is simultaneously a matter field and an energy field. The former expresses itself as molecules or particles and the latter as waves of energy So this is how the energy field expresses dis-ease In waves
Sound familiar? The waves are flares that occur in the body. And they continue to express themselves until you do something about it. Until you decide to intervene Otherwise the expression of the excess qualities will continue to occur
Because the matter field is a gross expression of the more subtle energy field, you now can see why dis-ease begins with qualities that then eventually become manifest as particles or molecules in the matter field This is why I can say with certainty that the matter science will never be able to heal IC with its molecular approach to dis-ease
Once the urinary tract is involved with the energy patterns of Vata and Pitta, the symptoms of Vata presence begin episodic expression of light, cold, rough, dry, and mobile which lead to urgency, frequency and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder Pitta’s presence of inflammation lead to burning on urination, burning pain in the pelvis, vagina, and even rectum due to the sharp, hot, liquid and spreading qualities
These qualities lodge in the urinary tract and express as energy or wave So the intermittent flares that occur in the body are waves of energetic expression
But what happens when you decide to do things to differently? You begin paying attention to your day and how you live it Energy science nutrition becomes important and you start seeing food as medicine You choose certain herbs that can help with IC and use them regularly
When you no longer support the overexpression of these qualities in the body by the foods that you eat, the body naturally begins letting go of these excess qualities of light, cold, rough, dry, mobile, sharp, hot, liquid and spreading This takes time but by and by there is lessening of the symptoms that the qualities brought and healing begins to occur
What you see is gradual regression of the symptoms They do not stop all at once There is a receding of the complex of symptoms much like the outgoing tide on the beach
The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) is an inflammatory condition associated with serological inflammatory markers It would make sense then that using an antiinflammatory nutritional format would be key This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions This unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can be used with squash, grain, and...
read moreInterstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...
read moreIn the energy science world of healing it’s not just one thing that you do that brings about healing but rather a multiplicity of therapies done over a period of time that leads to results in dealing with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD and fibromylagia) Foundational Work Healing is just like building a structure….it begins with a good foundation 1 Doing a Day in Balance…this means going to bed early and getting up early, eating your biggest meal at noon, and...
read moreIn contrast to the matter science discipline the mind and body are intimately spliced…what happens in the body happens in the mind and what happens in the mind happens in the body There is really no difference between mind and body In the matter science(molecules) mind is located in the brain but the mind has escaped according to the energy science Mind is located in every cell of the mindbody For many these days the emotional traumas or hurts are thrown into a big black bag that we carry around with us so we don’t have to...
read moreIn the energy science of Ayurveda there are basically two ways to deal with clinical problems such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstital cystitis, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, and irritable bowel syndrome) The first is palliative treatment The second level of treatment to deal with clinical problems involves balancing procedures which correct the imbalances that produce the tissue disturbance leading to the symptoms in the first place I’ve covered these methods in detail in previous blogs and will touch...
read moreIn the energy science of Ayurveda imbalance of qualities such as hot, cold, heavy, light affect the metabolic fire called agni When this happens the end result is a toxic morbid substance called ama This is essence is how disease occurs in the energy model discipline In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualities of mobile and hot lead to early symptoms of the disease complex but as progression occurs more qualities become involved and deeper tissues become...
read moreMarmani are actually acupuncture points and can be used for therapy in all medical conditions Like the renowned chakra points in yoga marmani can have profound physiologic impact over time because specific points influence specific organs such as the bladder and nervous system tissue in the pelvis The effect to these point can be accomplished with oils such as castor oil or herbal creams that have their impact on the marmani Castor oil is cooling when applied externally on the skin and we have talked about this in previous posts as a...
read moreThe inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before the...
read moreProbably one of the most challenging clinical conditions in medicine are those where physical pain plays a role in the chronic disesase Although there is always a psychological or emotional component to this pain, it is the physical pain that becomes so daunting This is the case in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) and what makes it so challenging for people afflicted But what makes it so challenging? Is it really the pain? Or is it something...
read moreHealing is a process that is poorly understood in our Western culture From an energy science point of view it requires time because it’s a release of accumulated toxicity which takes time The major interfering stumbling block in the process of healing is the mind Seemingly time isn’t a commodity that much of us have in this Vata whacked…ie excessive movement… society in which we live but if real healing is going to happen it will require that a person decides on the part of herself to spend time to do the...
read moreThe IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) produces not only bladder pain that can be intermittent(as in flares) but also often involves the vaginal canal(vulvodynia), pelvic floor muscles, and often the rectum And as is common with all people with IC there are some forms of bowel involvement with symptoms since from an energy science point of view the disease arises from the GI tract
IC is a systemic disease Many matter science medical authorities who write about IC agree that in some way it is a systemic disease but the current matter science medical model limits their thinking in how IC can be systemic
From the energy model perspective the energy patterns of primarily Vata and Pitta leave the GI (GERD and IBS)after being provoked usually by the foods consumed that are unbalancing, by using incompatible food combinations, and having particular lifestyle behavioral patterns that provoke
These energy patterns find weak and vulnerable areas in the physiology In the case of IC they initially cause imbalance in the rectum and then the spread to the pelvic nerves bringing about the symptoms of IC in the bladder The nerves can also affect the vagina and perineal floor as well As you can see in the accompanying anatomical diagram the vagina, bladder, and rectum are all intimately associated and the pelvic plexus that innervates all these contiguous structures You can also see how close everything is to the pelvic floor and why the pelvic muscles would also be involved
When the pelvic nerves are involved, the muscles and organs supplied by these nerves may go into spasm or become symptomatic secondary to the vibrational frequencies involving the pelvic plexus Hence physical therapy has been prescribed for IC pain that seems localized to the pelvic floor or for what appears to be pelvic floor dysfunction
As the pelvic nerves are part of the pelvic structures they can become involved due to the process of imbalance in the rectum When this happens, even if the bladder and vagina are targeted with herbal therapy, either by instillation or taking herbs by mouth, it may not be enough as the nerves are not in the path of the instillations but peripheral to them
1 The use of basti or medicated herbal enema therapy can be a hallmark therapy if the above disease process is understood The energy pattern of Vata is always involved in the IC bladder pain syndrome and always reduced by basti treatment Using other herbs can be effective in reducing the offending vibrational frequencies such as the hot(burning) and heavy, dull sensation in the pelvis The use of detoxification procedures is important as with most therapies
2 Intrarectal transdermal creams coupled with herbal memory nectars can be effective in reducing the imbalance Particularly the former can be effective in reduing the offending vibrational frequencies causing the bladder and vaginal symptoms Transrectal administration is best coupled detoxification procedures
3 Another energy science technique called pranayama(breathing exercies) can strengthen the pelvic muscles but at the same time can bring about clearance of abnormal accumulatons of energy that prevent the free flow of energy through the pelvic cavity The specific breath technique is called kapalabhati which can be seen at this link The individual demonstrating the technique is advanced but you can only start where you are Pay attention to those who should not practice this technique
When done with regularity and associated with other foundational work with attention placed on these techniques will help with the energy disturbance present in the pelvic cavity If you want more information on these therapies set up an appointment for consultation
The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) is an inflammatory condition associated with serological inflammatory markers It would make sense then that using an antiinflammatory nutritional format would be key This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions This unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can be used with squash, grain, and...
read moreInterstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...
read moreIn the energy science world of healing it’s not just one thing that you do that brings about healing but rather a multiplicity of therapies done over a period of time that leads to results in dealing with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD and fibromylagia) Foundational Work Healing is just like building a structure….it begins with a good foundation 1 Doing a Day in Balance…this means going to bed early and getting up early, eating your biggest meal at noon, and...
read moreIn contrast to the matter science discipline the mind and body are intimately spliced…what happens in the body happens in the mind and what happens in the mind happens in the body There is really no difference between mind and body In the matter science(molecules) mind is located in the brain but the mind has escaped according to the energy science Mind is located in every cell of the mindbody For many these days the emotional traumas or hurts are thrown into a big black bag that we carry around with us so we don’t have to...
read moreIn the energy science of Ayurveda there are basically two ways to deal with clinical problems such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstital cystitis, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, and irritable bowel syndrome) The first is palliative treatment The second level of treatment to deal with clinical problems involves balancing procedures which correct the imbalances that produce the tissue disturbance leading to the symptoms in the first place I’ve covered these methods in detail in previous blogs and will touch...
read moreIn the energy science of Ayurveda imbalance of qualities such as hot, cold, heavy, light affect the metabolic fire called agni When this happens the end result is a toxic morbid substance called ama This is essence is how disease occurs in the energy model discipline In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualities of mobile and hot lead to early symptoms of the disease complex but as progression occurs more qualities become involved and deeper tissues become...
read moreMarmani are actually acupuncture points and can be used for therapy in all medical conditions Like the renowned chakra points in yoga marmani can have profound physiologic impact over time because specific points influence specific organs such as the bladder and nervous system tissue in the pelvis The effect to these point can be accomplished with oils such as castor oil or herbal creams that have their impact on the marmani Castor oil is cooling when applied externally on the skin and we have talked about this in previous posts as a...
read moreThe inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before the...
read moreProbably one of the most challenging clinical conditions in medicine are those where physical pain plays a role in the chronic disesase Although there is always a psychological or emotional component to this pain, it is the physical pain that becomes so daunting This is the case in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) and what makes it so challenging for people afflicted But what makes it so challenging? Is it really the pain? Or is it something...
read moreHealing is a process that is poorly understood in our Western culture From an energy science point of view it requires time because it’s a release of accumulated toxicity which takes time The major interfering stumbling block in the process of healing is the mind Seemingly time isn’t a commodity that much of us have in this Vata whacked…ie excessive movement… society in which we live but if real healing is going to happen it will require that a person decides on the part of herself to spend time to do the...
read moreOver the last 20 years the interstitital cystitis(IC) complex of pelvic and bladder pain has been successfully treated by urologists with botox Initially used as a way to focally paralyze muscle fibers in the face as a cosmetic application, it quickly crossed many lines of therapy for use in other organ systems in the body to include the bladder
The use of the agent in bladder injection therapy is that the bladder and pelvic pain is related to muscle spasm in these respective areas that paralysis of the muscles would reduce the pain
In the disease of IC the matter science medical thinking in justifying botox’s use is that the pelvic pain and burning is caused by a neuromuscular event in the pelvic nerves And that the individual symptom complex(bladder pain in one, vaginal pain in another, pudendal nerve involvement leading to perineal pain in another) could be dealt with by botox injection into the offending pelvic nerves
The success reported using bladder injection therapy is for a number of conditions that have associated with the problem an overactive bladder(OAB) Neurologic conditions such as multiple sclerosis, bladder overactivity from traumatic cord injury, and nonapparent neurological disease such as urinary incontinence have been treated with good success
As I wrote in a recent post about the use of the interstim, the primary indication for botox and the interstim device appears to be OAB for whatever etiology Injection of the botox is usually done 20-30 sites in the bladder and those with an apparent Hunner’s ulcer would have direct and peripheral injection around the lesion
Of course spreading from the area of local injection can have potential lethal consequences(the number of FDA reported deaths linked to botox are rare given the usage, 28 since 2000 monitoring began) But what is more important are side effects that don’t result in respiratory distress such as swallowing and breathing problems
It’s clear that the pelvic accumulation and localization of the hot and mobile qualities in IC that I have discussed in the past come from the GI tract according to the energy science model of healing
The isolated botulinum toxin produced by a bacterium reduces specific muscle activity by blocking the overactive neural impulses that trigger excessive muscle contraction activity The use in IC is based on the theory that the spasm responsible for the IC pain is caused by overactive pelvic nerves that are irritable for some unknown reason
Localized injection into the bladder muscle may produce transient relief but long term relief from the condition leading to OAB may not deal with the global neuromuscular problem
There are basically two problems with botox injection therapy
1 If there is burning pain in the pelvis or the bladder with urination botox is unlikely to deal with the problem of interstitial cystitis Botox causes a neuromuscular blockade but will not deal with sensory changes such as burning
2 There is a belief in research circles that IC is actually a pelvic disorder not just involving the bladder Attempting to block a spastic pelvic floor would be futile and dangerous
So what causes these overactive pelvic nerves to occur in the first place? From an energy science perspective the pelvic neuromuscular complex is in a heightened state of activity due to the mobile quality and the burning shearing pain from the hot quality Trigger point injection to areas of pain may work transiently but as said earlier, one can’t inject the entire pelvic floor as these energetic qualities are throughout the pelvis including the bladder
The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) is an inflammatory condition associated with serological inflammatory markers It would make sense then that using an antiinflammatory nutritional format would be key This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions This unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can be used with squash, grain, and...
read moreInterstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...
read moreIn the energy science world of healing it’s not just one thing that you do that brings about healing but rather a multiplicity of therapies done over a period of time that leads to results in dealing with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD and fibromylagia) Foundational Work Healing is just like building a structure….it begins with a good foundation 1 Doing a Day in Balance…this means going to bed early and getting up early, eating your biggest meal at noon, and...
read moreIn contrast to the matter science discipline the mind and body are intimately spliced…what happens in the body happens in the mind and what happens in the mind happens in the body There is really no difference between mind and body In the matter science(molecules) mind is located in the brain but the mind has escaped according to the energy science Mind is located in every cell of the mindbody For many these days the emotional traumas or hurts are thrown into a big black bag that we carry around with us so we don’t have to...
read moreIn the energy science of Ayurveda there are basically two ways to deal with clinical problems such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstital cystitis, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, and irritable bowel syndrome) The first is palliative treatment The second level of treatment to deal with clinical problems involves balancing procedures which correct the imbalances that produce the tissue disturbance leading to the symptoms in the first place I’ve covered these methods in detail in previous blogs and will touch...
read moreIn the energy science of Ayurveda imbalance of qualities such as hot, cold, heavy, light affect the metabolic fire called agni When this happens the end result is a toxic morbid substance called ama This is essence is how disease occurs in the energy model discipline In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualities of mobile and hot lead to early symptoms of the disease complex but as progression occurs more qualities become involved and deeper tissues become...
read moreMarmani are actually acupuncture points and can be used for therapy in all medical conditions Like the renowned chakra points in yoga marmani can have profound physiologic impact over time because specific points influence specific organs such as the bladder and nervous system tissue in the pelvis The effect to these point can be accomplished with oils such as castor oil or herbal creams that have their impact on the marmani Castor oil is cooling when applied externally on the skin and we have talked about this in previous posts as a...
read moreThe inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before the...
read moreProbably one of the most challenging clinical conditions in medicine are those where physical pain plays a role in the chronic disesase Although there is always a psychological or emotional component to this pain, it is the physical pain that becomes so daunting This is the case in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) and what makes it so challenging for people afflicted But what makes it so challenging? Is it really the pain? Or is it something...
read moreHealing is a process that is poorly understood in our Western culture From an energy science point of view it requires time because it’s a release of accumulated toxicity which takes time The major interfering stumbling block in the process of healing is the mind Seemingly time isn’t a commodity that much of us have in this Vata whacked…ie excessive movement… society in which we live but if real healing is going to happen it will require that a person decides on the part of herself to spend time to do the...
read moreThe pain of your IC flare is related to the movement of the qualities of hot, mobile, and dry These qualities lead to the burning in the pelvis and on urination as well as the frequency and intense urgency you experience(leading to the rusty zipper syndrome)
These primordial vibrational frequencies(fancy term for qualities) are moving through a long tube in the mindbody This tube begins in the kidney and ends where the urine comes out when you urinate It’s that simple! Energy in the form of urine moves through this channel or tube from the kidney to the bladder and then out when urination occurs
The good news is that the energetic imbalance of the qualities of hot, mobile, and dry in IC occur in a channel not a tissue Why is this such good news? It’s much easier to correct an energetic imbalance in a tube or channel than it is in a dense multicellular tissue layer
Other examples of channels are the gastrointestinal tract(mouth to the anus), the respiratory tube(includes the nose, nasal sinuses, upper airway tubes, and lungs), the male and female genital channels, and the vascular network(both arterial and venous sides) Other channel disorders besides IC include GERD, IBS, and vulvodynia
There are other energy structures in the energy mindbody that are tissue layers The muscles of the mindbody are a dense energetic multicellular layer A lot can go wrong in such a complex structure and so it takes longer to correct a tissue layer problem Tissue layer disorders include fibromyalgia and chronic prostatitis
So we’re familiar with those people who develop IC and they have a brief experience with the symptoms but somehow or another there is a spontaneous resolution of the IC and they never have another problem with it A pure channel problem clears
But then there’s the mixture of channel and tissue energetic imbalance Here the IC becomes more complex Tissue imbalances involving hot, mobile, and dry become mixed with the channel imbalance of IC with the experience of the symptoms associated with the dis-ease
From an energy science view this explains the reason why many people don’t get spontaneous resolution but smoulder in the embers of chronic IC There is a mixture of energetic tissue imbalance coupled with the channel imbalance
Even though there is the energetic imbalance of hot, mobile, and dry in both the tissues and urinary tract channel or tube IC regardless is a channel dis-ease and will respond to treatments more quickly It doesn’t mean that the tissue energetic imbalances don’t have to be addressed They do
But they can be addressed as the symptoms from the urinary channel are resolved by such channel soothing herbs such as CCF tea and aloe vera gel Just visualize the aloe cooling the hot, mobile, and dry internal lining of the urinary tube just as it soothes the external skin when it’s burned
The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) is an inflammatory condition associated with serological inflammatory markers It would make sense then that using an antiinflammatory nutritional format would be key This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions This unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can be used with squash, grain, and...
read moreInterstitial cystitis (IC) pain is often associated with other conditions such food allergies or sensitivities or GERD which we have written about in the past This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of IC and how to treat it And it sometimes leads a real difficulty for IC patients in...
read moreIn the energy science world of healing it’s not just one thing that you do that brings about healing but rather a multiplicity of therapies done over a period of time that leads to results in dealing with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD and fibromylagia) Foundational Work Healing is just like building a structure….it begins with a good foundation 1 Doing a Day in Balance…this means going to bed early and getting up early, eating your biggest meal at noon, and...
read moreIn contrast to the matter science discipline the mind and body are intimately spliced…what happens in the body happens in the mind and what happens in the mind happens in the body There is really no difference between mind and body In the matter science(molecules) mind is located in the brain but the mind has escaped according to the energy science Mind is located in every cell of the mindbody For many these days the emotional traumas or hurts are thrown into a big black bag that we carry around with us so we don’t have to...
read moreIn the energy science of Ayurveda there are basically two ways to deal with clinical problems such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstital cystitis, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, and irritable bowel syndrome) The first is palliative treatment The second level of treatment to deal with clinical problems involves balancing procedures which correct the imbalances that produce the tissue disturbance leading to the symptoms in the first place I’ve covered these methods in detail in previous blogs and will touch...
read moreIn the energy science of Ayurveda imbalance of qualities such as hot, cold, heavy, light affect the metabolic fire called agni When this happens the end result is a toxic morbid substance called ama This is essence is how disease occurs in the energy model discipline In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualities of mobile and hot lead to early symptoms of the disease complex but as progression occurs more qualities become involved and deeper tissues become...
read moreMarmani are actually acupuncture points and can be used for therapy in all medical conditions Like the renowned chakra points in yoga marmani can have profound physiologic impact over time because specific points influence specific organs such as the bladder and nervous system tissue in the pelvis The effect to these point can be accomplished with oils such as castor oil or herbal creams that have their impact on the marmani Castor oil is cooling when applied externally on the skin and we have talked about this in previous posts as a...
read moreThe inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before the...
read moreProbably one of the most challenging clinical conditions in medicine are those where physical pain plays a role in the chronic disesase Although there is always a psychological or emotional component to this pain, it is the physical pain that becomes so daunting This is the case in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) and what makes it so challenging for people afflicted But what makes it so challenging? Is it really the pain? Or is it something...
read moreHealing is a process that is poorly understood in our Western culture From an energy science point of view it requires time because it’s a release of accumulated toxicity which takes time The major interfering stumbling block in the process of healing is the mind Seemingly time isn’t a commodity that much of us have in this Vata whacked…ie excessive movement… society in which we live but if real healing is going to happen it will require that a person decides on the part of herself to spend time to do the...
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