Everyone agrees that the pain of IC is related to inflammation but it may be surprising to find that all diseases from cancer to diabetes have an element of this inflammation And this is where we are at in our current understanding of disease from a matter or molecular science point of view And we as the signpost points are left with no direction
There are many painful molecules that have now been identified that produce inflammation in the mindbody We have identified many of these molecules But what causes them to begin to show up in the first place? The answer from the matter science is infection often times because foreign organisms incite a white cell response which produce this molecular inflammatory response
But IC is defined as a nonbacterial inflammatory response So no infection but inflammation nonetheless And we are all well aware of many different diseases that produce inflammation without infection such as rheumatoid arthritis
This is why at this point in time the matter science urologist has no answer for your IC No infection No Cure Treatable but not curable
If we take off our matter(molecule) science glasses and view the mindbody through energy field glasses we see the mindbody as an energy field
There are three necessary biologic energy patterns according to the science of Ayurveda: the energy of movement Vata, the energy of transformation Pitta, and the energy pattern of stability Kapha
As we discussed with you earlier inflammation is a result of excessive hot quality resulting in inflammation regardless of whether there is infection or not
When the energy pattern of Pitta becomes excessive(too much of the hot quality) then inflammation and the excruciating pain of IC is the result
Unless we’re breatharians we routinely do one thing every day: EAT This is why foods become so important in the management of this chronic condition labeled as IC “Label” is a specific term for the broader term inflammation Other labels used by the matter science urology tradition include chronic pelvic pain syndrome(CPPS) and chronic prostatitis
So you can do 3 things right now:
Go to foodsheal.com right now and take the quiz Then choose the appropriate nutritional format and print the pdf format off so you have it to follow
Read the incompatable food combination list and print off that file as well and post both on your refrigerator so you can reference them regularly Incompatible foods produce inflammation
Use aloe vera gel(not the juice) on a regular basis (2T three times per day) Take it to work, travel with it, and make a ritual out of its use Why? This herb reduces the hot quality(think of applying aloe on a hot sunburn) by using the opposite quality of cold
All disease except for trauma begins in the GIT and so this underscores why nutritional habits are so important But what nutritional habits? This is where the energy science can make its biggest contribution because the matter science molecular approach has no adequate model of disease So it becomes hit and miss recommendations So to heal the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromylagia) the foundational work of nutrition according to the energy science guidelines is very very...
read moreIn the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualites of hot and mobile amongst others become apparent It is the awareness of these qualities that tell us that something is “not right in river city” The sensation of hot leads to the burning sensation on urination or a feeling of burning in the vagina, prostate, or perineum This quality also leads to irritability, impatience, anger, resentments about the disease that’s being experienced The...
read moreImagination is necessary for healing the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) because it’s part of the creative process The creative process is not just in the realm of the arts but is part of the fabric of all human endeavor including the one that is closest to home called healing Healing is in reality an art form and we are the artists Such a perspective requires the recognition that we are the creator When we assume an artistic touch to our healing we...
read moreHealthy rest with chronic dis-ease is essential in healing because it takes more energy to heal The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) is such a chronic dis-ease complex of labels that can often be associated with sleep disruption Proper and sufficient sleep is essential for optimal health and without it, body and mind can suffer, particularly if chronic dis-ease is present But what actually is proper rest has a lot to do with who you are energetically The Ayurvedic...
read moreThe energy science model of dis-ease states that except for trauma every dis-ease or imbalance begins in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) Since this is the case we can appreciate how important foods become in the evolution of dis-ease and conversely how important foods become in the management and healing of dis-ease Correct food selection appropriate for own energy constitutional makeup along with incompatible food combinations become foundational in any dis-ease healing “I can’t believe that foods caused these...
read moreElmiron has become a very commonly used pharmaceutical in the management of interstitial cystitis which is part of the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) For any herbal or pharmaceutical intervention there is always a question overall effectiveness because of other interventions associated with use Nonetheless it has been shown to be effective in the management of interstitial cystitis Aloe vera has had a growing popularity in the IC community because of its...
read moreWhile naturally occurring yeast in our nutrition is healthy, in the West we have become excessive users of yeasted products primarily in the form of bread products and pastry This adversely affects the bowel flora or the microbiome of the gut because yeast overgrowth is a definite complication This is why yeasted bread products are listed in the No column in the energy science nutritional formats Energetically the sweet taste soothes the nervous system Even though we grow up with the sweet smell of oven baked bread and yearn for the...
read moreEvery healing tradition should have a philosophy and this is unfortunately missing in the matter science model This is one of the major reasons why our current medical system has run a wayward course It also explains why the energy science medical healing discipline has been around for 5,000 years Self Love and Healing The body has a purpose and that’s to be healthy When we become imbalanced with a dis-ease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia),...
read moreWould we think it unusual that someone involved in a severe car accident would walk out of the ICU in a couple of days looking well? In the same way would we think it ususual that someone with chronic disease would clear their symptoms in a couple of months? In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) illustrates various energetic imbalances in the energy mindbody while the matter science views the components of the syndrome as disease labels such as vulvodynia etc ...
read moreThe energy science of Ayurveda states that all that we observe including our own mindbodies are made of vibrational frequencies and from unified field theory this is how contemporary physics sees our reality There are 10 pairs of these frequencies called qualities and when they become increased in the physiology For example the hot and mobile qualities become increased in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) and may lead to the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) if the...
read moreIC pain and the pain of IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) are interrelated on an energy level because gut problems begin the imbalance that leads to IC symptoms What happens in the gut in IC eventually leads to problems in the urinary tract
To be aware of this is to begin the healing of painful IC flares Why? Because when you begin to understand the origins of your dis-ease then you can be empowered to take on the challenges to live the life you once had
And we have seen that there are often psychological similarities between those with IC and those with IBS
From an energy science medical view Nature is described in terms of the VPK(Vata Pitta Kapha) frame of reference Everything in Nature can be seen as these energy patterns and they’re composed of primary vibrational frequencies or qualities that contribute to their expression in the mindbody
As we have talked about in the past from an energy science view they represent who we are in the world and we’re varying proportions of these energy patterns of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha They are mindbody energy expressions or combined mental and physical characteristics And the pain of IC and IBS come as expressions of imbalances of the energy patterns of Vata and Pitta
When there is imbalance of the qualities of hot and mobile the Vata and Pitta energy patterns are provoked and may be expressed as IC and IBS first at the gut level then at the bladder This is the relationship between these two apparent dissimilar dis-eases
When you are in balance there is no excess of these qualities
When we are out of balance or unbalanced, using our example above there’s an excess of the qualities of mobile or hot In this way we would see more mobility of thought, movement, and the GI tract as in diarrhea; excessive hot in the GI tract suggesting acid indigestion or heartburn, headache, or the painful flares of IC
1 Take this energy pattern test and thank God you can’t fail the test!
2 Choose the nutritional format best for your energy mindbody makeup- you’ll see that when you take the quiz
3 Make a deal with yourself that you’ll do one thing to change something that is not consistent with the nutritional format you choose
All disease except for trauma begins in the GIT and so this underscores why nutritional habits are so important But what nutritional habits? This is where the energy science can make its biggest contribution because the matter science molecular approach has no adequate model of disease So it becomes hit and miss recommendations So to heal the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromylagia) the foundational work of nutrition according to the energy science guidelines is very very...
read moreIn the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualites of hot and mobile amongst others become apparent It is the awareness of these qualities that tell us that something is “not right in river city” The sensation of hot leads to the burning sensation on urination or a feeling of burning in the vagina, prostate, or perineum This quality also leads to irritability, impatience, anger, resentments about the disease that’s being experienced The...
read moreImagination is necessary for healing the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) because it’s part of the creative process The creative process is not just in the realm of the arts but is part of the fabric of all human endeavor including the one that is closest to home called healing Healing is in reality an art form and we are the artists Such a perspective requires the recognition that we are the creator When we assume an artistic touch to our healing we...
read moreHealthy rest with chronic dis-ease is essential in healing because it takes more energy to heal The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) is such a chronic dis-ease complex of labels that can often be associated with sleep disruption Proper and sufficient sleep is essential for optimal health and without it, body and mind can suffer, particularly if chronic dis-ease is present But what actually is proper rest has a lot to do with who you are energetically The Ayurvedic...
read moreThe energy science model of dis-ease states that except for trauma every dis-ease or imbalance begins in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) Since this is the case we can appreciate how important foods become in the evolution of dis-ease and conversely how important foods become in the management and healing of dis-ease Correct food selection appropriate for own energy constitutional makeup along with incompatible food combinations become foundational in any dis-ease healing “I can’t believe that foods caused these...
read moreElmiron has become a very commonly used pharmaceutical in the management of interstitial cystitis which is part of the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) For any herbal or pharmaceutical intervention there is always a question overall effectiveness because of other interventions associated with use Nonetheless it has been shown to be effective in the management of interstitial cystitis Aloe vera has had a growing popularity in the IC community because of its...
read moreWhile naturally occurring yeast in our nutrition is healthy, in the West we have become excessive users of yeasted products primarily in the form of bread products and pastry This adversely affects the bowel flora or the microbiome of the gut because yeast overgrowth is a definite complication This is why yeasted bread products are listed in the No column in the energy science nutritional formats Energetically the sweet taste soothes the nervous system Even though we grow up with the sweet smell of oven baked bread and yearn for the...
read moreEvery healing tradition should have a philosophy and this is unfortunately missing in the matter science model This is one of the major reasons why our current medical system has run a wayward course It also explains why the energy science medical healing discipline has been around for 5,000 years Self Love and Healing The body has a purpose and that’s to be healthy When we become imbalanced with a dis-ease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia),...
read moreWould we think it unusual that someone involved in a severe car accident would walk out of the ICU in a couple of days looking well? In the same way would we think it ususual that someone with chronic disease would clear their symptoms in a couple of months? In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) illustrates various energetic imbalances in the energy mindbody while the matter science views the components of the syndrome as disease labels such as vulvodynia etc ...
read moreThe energy science of Ayurveda states that all that we observe including our own mindbodies are made of vibrational frequencies and from unified field theory this is how contemporary physics sees our reality There are 10 pairs of these frequencies called qualities and when they become increased in the physiology For example the hot and mobile qualities become increased in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) and may lead to the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) if the...
read moreAs you know the pelvic pain from IC can be so severe that it precludes having normal sexual activity In a survey done through the ICA organization 90% of IC patients report problems with intimacy And the majority of women(50-85%) have associated vulvodynia or pain specifically related to the vagina
The fear of bringing on the pain and a flare can lead to avoidance and resulting isolation
Some have reported breaking into a cold sweat due to anxiety just with foreplay And this can obviously put a severe strain on a marital relationship unless one is fortunate to have an understanding spouse who doesn’t want to inflict pain to his best friend
But for others it can lead to failed relationships or inability to find new ones As one IC patient told me, “I feel like I’m damaged goods” Others express a sense of loss of womanhood much as men are fearful of the same for themselves
As we know the matter science approach to the chronic IC problem is unfortunately not helpful since this model doesn’t deal with chronic disease well
But sexual intimacy need not be dead The energy science can successfully deal with pelvic pain and hence restore intimacy once again
We have discussed the energy and matter science approaches in doing their work The energy science approach is about balance of qualities; too much hot(responsible for the shearing pain) balanced by delivering the cold; too much subtle balanced by the gross quality(the energy field is subtle and the matter biological field gross); too much mobile(responsible for the urinary frequency and pain) balanced by the stable or static quality
In energy science parlance we can call these qualities primordial vibrational frequencies
So the symptoms of IC in the pelvis from an energy science view is related to an imbalance of qualities Now you can see how different these two healing disciplines are when we compare their ways of doing their science
There are many different tools available from the energy science of Ayurveda to balance the qualities that are imbalanced and localized in the pelvis Of course the foundation is changing one’s nutritional format and looking at poor food combinations that we have talked about in the recent past
But there are other energy science treatment options to explore for vaginal pain Herbal supplements can be used orally or topically In matter science circles the use of suppositories as a means of delivering pharmaceuticals is commonly done today Along those lines herbs can be delivered rectally in the form of a low volume enema called basti in the energy science terminology
I have managed patients who have reported remarkable results with medicated enema I have even had an IC patient report to me that she was having so much pressure that she tried an enema and much to her surprise experienced relief of pelvic symptoms at least for awhile
So if we see the mindbody with fresh eyes we will make available to ourselves new modes of treatment that can bring about astounding results
All disease except for trauma begins in the GIT and so this underscores why nutritional habits are so important But what nutritional habits? This is where the energy science can make its biggest contribution because the matter science molecular approach has no adequate model of disease So it becomes hit and miss recommendations So to heal the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromylagia) the foundational work of nutrition according to the energy science guidelines is very very...
read moreIn the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualites of hot and mobile amongst others become apparent It is the awareness of these qualities that tell us that something is “not right in river city” The sensation of hot leads to the burning sensation on urination or a feeling of burning in the vagina, prostate, or perineum This quality also leads to irritability, impatience, anger, resentments about the disease that’s being experienced The...
read moreImagination is necessary for healing the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) because it’s part of the creative process The creative process is not just in the realm of the arts but is part of the fabric of all human endeavor including the one that is closest to home called healing Healing is in reality an art form and we are the artists Such a perspective requires the recognition that we are the creator When we assume an artistic touch to our healing we...
read moreHealthy rest with chronic dis-ease is essential in healing because it takes more energy to heal The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) is such a chronic dis-ease complex of labels that can often be associated with sleep disruption Proper and sufficient sleep is essential for optimal health and without it, body and mind can suffer, particularly if chronic dis-ease is present But what actually is proper rest has a lot to do with who you are energetically The Ayurvedic...
read moreThe energy science model of dis-ease states that except for trauma every dis-ease or imbalance begins in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) Since this is the case we can appreciate how important foods become in the evolution of dis-ease and conversely how important foods become in the management and healing of dis-ease Correct food selection appropriate for own energy constitutional makeup along with incompatible food combinations become foundational in any dis-ease healing “I can’t believe that foods caused these...
read moreElmiron has become a very commonly used pharmaceutical in the management of interstitial cystitis which is part of the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) For any herbal or pharmaceutical intervention there is always a question overall effectiveness because of other interventions associated with use Nonetheless it has been shown to be effective in the management of interstitial cystitis Aloe vera has had a growing popularity in the IC community because of its...
read moreWhile naturally occurring yeast in our nutrition is healthy, in the West we have become excessive users of yeasted products primarily in the form of bread products and pastry This adversely affects the bowel flora or the microbiome of the gut because yeast overgrowth is a definite complication This is why yeasted bread products are listed in the No column in the energy science nutritional formats Energetically the sweet taste soothes the nervous system Even though we grow up with the sweet smell of oven baked bread and yearn for the...
read moreEvery healing tradition should have a philosophy and this is unfortunately missing in the matter science model This is one of the major reasons why our current medical system has run a wayward course It also explains why the energy science medical healing discipline has been around for 5,000 years Self Love and Healing The body has a purpose and that’s to be healthy When we become imbalanced with a dis-ease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia),...
read moreWould we think it unusual that someone involved in a severe car accident would walk out of the ICU in a couple of days looking well? In the same way would we think it ususual that someone with chronic disease would clear their symptoms in a couple of months? In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) illustrates various energetic imbalances in the energy mindbody while the matter science views the components of the syndrome as disease labels such as vulvodynia etc ...
read moreThe energy science of Ayurveda states that all that we observe including our own mindbodies are made of vibrational frequencies and from unified field theory this is how contemporary physics sees our reality There are 10 pairs of these frequencies called qualities and when they become increased in the physiology For example the hot and mobile qualities become increased in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) and may lead to the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) if the...
read moreThe sour taste provokes painful IC flares The problem is that acidity is hidden away in matter science dietary recommendations It’s also widely known that cultural diets that favor a more alkaline nature tend to promote within cultures greater longevity (eg Asian diets)
Animal based protein diets which are high in acidity(fatty acids) demonstrate decreased longevity From an energy science perspective this is not about vegetarianism; it’s about what increasing amounts of acid loading does to person Not only does increased dietary sour decrease longevity, but it can provoke painful IC flares
Energetically the sour taste is the acid taste in Nature so from an energy science nutritional view meats rich in fatty acids are not the only culprits
Any acid in food carries energetically the sour taste Even though we consider sour fruits acidic due to the citric acid(eg grapefruit), we don’t think of tomato(primarily in the seeds), banana, nuts, mayonnaise, red meat(dark chicken, dark turkey, beef, duck, lamb, and pork) and egg yolk as sour Even though they don’t taste sour, energetically they physiologically produce the effects of sour For more guidance you can go to icdiet.com or foodsheal.com for a more complete list
From an energy science view all six tastes should be present at a meal for it to be balancing so a wee bit of sour is not a problem as experienced say in a churan
For Pitta Vata(PV) some the sour taste is important in moderation – not all the time but 1-2x per week
For a Pitta Kapha(PK) energy makeup the sour taste should be kept to a minimum
What happens when the physiology sees too much of the sour taste? Energetically we find inflammation such as seen in IC, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia in the body and psychologically there is judgement, criticality, jealousy, and hate
As we can see the sour taste can lead to degenerative changes even in PV due to the inflammatory nature of the taste if it becomes excessive for that particular physiological pattern
A simple rule: Eat according to your specific mindbody energy pattern
All disease except for trauma begins in the GIT and so this underscores why nutritional habits are so important But what nutritional habits? This is where the energy science can make its biggest contribution because the matter science molecular approach has no adequate model of disease So it becomes hit and miss recommendations So to heal the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromylagia) the foundational work of nutrition according to the energy science guidelines is very very...
read moreIn the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualites of hot and mobile amongst others become apparent It is the awareness of these qualities that tell us that something is “not right in river city” The sensation of hot leads to the burning sensation on urination or a feeling of burning in the vagina, prostate, or perineum This quality also leads to irritability, impatience, anger, resentments about the disease that’s being experienced The...
read moreImagination is necessary for healing the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) because it’s part of the creative process The creative process is not just in the realm of the arts but is part of the fabric of all human endeavor including the one that is closest to home called healing Healing is in reality an art form and we are the artists Such a perspective requires the recognition that we are the creator When we assume an artistic touch to our healing we...
read moreHealthy rest with chronic dis-ease is essential in healing because it takes more energy to heal The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) is such a chronic dis-ease complex of labels that can often be associated with sleep disruption Proper and sufficient sleep is essential for optimal health and without it, body and mind can suffer, particularly if chronic dis-ease is present But what actually is proper rest has a lot to do with who you are energetically The Ayurvedic...
read moreThe energy science model of dis-ease states that except for trauma every dis-ease or imbalance begins in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) Since this is the case we can appreciate how important foods become in the evolution of dis-ease and conversely how important foods become in the management and healing of dis-ease Correct food selection appropriate for own energy constitutional makeup along with incompatible food combinations become foundational in any dis-ease healing “I can’t believe that foods caused these...
read moreElmiron has become a very commonly used pharmaceutical in the management of interstitial cystitis which is part of the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) For any herbal or pharmaceutical intervention there is always a question overall effectiveness because of other interventions associated with use Nonetheless it has been shown to be effective in the management of interstitial cystitis Aloe vera has had a growing popularity in the IC community because of its...
read moreWhile naturally occurring yeast in our nutrition is healthy, in the West we have become excessive users of yeasted products primarily in the form of bread products and pastry This adversely affects the bowel flora or the microbiome of the gut because yeast overgrowth is a definite complication This is why yeasted bread products are listed in the No column in the energy science nutritional formats Energetically the sweet taste soothes the nervous system Even though we grow up with the sweet smell of oven baked bread and yearn for the...
read moreEvery healing tradition should have a philosophy and this is unfortunately missing in the matter science model This is one of the major reasons why our current medical system has run a wayward course It also explains why the energy science medical healing discipline has been around for 5,000 years Self Love and Healing The body has a purpose and that’s to be healthy When we become imbalanced with a dis-ease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia),...
read moreWould we think it unusual that someone involved in a severe car accident would walk out of the ICU in a couple of days looking well? In the same way would we think it ususual that someone with chronic disease would clear their symptoms in a couple of months? In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) illustrates various energetic imbalances in the energy mindbody while the matter science views the components of the syndrome as disease labels such as vulvodynia etc ...
read moreThe energy science of Ayurveda states that all that we observe including our own mindbodies are made of vibrational frequencies and from unified field theory this is how contemporary physics sees our reality There are 10 pairs of these frequencies called qualities and when they become increased in the physiology For example the hot and mobile qualities become increased in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) and may lead to the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) if the...
read moreThe symptoms from the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) can get ramped up during the summer months due to the hot quality that gets even more expressed We’ve chosen eleven ingredients we like that cool Pitta dosha particularly during the hot summer months If we’ve missed one of your favorites, please let us know in the comment section below
1. Coconut
There are so many ways to use coconut and so many coconut products to enjoy – coconut water, coconut non-dairy milk and the traditional coconut flakes. Be aware that the oil, while it is certainly cooling, is not recommended for Vata and Kapha
2. Cilantro
Use as a garnish, stir chopped cilantro into a soup or toss with your salad greens.
3. Mint
Mint makes an amazing tea, loved by many. Toss fresh mint into your salad, on fruit or dessert.
4. Fennel
Fennel is wonderfully aromatic with its anise or licorice scent. Saute the seeds in oil to add to your favorite soups or stews. Add the powder to your chai or favorite hot beverage, or sprinkle onto your salad or dinner entree.
5. Rose Water
Add a dash to smoothies, rice puddings or a bowl of fruit. Substitute rose water for vanilla extract in recipes.
6. Pomegranate Molasses
The sugar that condenses when pomegranate juice is cooked forms pomegranate molasses and is quite heavenly. Add to salad dressings, dips and spreads, and use in marinades.
7. Sunflower Oil
This oil is traditionally used externally in Ayurveda as a cooling oil for Pitta. Enjoy sunflower oil as a substitute for vegetable oil. It is mild and light.
8. Maple Syrup
Use this cooling sweetener as you would any sugar. Would also be delicious in salad dressings and marinades.
9. Ghee
Ghee is clarified butter. It is beneficial for all three doshas (kaphas should use in moderation). It is delicious and easy to make. Use as you would butter or oil.
10. Turmeric
Turmeric has certainly seen a lot of press the past few years for it’s amazing health benefits. And fortunately it’s not difficult to add to your diet. Rice dishes, or potato or egg salads all taste delicious with some added turmeric. And of course there is curry!
11 Chyawanprash is a tasty Ayurvedic jam usually taken with warm water, milk, milk substitute whose prinicipal ingredient is amla derived from a berry that has very high Vitamin C but is not acidic It’s very valuable in high Pitta conditions and therefore antiinflammatory Here’s a link http://goo.gl/NMly6a
All disease except for trauma begins in the GIT and so this underscores why nutritional habits are so important But what nutritional habits? This is where the energy science can make its biggest contribution because the matter science molecular approach has no adequate model of disease So it becomes hit and miss recommendations So to heal the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromylagia) the foundational work of nutrition according to the energy science guidelines is very very...
read moreIn the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) the qualites of hot and mobile amongst others become apparent It is the awareness of these qualities that tell us that something is “not right in river city” The sensation of hot leads to the burning sensation on urination or a feeling of burning in the vagina, prostate, or perineum This quality also leads to irritability, impatience, anger, resentments about the disease that’s being experienced The...
read moreImagination is necessary for healing the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) because it’s part of the creative process The creative process is not just in the realm of the arts but is part of the fabric of all human endeavor including the one that is closest to home called healing Healing is in reality an art form and we are the artists Such a perspective requires the recognition that we are the creator When we assume an artistic touch to our healing we...
read moreHealthy rest with chronic dis-ease is essential in healing because it takes more energy to heal The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) is such a chronic dis-ease complex of labels that can often be associated with sleep disruption Proper and sufficient sleep is essential for optimal health and without it, body and mind can suffer, particularly if chronic dis-ease is present But what actually is proper rest has a lot to do with who you are energetically The Ayurvedic...
read moreThe energy science model of dis-ease states that except for trauma every dis-ease or imbalance begins in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) Since this is the case we can appreciate how important foods become in the evolution of dis-ease and conversely how important foods become in the management and healing of dis-ease Correct food selection appropriate for own energy constitutional makeup along with incompatible food combinations become foundational in any dis-ease healing “I can’t believe that foods caused these...
read moreElmiron has become a very commonly used pharmaceutical in the management of interstitial cystitis which is part of the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) For any herbal or pharmaceutical intervention there is always a question overall effectiveness because of other interventions associated with use Nonetheless it has been shown to be effective in the management of interstitial cystitis Aloe vera has had a growing popularity in the IC community because of its...
read moreWhile naturally occurring yeast in our nutrition is healthy, in the West we have become excessive users of yeasted products primarily in the form of bread products and pastry This adversely affects the bowel flora or the microbiome of the gut because yeast overgrowth is a definite complication This is why yeasted bread products are listed in the No column in the energy science nutritional formats Energetically the sweet taste soothes the nervous system Even though we grow up with the sweet smell of oven baked bread and yearn for the...
read moreEvery healing tradition should have a philosophy and this is unfortunately missing in the matter science model This is one of the major reasons why our current medical system has run a wayward course It also explains why the energy science medical healing discipline has been around for 5,000 years Self Love and Healing The body has a purpose and that’s to be healthy When we become imbalanced with a dis-ease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia),...
read moreWould we think it unusual that someone involved in a severe car accident would walk out of the ICU in a couple of days looking well? In the same way would we think it ususual that someone with chronic disease would clear their symptoms in a couple of months? In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) illustrates various energetic imbalances in the energy mindbody while the matter science views the components of the syndrome as disease labels such as vulvodynia etc ...
read moreThe energy science of Ayurveda states that all that we observe including our own mindbodies are made of vibrational frequencies and from unified field theory this is how contemporary physics sees our reality There are 10 pairs of these frequencies called qualities and when they become increased in the physiology For example the hot and mobile qualities become increased in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) and may lead to the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) if the...
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