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Getting In Touch

Considering An Appointment?   What You Need To Know

Get on our growing IC community support network by signing up in the box on this page providing your name and email and obtain my free report to get started healing and eventually curing IC pain for good  Healing IC can be accomplished but it requires time, dedication, and commitment on your part to do the work which will bring about lasting change

As you may know people afflicted with the IC bladder pain syndrome fall into 3 categories  First are those that by simply changing some lifestyle behavior patterns and nutrition is enough to deal with the problem  Second are those who change their symptoms with more work and with time they can control their symptoms  Third are those who are incapacitated with their symptoms and require expert guidance to effect change

The energy science of Ayurveda has many tools and methods to help with your IC bladder pain syndrome  Basic tools that are outlined in the blogs such as the nutritional formats for IC, CCF tea, kitchari, avoiding incompatible food combinations, and improving agni and digestive strength are things that you can do that provides a good platform to begin the healing process of the IC bladder pain syndrome

But as you might see these basic tools may not be enough to control symptoms  This is when guidance is needed to do certain therapies that require formulations of herbs, techniques to administer the herbs, and many other methods that are beyond the scope of the blog posts done on a weekly basis  All of this directed work will pay dividends and you will get better with control of your symptoms

The appointments can be done in an office setting but most often the assessments and appointments are done through a Skype computer connection  It’s simple to set up and I can lead you through this   Even physical assessment of the pulse can be done through the calls

One Time Appointment

To help with solving problems or questions that need answers about the energy science approach that are immediately pressing  The fee for this is $170 for 90 minute consultation service

3 Month Commitment

Schedule an initital 90 minute consultation to clarify and define your long range health goals to cure IC and improve your overall long term health   This involves at least a 3 month commitment  Weekly journal entries are useful to keep me up to date with your progress and unlimited email access is available in between appointments to answer questions and clarify experiences that you are having  The initial fee of $170 is for time involved in understanding your health problem(s) and putting a chart together in order to talk about your issues  Subsequent visits are $120 each appointment and should not be at least every 4 weeks  Experience has shown that extended periods of time between visits are not conducive to proper management and monitoring

Payment is done through a PayPal account


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