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IC and Healing Emotional Hurts

IC and Healing Emotional Hurts

bigstock_Decision_Making_3544162In contrast to the matter science discipline the mind and body are intimately spliced…what happens in the body happens in the mind and what happens in the mind happens in the body  There is really no difference between mind and body  In the matter science(molecules) mind is located in the brain but the mind has escaped according to the energy science  Mind is located in every cell of the mindbody

For many these days the emotional traumas or hurts are thrown into a big black bag that we carry around with us so we don’t have to look at them  In the energy science that big black bag where we throw our undigested, unprocessed, thoughts, feelings, and emotions is the subconscious and the physical space anatomically where our subconscious is located is the fascia, a vast supporting connective tissue network of the body  As we accumulate more and more emotional “garbage” our fascia becomes tight, dense, inflexible, and rigid  It is no wonder that as we age we get more and more inflexible and stiff because we don’t process all of this undigested, unprocessed emotional “stuff”

Dealing with Emotional Hurts

This has enormous implications in healing emotional and/or psychological trauma because counseling can only go so far with the deep seated emotional problems that we are hiding from  And then there is the mind’s ability to deny that anything is wrong anyway  The mind and more specifically the ego actually averts our attention away from trauma we have experienced in the past

Simple day to day emotional hurts can be related to longstanding issues that we have never looked at before  And the first step in the process is complete and total acceptance of what is

Doing physical work deals with mind problems

The energy science model allows us to treat this in a number of different ways….marmani, meditation, pranayama, mantra, and herbs

As we have talked about in the past the marma system of the Ayurvedic discipline is analagous to the acupuncture system in the Oriental medicine discipline  Marmani are localized concentrations of mind topographically located on the skin in specific locations of the mindbody  Since they are mind localized to specific points we can use them to treat the mind using herbs

Meditation is important to quiet the mind so we can get to acceptance and be able to look at the emotional hurts in a more objective way without fear, criticism, judgement, anger, or passivity  The use of mantra(an instrument of the mind) can also help settle the mind

Pranayama is the use of the breath for healing and can be meditative but also can be used to support improving the heart’s agni or ability to digest unprocessed, undigested thoughts, feelings and emotions

All of this takes time and discipline but real healing always requires this of us

What does this have to do with the IC baldder pain syndrome?  Amazingly those imbalances that are causing the syndrome are the same imbalances that are causing the emotional hurts…deal with one and you’ll deal with the other


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