The IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) has many different causes When everything has been ruled out with CT scan, cytology, and cystoscopy then the urologist is left with the diagnosis of IC bladder pain syndrome So the evaluation of IC pain is a diagnosis of exclusion
To the astute clinician often the symptom complex of IC stands out from other pelvic pain complexes having nuances that separate them apart from the IC label Be that as it may it still is important to have studies done to be sure what you are dealing with IC
Then you can be rest assured that an energy science healing approach will clear your problem, symptom free and able to live a normal life
I am so certain of this approach that I can say that if you’re doing this energy science work and you don’t notice a change in your symptoms or reduction in flares in 3 months you should return to your urologist and have studies repeated
I have seen patients in the past who even had a clear Hunner’s ulcer in the bladder by endoscopy and a complete workup who continued to have recurrent symptoms She failed to return on appt times and later I found a high grade cancer of the ureter
So it’s incumbent upon you to followup with your urologist despite supportive findings of IC if you don’t get better with the energy science approach
One thing to note about improvement is that the intervals between flares becomes longer, the intensity of the flare lessens, or both The below diagram shows what happens as you reduce the imbalance of the hot quality
As you can see the apex of the graph depicts symptoms of the pain complex represented as spikes but as you make conscious choices to bring about cooling the physiology by nutrition and many other energy science techniques the flares lessen and lessen until they are negligible
Go to right now and take the quiz Then choose the appropriate nutritional format and print the pdf format off so you have it to follow
Read the incompatable food combination list and print off that file as well and post both on your refrigerator so you can reference them regularly Incompatible foods produce inflammation
Use aloe vera gel(not the juice) on a regular basis (2T three times per day) Take it to work, travel with it, and make a ritual out of its use Why? This herb reduces the hot quality(think of applying aloe on a hot sunburn) by using the opposite quality of cold
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