It’s long been held that genes are fixed and if we have genetic predisposition to specific diseases in our family gene pool that there is a strong likelihoold that we’ll experience the same Common examples come to mind Alcoholism, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, prostate cancer, and even the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) or components of the syndrome are inheritable
But the matter science model of disease is coming to the realization that all disease is genetic at some level And that’s because even our behaviors which lead to diseases are genetically driven So when we are addicted to cigarettes, the genetically driven addiction leads to in some cases lung cancer Or our genetically driven choices regarding the foods we eat lead to the IC bladder pain syndrome
But we need not fee victimized by our genes Only 5% of the time do our genes become the responsible agent for disease The other 95% of the time genes play an influential role in the disease process but don’t actually cause the disease In other words biology doesn’t spell our destiny
It turns out that genes are highly active to influences around us and, yes, within us The whole mindbody through its genes are always listening to what’s going on in the environment which causes our gene expression to change on a moment to moment basis Cold or hot weather affects gene expression, life events such as work stress and parking tickets, the foods that we eat, the entertainment choices that we make all impact our gene expression for the better or worse leading eventually to disease
We are constantly tallking to our genes with every thought, word, and action
From the energy science point of view mind is in every cell of the mindbody and resides in our DNA or our genetic pool
So the question becomes “What’s favorable genetic input and unfavorable genetic input” There are specific guidelines that the energy science helps us
1 When we settle the mind we settle our genes Meditation produces a calm, peaceful, clear mind that reduces anxiety, fear, loneliness, insecurity, anger, impatience, lethargy, and indecision A peaceful mind creates a stable genetic structure established in groundedness when exposed to chaos As we remember the more activity that is going on in the mindbody the more there is genetic activity The more genetic activity the more room for genetic mistakes This exposes us to the risk of creating genetic disease out of frenzied lifestyle behaviors
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