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IC and Getting Upset: 7 Ways to Change the Course of the Disease

IC and Getting Upset:  7 Ways to Change the Course of the Disease

Poor rest with alarm clockThe energy science of Ayurveda tells us that all of Nature including ourselves are composed of vibrational frequencies or qualities  These qualities are arranged into energy patterns of Vata Pitta and Kapha  The Pitta energy pattern is one of transformation  Anything that happens in the mindbody that requires transformation is under the guise of this energy pattern of Pitta  For example, enzymes that transform a piece of broccoli into heart, brain, and lung cells are expressions of the Pitta energy pattern  As you’re reading this your Pitta is transforming this information and changing you in a subtle way, hopefully for the better

When people get angry, upset, irritated, or impatient they’re experiencing the Pitta energy pattern  Often the reason why these emotions come up is because there is too much of the vibrational frequencies of Pitta in the physiology, usually the hot quality  And as a matter of fact, the burning experienced with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) is a result of too much of this hot quality

But we can use this energy pattern of Pitta to energize us to get off point zero and take action  Adding this heat to our mental framework can push us in the direction of transformation  Here are 9 suggestions that we can think of…and perhaps more….to help us move to transforming our problem of the IC bladder pain syndrome into health

 9 Steps to Transforming Mental Lethargy

1 Decide for yourself that a new way of doing things(energy science approach) is worth a try

Get angry  “Im fed up with this and can’t take any more of this nonsense in my life”  Engage your Pitta energy to get transformative about doing something about your imbalance

Be ready to do the work over time to make a difference  Realize that there’s no quick fix  Nutrition is a piece of the healing puzzle Watching out for incompatible food combinations is part of the healing puzzle  It’s not just one thing that produces the results you’re looking for in energy science work…it’s a culmination of a multiplicity of things that brings about healing of IC because all the self directed work that you is synergistic in producing a result

4 Use breath techniques to energize the physiology and improve motivation  The Kapha energy pattern keeps us stuck in ruts so using breath techniques to reduce this energy pattern can be beneficial

5 Use the neti pot technique to reduce the Kapha energy pattern as in the above

6 Use nasya oil to help shift mental patterns of behavior

7 Get support to help you move along in this direction  The hardest thing that people undertake in their lives is changing lifestyle behaviors that don’t help them in their quest to better health  Having someone to support you in making these changes can be helpful  It is best not to use a friend but someone who is more at a distance so that they can be rigorous in helping change patterns of behavior

8 Avoiding distractions which often take our attention away from the healing task at hand  There are so many things in our lives vying for our attention  Sales at department stores, the new entries on Facebook, responding to emails  The more we can reduce these distractions the more we can pay attention to the work at hand

9 Use your imagination and creativity as to how to do transformative work  For example, asking yourself what you can do to motivate yourself to do healing work can lead you into areas you hadn’t thought of before



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