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IC and the Synergy of Healing: Adding onto the Energetic Effect

IC and the Synergy of Healing:  Adding onto the Energetic Effect

“Ok give me the one thing that’s going to clear this IC thing that I have” typically goes the refrain going through our minds as we try to figure it what to do

Heart synergyAnd while we have been programmed to believe that it’s that one pill, the one operation, the one piece of advice that’s going to turn the corner, it’s really not that way  It may be that in an acute situation such as appendicitis that the immediate action of removing the appendix fixes the problem  But even in that clinical scenario there is the need for doing things after the operation to fully recover  In the management of chronic diseases such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) this process of needing to do more than one thing in order to evoke a healing response becomes even more apparent

The Energy Science Approach to Healing

In order to evoke a change toward real healing the mindbody needs to know that we’re serious about wanting to turn things around for us and move in a different direction  Toward balance in this situation This means that there needs to be not only consistency in our actions but also a willingness to pile on the energetic effects produced by our actions

For example we might feel a tad bit better by introducing nutritional changes that bring about more physiologic balance  Bringing about more balance to the physiology occurs when we stop adding to our imbalances  For example, if we happen to have a Pitta Kapha energy constitutional make up then nuts are not a good choice for us because they carry the vibrational frequencies of heavy, slow, oily, static, and cloudy  When we stop introducing these qualities of nuts into our physiology then the mindbody begins to shed those qualities that we were consistently putting into our mindbody

So we stop adding to the imbalance that is creating our ill health  That’s a good thing…changing our nutrition so we don’t continue to keep ourselves sick  A step toward healing has been made  But there’s another layer  What about incompatible food combinations?  Well, by avoiding them we begin improving our agni  That’s a good thing  Another step has been taken

But then we can add another layer  What about restructuring our day to a favorable time for the mindbody to do certain things…like getting up early to exercise, eating our biggest meal of the day at around noon, going to bed early to take advantage of the night time detoxification duties that the mindbody naturally does if we don’t interfere with them  So another layer has been added to the complex process of energy healing  And we should point out that this healing has not cost anything….only just changing the way we do things

Synergistic Healing

So from an energy science point of view, real healing requires our participation and this layering effect  There are a multiplicity of things to be done to bring physiologic balance and release excess vibrational frequencies that don’t serve us well

This layering phenomenon is actually promoting synergy  It’s not just one thing but the multiplicity of things that are done that bring about the desired effect  Each lifestyle behavior pattern that we add supports and makes stronger the previous pattern that we just put into place  That is, these changes that we make feed on one another creating a grand foundation on which to support the healing of the condition that doesn’t serve us anymore

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