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IC and 2016 Personal Goals: 5 Guidelines for Living Life on Purpose

IC and 2016 Personal Goals: 5 Guidelines for Living Life on Purpose

Ah it’s a new year and time for your proverbial new year’s resolutions  What will they be? Or maybe this year you’ll just forget about it  What’s the use when you have chronic disease like the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromylagia)? Yogi Berra, the baseball philosopher with a great knack for simplifying life and its puzzles said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you probably wind up somewhere else” This is problematic because it may in the end get us to a place that’s WORSE than where we are right now Yogi Berra On Intention

The Power of Intention

The most powerful force in the energy field is intention because it produces direction for the mindbody

The value of resolutions is that they provide intention or direction  It’s not so important whether they’re achieved but rather that they are stated repeated

Intention grows with repetition  The mindbody is always eavesdropping on your thoughts  Always listening to your desires and intentions  If you dont have intentions then the mindbody doesn’t go anywhere  It stays where you are because that’s what your thoughts are going….no where  But if the mindbody hears a direction, focus, intention it will gear to take you there

Now it may not take you there right away  That’s really a problem of our impatience  We literally turn into what we think, believe, and feel  By and by the mindbody hears we are serious about this intention and it will indeed take you where you are intending  Repetition repetition repetition  This sets the stage for success with your intentions

Some Intention Setting Guidelines

Think them and then ink them  There’s something magical about writing down your intentions(aka resolutions) because they are much more likely to be realized if you do soMaharishi-Mahesh Intention

Review them every day so life’s distractions don’t interfere with the direction

Make your intentions very specific  Saying you want all of your symptoms to go away really won’t work very well….but setting the intention about

Put your intentions in the positive and present tense  “I don’t want to eat peanut butter(coffee etc) anymore” can be replaced by “I want to find a nutritional replacement for peanut butter”

Meditate and journal  The value of meditation is to help focus one’s attention on the present  There are different forms of meditation….some actively work at quieting the mind and that’s good but combining the quieting with focus about a particular problem like the  IC bladder pain syndrome helps one link your desire of healing the problem with the intention of doing so  Things will obviously come up about the symptoms that you’re having  If you think about them long enough insights will occur  When insights come journal them because it will help with focus and making your intention(aka resolve) stronger  In our previous example “I want to find a nutritional replacement for peanut butter” when repeated over and over again will bring up alternatives that may never have occurred to you before…..or someone might suggest to you an alternative out of the blue that you had not entertained and bring that to your awareness…or you’re shopping at the store and suddenly you begin seeing all kinds of alternatives to peanut butter  The possiblities are infinite

And make your intentions a priority  In and of itself just setting the intention to DO the repetition of your intentions on a daily basis can be valuable

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