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Fermented Foods and IC: 3 Things To Do

Fermented Foods and IC:  3 Things To Do

Brewer standing in his brewery and is examining the beer for itsIt’s clear that foods can heal but the converse of this statement is also true:  Foods can make us sick  But why is it that Molly can eat certain foods and you can’t?  It has to do with the qualities that increase in Molly and the qualities that increase in you AND which qualities bring about balance for Molly and which cause imbalance for you

We are all uniquely different and what brings about the painful bladder syndrome of IC(interstitial cystitis) is different for each of us  The bottom line is that once the imbalance of qualities becomes apparent you have to do something about it and the first thing to assess is what foods are causing this imbalance

Fermented Foods and Imbalance

As I have written about in previous blogs the most important quality that causes IC is hot  Along with the mobile quality these two cause the predominant symptoms of IC  So from I’ve just said it behooves us to look at those foods that carry these qualities and produce the imbalance

Anything that’s acidic carries the hot quality  It’s not the only way to get this quality but it’s a predominant one because the sour taste is the acid taste in Nature(fyi, the bitter is the alkaline taste in Nature)  So any foods that create acidity are bound to effect an imbalancing change in the body with respect to the hot quality

Foods that carry the sour, salty and pungent tastes will give us the hot quality in certain measures so should be avoided in the IC bladder pain syndromeYogurt or yoghurt in clay pot

So you can see that fermented foods in your nutrition would be  problematic but also the foods that can be fermented when they enter the GIT(GI tract) are also an issue  When you follow the nutritional format at a Pitta pacifying diet because it reduces that hot quality) or the one at you’ll automatically begin removing the hot quality from your nutrition  As I’ve written about before, homemade yogurt is alright in moderation unless you have severe symptoms(that is, NO store bought yogurt) or you have a Kapha constitution

This removes the difficulty in deciding what is safe and what is not  For example, lime doesn’t carry as much of the hot quality as its mature fruit the lemon, so lime is safe and lemon is not

Foods That Ferment Within Us

What about foods that are not fermented outside but when we bring them inside out GIT they become acidic and produce the hot quality?

A beautiful example of this process is fruit when added with other foods  Fruit by itself is innocent but when added with other foods can produce the hot quality(increasing acidity)

But there are many examples that don’t include fruits, such as beans with meat and cheese (taco, enchilada, etc), eggs with meat or cheese(that’s an omlete), and milk with fruit(the morning smoothie)

All of these incompatible food combinations are deadly traps for the IC patient because of this internal fermentation process that occurs in all of us

3 Things To Do

Here are three things to do to get appropriate guidance with this whole fermentation nutritional business

1  Eat according to the above nutritional formats at or sure to take the quiz before selecting the format for yourself)

2 At there is a section on incompatible food combinations

3  Do breathing exercises to reduce acidity in the body (I’ll cover these in my FREE upcoming webinar) where I’ll talk about ways that you can cool off using yoga as therapy

All the best in your healing journey  DB

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