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5 Ways to Heal IC Anxiety

5 Ways to Heal IC Anxiety

In many different encounters with IC patients over the years I’ve found that there is often a feeling of ungroundedness from lack of direction, a feeling of being without a rudder, and the uncertainty as to whether this problem will ever go away

This feeling gives a sense of insecurity about the future (will I have this the rest of my life?), a feeling of hopelessness, and overall anxiety born out of the fear that IC will never go away  There is a feeling of loss of control over the body (not making to the bathroom) due to not knowing what has been done to cause the symptoms in the first place

There can be insomnia due to this free floating anxiety that is difficult to manage  And all of this is an energy drain leading to fatigue and loss of get up and go (as one described “bone weary”)  This leads to a sense of failure, restriction, and exasperation, anger, and irritability

But what if this feeling went away?  All respond that to have this anxiety lifted would be miraculous and they would be ecstatic, elated, energized and be able to dream again  They would be able to contribute again  One patient said, “It would be like getting a ‘Get out jail’ card”  or like “winning the lottery”

The Role of Stress and Symptoms of IC

Even though many respond that the symptoms are accelerated with stress, deadlines, and troubled relationships the matter science cannot offer an answer as to why this occurs  But the energy science using the VPK energy paradigm sees that mind is in every cell of the body  So in IC what happens in the mind, happens in the bladder!

For example, Vata, the energy pattern of movement has the qualities of cold, light, mobile, dry, rough, subtle, and clear  The body is thin (light) and the mind is subtle, light, and mobile making it very creative but susceptible to anxiety and fear

Can you see how stress could then cause bladder symptoms? If the mind is light and mobile then so will the bladder become those same qualities, light and mobile translating into frequency and urgency  And if this Vata energy stimulates the hot quality of Pitta then you’ve got a flare

The Solutions

Mind turbulence creates body turbulence so the key in this situation is to reduce the mind’s activity  Here are 5 ways to do that

Meditation using breath awareness  If you have trouble sitting for twenty minutes in the morning and evening just do 5 minutes and build up your tolerance  If it’s just not possible to sit then try just being aware of the breath during daily activities  Mental turmoil is the result of too much pent up energy in the mind  Meditation helps release this energy and consistent practice helps keeps this energy reduced  This therapy improves creativity, attention span, memory retrieval, and learning ability  Due to these effects it brings about a sense of confidence and courage that you can do this!

2 Breathing techniques  There are mind settling breathing techniques such as alternate nostril breathing or making the sound of a bumblebee that can calm the mindbody

3 Herbs  There are a number of herbs that placed with specific carrying agents that calm the mind  Brahmi, shankha pushpi, saraswati, and jatamamsi all have medicinal benefits on the mind, producing a calming effect

Daily oil massage  The use of self applied oil massage in the morning before showering can ground (heavy) the body because it counteracts the light quality of the mind

5 Nutritional format  And don’t forget that food can produce a calming effect to the mind  Using foods that don’t aggravate your IC will surely not aggravate your mind as well

This is a whirlwind tour of how to calm the mind but it gives you some approaches to improving your quality of life while you make progress with your IC using other techniques that I have described earlier

If you’re interested in going deeper into this topic you can set up a free consult to see if this can be of help for you  Just go to Services/Resources

All the best           To Health as a Skill        Love DB

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