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IC and Stone Disease: A Scientifically Valid Nutritional Approach

IC and Stone Disease:  A Scientifically Valid Nutritional Approach

The body is simultaneously an energy and matter field based on your perspective

The bladder pain that is seen in IC flares can be viewed as either a molecular problem(matter science) or an imbalance in energy patterns in the urinary tract   The predominant theory of the matter or molecular science is that the glycosoaminoglycan(GAG) layer becomes disrupted and allows urine irritants to infiltrate the bladder wall leading to the painful flares of IC

The energy science of Ayurveda completely concurs that there is disruption due to acidic loading but notes it as an  imbalance of too much of the hot quality(inflammation or high Pitta) rather than naming a molecule at fault   The  urinary frequency, urgency with or without incontinece due to the mobile quality of high Vata   Since the energy science is a qualitative one there is no evaluation of molecules as in the matter science discipline

The endoscopic photos above show variations of crystalline formations on the renal papillae as a prodrome of stone disease of any form or size

 GAG Layer Disruption and Stone Disease

I have long contended in my urological practice that the vast majority of patients with stone disease have a GAG layer disruption in the kidney that predisposes them to stone disease   And I have suggested to them that they use aloe vera gel and a Pitta pacifying nutritional format or one used at after taking the questionnaire

In this month’s International Urogynecology Journal a group from Taipei reported on a study of a population of patients of painful bladder syndrome and controlling for other associated diseases such as IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pelvic pain(CPPS). depression, and chronic pelvic pain found that those with prior stone disease were at higher risk for developing PBS or IC

There has been one other study suggesting an association but this is the first population based study to show the association between the chance of forming stones and suffering from IC or PBS

From the above discussion the GAG layer is secreted by all cellular tubes that communicate with the outside   So the respiratory tree, the GI tract, and the urinary tract linings all produce GAG layers

So it would make complete sense that deficient GAG layer in the urinary tract would not have to be necessarily located just singularly involving the bladder but could involve the kidney GAG layer as well   If this occurs the faulty papillary GAG layer in the kidney would not be slimy/smooth enough to prevent papillary crystals to form to serve as a nidus for continued stone growth

If the hot quality of Pitta can break down the GAG layer in the bladder it can certainly do the same thing in the kidney leading to stone formation

The Treatment of Stone Disease and  IC Are the Same

So it comes as no surprise that nutritional format reducing the Pitta energy pattern foods used is a solution not only for IC but also for stone disease as well   This would reduce those foods that are inflammatory and bring the hot quality in those patients who are predisposed to either stone disease or IC

The use of aloe would begin to help restructure the deficient GAG layer and making it whole again would be the solution to preventing stones in the future

What you are witnessing here is the unique interplay between the energy science and matter science disciplines where both support each other in a holistic way

Of course it goes without saying that IC and a person with stone disease should be treated in the same way as the problem is from an energy science view  Pitta and Vata imbalances in the urinary tract

All the best                                        To Health as a Skill    Love DrBill


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