Those with IC know that acidity has something to do with their bladder pain and other symptoms either intuitively or reading what others have to say about IC and its causative factors
This leads to a large number of dietary recommendations to eliminate the acidity from the diet and to reduce symptoms of pelvic pain
You can go a long way toward resolution of your symptoms if you do fundamental changes in your nutritional format just by eliminating known trigger foods from your food choices But as I have written before what foods to avoid often comes down to “who’s doing the eating?” because from an energy science viewpoint the nutritional format can be meaningful
At times we don’t know that what we are eating is making us sick Did you know that pain from IC can also be related to the acidic loading that occurs from poor food combining?
Some foods don’t belong with one another For example, fruit with any other food is commonly practiced yet it can lead to poor digestion and symptoms of bloating and abdominal pain if done frequent enough In the energy science of Ayurveda every food has qualities and when foods are combined which are antagonistic to one another they may be toxic to the mindbody
Here’s a list for you to consider
Beans | Fruit, cheese, eggs, fish, milk, meat, yogurt |
Eggs | Fruit (especially melons), beans, cheese, fish, kichari, MILK, meat, yogurt |
Fruit | As a rule, with any other food. *There are exceptions, such as certain cooked combinations, as well as dates and milk which have the same rasa, virya, and vipaka. |
Grains | Fruit, tapioca |
Honey ** | With equal GHEE by weight (e.g. 1 tsp honey with 3 tsp ghee); boiled or cooked honey |
Hot Drinks | Mangos, cheese, fish, meat, starch, yogurt |
Lemon | Cucumbers, milk, tomatoes, yogurt |
Melons | EVERYTHING — especially dairy, eggs, fried food, grains, starches. Melons more than most fruit should be eaten alone or left alone. |
Milk | BANANAS, cherries, melons, sour fruits, bread containing yeast, fish kitchari |
Nightshades, e.g., potato, tomato | Melon, cucumber, dairy products |
Radishes | Bananas, raisins, milk |
Tapioca | Fruit, especially banana, mango, beans, raisins, jaggary |
Yogurt | Fruit, cheese, eggs, fish, hot drinks, meat, MILK, nightshades |
A strong digestion which I’ll cover in the future is the most important physiologic tool to deal with poor food combining aside from not combining in the first place
From an energy science approach nutrition is more than diet The study of diet concerns itself wit h molecules of the food ingested But nutrition takes into account not only the qualities of the foods taken in and how these qualities interact but also the impact of the digestion of foods on the mindbody physiology This is a very significant difference between matter science and energy science nutrition
So here are 3 things that you can do right now to stop or reduce the flares of IC
1 Check out who you are energetically
2 Choose a nutritional format appropriate for your mindbody energy makeup
3 Go to the orange box and sign up to become a member our growing IC Ayurvedic energy science community
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