As you know at times the pelvic pain from IC can become unbearable and many in the IC community have talked and written about the use of the castor oil pack As a matter of fact these packs can be a great refuge from the chronic pain
Even if the relief is short lived it can bring a reprieve Wow, what would it be like if castor could give you complete relief and the pain never came back ever? In the energy science healing tradition of Ayurveda there are many reasons that a dis-ease occurs so the treatments must be multifactorial as well But you may be interested in why castor works from an energy perspective
The oil expelled from the seeds of the castor plant have medicinal purposes when used internally or externally Not to be confused with cascara which comes from the bark of a tree castor seeds specifically reduce the hot quality when applied externally
As we discussed last time with you the combination of the hot and mobile qualities or vibrational frequencies(these terms are interchangeble) lead to the sometimes excruciating symptoms of IC in the pelvis, at times focused in the area of the bladder IC is marked by inflammation which is hot
Taken internally castor brings the hot quality because of how it’s digested and as a result produces diarrhea The hot vibrational frequency in the small bowel and colon leads to increased bowel activity But castor oil applied externally in the form of a pack is cooling or brings the cold vibrational frequency
Hence balance is created when hot is treated with its opposite quality cold In energy science healing as you remember it’s not about the molecules and dis-ease labels as in matter science healing Healing is brought about by balance But balance of what? Balance of the vibrational frequencies that are out of balance In the case of interstitial cystitis the imbalance of the hot and mobile qualities is balanced by the qualities of cold and stable If you question some of your friends you may surprised to find that they have a subtle sense in the pelvis of hot which becomes even more pronounced when they urinate with a burning sensation
It’s quite simple to do Fold a thin cotton towel that you don’t want anymore into the size of the lower abdomen(below the belly button) Moisten the cloth with castor oil thoroughly and apply some castor also to the area Then apply the towel and cover with a dry towel or heating pad Moist heat as from a hot water bottle works best but an electrical pad will work as well I have been asked “If you have the hot quality why use more heat” The heat relaxes the abdominal wall muscles reducing muscle spasm Spasm from muscle contraction can be quite painful This allows the castor to be more effective
Leave in place for 30 minutes or so then wash the excess castor off the skin Don’t try to scub it off but leave a slight film to allow it to continue to have its effect The pack can be re-used for a couple of weeks so store in a plastic bag but should consider “recharging” the thin cotton towel with more castor as you reuse it
You should use a high quality castor product I have used a brand named Palma Christi which you can find in any number of online stores including amazon
As I mentioned in the beginning there are multiple reasons why IC occurs and so healing is mutifactorial It’s not just one thing that solves the imbalance but multiple things that we do If interested in this curative approach to IC you can also do some other things
1 Go to and take the quiz and find out what nutritional format you should use
2 If you haven’t already sign up to join our growing IC online community
3 Sign up for a free consultation to help you determine how you can implement completely this information to cure IC
To Health as a Skill Love DrBill
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