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The Power of Rituals in IC

When you think about it, all healing involves rituals   If the doctor gives you a pill for high blood pressure, you make a point during the day(preferably the same time every day) to take the pill  If you want to change your nutritional format to heal your IC, you put into place things that you do on a regular basis to change your pattern of choices

So painful bladder flares are no different than any other disease in responding to planned ritualistic behavior

But why does employing rituals work?

Rituals and Healing

Rituals are a way to grab our attention  When someone gets married, a wedding is held to grab everyone’s attention about the significance of a happening in two familys’ lives as well as the couple getting hitched  When you brush your teeth, it’s done out of a ritual that you’ve created called “getting ready for the day”  But when you think about it, this concocted ritual is really important for your health  It not only sets the tone for the day but there are health advantages such as clean teeth and bodily hygiene  The holidays that have just passed is another great example of ritualistic behaviorMarriage

Some people create rituals around various health activities such as exercise

The characteristics of a ritual are: 1 they are done consistently, 2 usually best done when they are at the same time of day, 3 as above they are done to grab our attention that something important is being done

Hey,  Pay Attention

I’m sure you’ve experienced the “well worn rut” in your life where you feel that something has to change but instead of doing something different you continue on the same path as yesterday

A ritual has the power to break up the “same old” behavior patterns that may not be serving you very well and asks the bodymind to “Hey, wake up, pay attention to what I’m doing here…’s important!”Shaving

And the beauty about rituals is that they are done as a matter of a habit….just like the old habits that didn’t serve you very well  Think of it as replacing one habit with another  But the habit being replaced is usually not a well thought out pattern of behavior but something that has crept into your day somewhat by accident not by your permission

Things To Know About Rituals

Probably the hardest thing that you do in life is change behavior patterns that don’t serve you very well  This is why rituals can be so powerful

Many of the healing techniques in the energy science realm are those suggesting a shift in behaviors, such as eating differently(avoiding coffee, carbonated drinks, use of spices) going to bed early and getting up early to start the day, morning oil massage, use of mono diets on occasion based on your energy makeup, etc

But there are some things that you should know about rituals employed for health

1 Not a quick fix  It’s about the proverbial “drip on the forehead” that over time has the physical capability to make a groove in granite  So it’s the persistence and consistency that pays off with any health ritual  You may know of the consistency of exercise and its rewards but it’s the establishment of the exercise ritual that does the magic

2 Real healing takes time   Actually a corollary to the above is that any energy healing requires time and patience  This is particularly difficult to believe if you’re experiencing pain  After all the whole reason that you’re taking on the ritual to begin with is to reduce the pain that is causing havoc in your life

3 Ritual adaptation  At times the ritual may need to be adapted, modified, or altered to get the best result  This doesn’t mean that the ritual is dismissed but rather it is changed as it is experienced  For example, if you find fatigue with your new exercise ritual, instead of doing it every day in the week, reduce it to 6 times per week

Good luck in your ritual planning for 2014!   Love DB


Antiinflammatory Cocktail for IC

Posted by on Oct 8, 2012 in bladder pain, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Antiinflammatory Cocktail for IC

The inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms  But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all  This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before...

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Every IC Patient Should Be Urologically Evaluated

Posted by on Oct 1, 2012 in chronic pelvic pain syndrome, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Every IC Patient Should Be Urologically Evaluated

Pelvic pain(also known as CPPS or chronic pelvic pain syndrome) has many different causes  When everything has been ruled out with CT scan, cytology, and cystoscopy then the urologist is left with the diagnosis of IC or chronic prostatitis   So the evaluation of IC pain is a diagnosis of exclusion To the astute clinician often the symptom complex of IC stands out from other pelvic pain complexes having nuances that separate them apart from the IC label   Be that as it may it still is important to have studies done to be sure what you are...

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What Is IC?: An Energy Science Explanation

Posted by on Sep 27, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, fibromyalgia, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

What Is IC?:  An Energy Science Explanation

The pain of interstitial cystitis(IC) is chronic, intermittent, and eventually debilitating  It is pelvic in origin and often originates from the bladder but may also involve the vagina leading to painful intercourse(dyspareunia)  The pain distribution is from belly button to midthigh and is associated with episodic urinary burning, urgency, and frequency Diagnosis of the Disease Label of IC This complex of symptoms is labeled by the current matter or molecular science healing discipline(your urologist) by many different names:  chronic...

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Eggs: Are They Good or Bad for IC?

Posted by on Sep 24, 2012 in IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Eggs:  Are They Good or Bad for IC?

The pain of IC can be unpredictable which is distressing anxiety provoking in itself  Let alone that you have to contend with the pain And sometimes diet suggestions of well meaning matter science dieticians(RD) work and sometimes they don’t  Much of the current state of dietary recommendations is anecdotal even though touted as good molecular science  Diet recommendations are not as exact a science as we would like   If you feel good then the recommendations must be correct  If you’re not feeling good then that information...

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The Painful Molecules of Inflammation: NO Infection NO Cure

Posted by on Sep 18, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

The Painful Molecules of Inflammation: NO Infection NO Cure

Everyone agrees that the pain of IC is related to inflammation but it may be surprising to find that all diseases from cancer to diabetes have an element of this inflammation  And this is where we are at in our current understanding of disease from a matter or molecular science point of view  And we as the signpost points are left with no direction There are many painful molecules that have now been identified that produce inflammation in the mindbody  We have identified many of these molecules  But what causes them to begin to show up in...

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Heartburn and Interstitial Cystitis: 3 Ways to Go Beyond Prelief

Posted by on Sep 15, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Heartburn and Interstitial Cystitis:  3 Ways to Go Beyond Prelief

You would do anything to deal with the pain of IC especially when flares occur so it would stand to reason that using an antacid of some form would be appropriate since for some it gives them relief of their heartburn but has also been anecdotally reported by some to help with their IC symptoms Interestingly acid indigestion(heartburn) and GERD are strongly associated with IC  In an online survey done by the ICA: 559 respondents to the diet survey  84% found diet helped reduced symptoms 59% used Prelief (OTC...

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Castor Oil Packs and Interstitial Cystitis: Why They Work

Posted by on Sep 10, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Castor Oil Packs and Interstitial Cystitis:  Why They Work

As you know at times the pelvic pain from IC can become unbearable and many in the IC community have talked and written about the use of  the castor oil pack  As a matter of fact these packs can be a great refuge from the chronic pain Even if the relief is short lived it can bring a reprieve  Wow, what would it be like if castor could give you complete relief and the pain never came back ever?  In the energy science healing tradition of Ayurveda there are many reasons that a dis-ease occurs so the treatments must be multifactorial as...

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Seeing Food as Qualites Not Molecules: An Energy Science View

Posted by on Aug 30, 2012 in bladder pain, IC, Interstiial cystitis | 0 comments

Seeing Food as Qualites Not Molecules: An Energy Science View

The chronic pain from IC seeks a solution but you are told that the “dis-ease is treatable  not curable” But what would it be like if there was a solution?  Is it possible?  We are led to believe a lie, when we give up hope  And obviously there is no quick fix or IC wouldn’t be a problem  But what would it be like to have your life back?  Too hard to believe?  Well read on The experience amongst IC patients is that the diet promoted by ICA or ICN may work for some, not for others  Sometimes works for awhile then seems...

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The Pain of Flares: 3 Energy Science Things To Do

Posted by on Aug 24, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis | 0 comments

The Pain of Flares:  3 Energy Science Things To Do

A “flare” is a common phrase used in IC circles to describe the sudden occurrence of pain around voiding  It can also describe the pelvic pain associated with the burning and frequency of urination that can be part of the recurrent symptom complex so characteristic of interstitial cystitis You may remember the graph on the home page near the bottom  If not go check it out now because it will show you the ups and downs of ANY dis-ease in the physiology  Even acute conditions such as renal colic from urinary stones or appendicitis...

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Listening To the Feelings and Needs of IC Patients

Posted by on Aug 6, 2012 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Listening To the Feelings and Needs of IC Patients

This is a review of the summary of responses that we received from IC patients who were willing to spend their time to discuss the distressing pain of IC as well as the repercussions of the pain  Dr Bill also was able to interview more than 50% of the survey respondents who graciously gave their time to talk with him regarding their difficulties with the dis-ease Survey Results Here are the questions: 1 What’s your biggest frustration with interstitial cystitis? Most common response was the unrelenting pain 2. What have you tried so far...

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Are All Vegetables Created Equally? Not In IC

VegetablesThe flare pain in IC bladder pain as we have talked about in the past is related to the hot and mobile qualities according to the energy science tradition  But as you know it’s darn difficult to find out what qualities are in foods

That’s why the food lists of various foods are suggested to give you food choice guidance

What Veggies Are Good Choices for IC?

The food list at is dedicated to those foods that are Pitta(energy of transformation that delivers the hot quality) aggravating  But with respect to vegetable selection

One of the first things you’ll note is that it’s either yes or no….no in betweens   Pretty black and white but the don’t favor list is important

For example, all the nightshades are problematic(tomato, eggplant, and peppers unless sweet), and corn of any type or form  Spinach, turnips and its greens, radishes, and beets including its greens   Then there are the obvious such as horseradish and hot chiles

I think the most important is the corn and tomatoes because they are so often used in our cultures

Energy Food Guidelines for More Selection

At the choices are divided into 3 columns so the choices are broken down into 3 columns giving you the choice of the “in between” or moderation meaning you can use these vegetables 2-3 times per week  You’ll have to take the test under Getting Started in order to find out which 2 energy patterns are prominent before you choose your type of nutritional format   Notice that tomatoes is in the No column for all energy patterns (Some believe that if you remove the seeds from the tomato and just use the outer section of the vegetable it will be OK)

Also notice that for the Pitta Vata energy pattern combination corn and tomatoes are still problematic

Vegetables That Are Good Choices for Everyone

Regardless of which format you choose the following vegetable choices are the best for people with IC

Asparagus                                                       Cooked carrots

Green beans                                                   Cucumber

Peas                                                                   Zucchini

Cooked onions/leeks                                 Sweet potato

Okra                                                                  Rutabaga

If you want to be safe about your vegetable food choices the above would  be the best  Consult more with the foodsheal link with respect to your specific energy pattern  The above list will help you stay away from the hot and mobile qualities that produce the syptoms of IC

All the best in healing IC     DB





Antiinflammatory Cocktail for IC

Posted by on Oct 8, 2012 in bladder pain, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Antiinflammatory Cocktail for IC

The inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms  But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all  This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before...

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Every IC Patient Should Be Urologically Evaluated

Posted by on Oct 1, 2012 in chronic pelvic pain syndrome, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Every IC Patient Should Be Urologically Evaluated

Pelvic pain(also known as CPPS or chronic pelvic pain syndrome) has many different causes  When everything has been ruled out with CT scan, cytology, and cystoscopy then the urologist is left with the diagnosis of IC or chronic prostatitis   So the evaluation of IC pain is a diagnosis of exclusion To the astute clinician often the symptom complex of IC stands out from other pelvic pain complexes having nuances that separate them apart from the IC label   Be that as it may it still is important to have studies done to be sure what you are...

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What Is IC?: An Energy Science Explanation

Posted by on Sep 27, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, fibromyalgia, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

What Is IC?:  An Energy Science Explanation

The pain of interstitial cystitis(IC) is chronic, intermittent, and eventually debilitating  It is pelvic in origin and often originates from the bladder but may also involve the vagina leading to painful intercourse(dyspareunia)  The pain distribution is from belly button to midthigh and is associated with episodic urinary burning, urgency, and frequency Diagnosis of the Disease Label of IC This complex of symptoms is labeled by the current matter or molecular science healing discipline(your urologist) by many different names:  chronic...

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Eggs: Are They Good or Bad for IC?

Posted by on Sep 24, 2012 in IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Eggs:  Are They Good or Bad for IC?

The pain of IC can be unpredictable which is distressing anxiety provoking in itself  Let alone that you have to contend with the pain And sometimes diet suggestions of well meaning matter science dieticians(RD) work and sometimes they don’t  Much of the current state of dietary recommendations is anecdotal even though touted as good molecular science  Diet recommendations are not as exact a science as we would like   If you feel good then the recommendations must be correct  If you’re not feeling good then that information...

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The Painful Molecules of Inflammation: NO Infection NO Cure

Posted by on Sep 18, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

The Painful Molecules of Inflammation: NO Infection NO Cure

Everyone agrees that the pain of IC is related to inflammation but it may be surprising to find that all diseases from cancer to diabetes have an element of this inflammation  And this is where we are at in our current understanding of disease from a matter or molecular science point of view  And we as the signpost points are left with no direction There are many painful molecules that have now been identified that produce inflammation in the mindbody  We have identified many of these molecules  But what causes them to begin to show up in...

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Heartburn and Interstitial Cystitis: 3 Ways to Go Beyond Prelief

Posted by on Sep 15, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Heartburn and Interstitial Cystitis:  3 Ways to Go Beyond Prelief

You would do anything to deal with the pain of IC especially when flares occur so it would stand to reason that using an antacid of some form would be appropriate since for some it gives them relief of their heartburn but has also been anecdotally reported by some to help with their IC symptoms Interestingly acid indigestion(heartburn) and GERD are strongly associated with IC  In an online survey done by the ICA: 559 respondents to the diet survey  84% found diet helped reduced symptoms 59% used Prelief (OTC...

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Castor Oil Packs and Interstitial Cystitis: Why They Work

Posted by on Sep 10, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Castor Oil Packs and Interstitial Cystitis:  Why They Work

As you know at times the pelvic pain from IC can become unbearable and many in the IC community have talked and written about the use of  the castor oil pack  As a matter of fact these packs can be a great refuge from the chronic pain Even if the relief is short lived it can bring a reprieve  Wow, what would it be like if castor could give you complete relief and the pain never came back ever?  In the energy science healing tradition of Ayurveda there are many reasons that a dis-ease occurs so the treatments must be multifactorial as...

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Seeing Food as Qualites Not Molecules: An Energy Science View

Posted by on Aug 30, 2012 in bladder pain, IC, Interstiial cystitis | 0 comments

Seeing Food as Qualites Not Molecules: An Energy Science View

The chronic pain from IC seeks a solution but you are told that the “dis-ease is treatable  not curable” But what would it be like if there was a solution?  Is it possible?  We are led to believe a lie, when we give up hope  And obviously there is no quick fix or IC wouldn’t be a problem  But what would it be like to have your life back?  Too hard to believe?  Well read on The experience amongst IC patients is that the diet promoted by ICA or ICN may work for some, not for others  Sometimes works for awhile then seems...

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The Pain of Flares: 3 Energy Science Things To Do

Posted by on Aug 24, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis | 0 comments

The Pain of Flares:  3 Energy Science Things To Do

A “flare” is a common phrase used in IC circles to describe the sudden occurrence of pain around voiding  It can also describe the pelvic pain associated with the burning and frequency of urination that can be part of the recurrent symptom complex so characteristic of interstitial cystitis You may remember the graph on the home page near the bottom  If not go check it out now because it will show you the ups and downs of ANY dis-ease in the physiology  Even acute conditions such as renal colic from urinary stones or appendicitis...

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Listening To the Feelings and Needs of IC Patients

Posted by on Aug 6, 2012 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Listening To the Feelings and Needs of IC Patients

This is a review of the summary of responses that we received from IC patients who were willing to spend their time to discuss the distressing pain of IC as well as the repercussions of the pain  Dr Bill also was able to interview more than 50% of the survey respondents who graciously gave their time to talk with him regarding their difficulties with the dis-ease Survey Results Here are the questions: 1 What’s your biggest frustration with interstitial cystitis? Most common response was the unrelenting pain 2. What have you tried so far...

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The Disruptive Nature of the Holidays and IC: 3 Secrets to Help

bigstock-Luggage-Claim-Area-4674919Most of us know, like it or not, that the healing of chronic interstitial cystitis(IC) bladder or pelvic  pain requires changes occur in lifestyle behavior patterns(LBP)  Those favorites that we hold dearly just don’t serve us very well and are the instigators of what got us in trouble in the first place   As I talked about in the past, nutrition heads that list of LBP’s that get us headed in the wrong direction, but how we combine foods,  how we rest(when to go to bed and when to get up), how we exercise, how much fluids we drink during the day, all play a role, believe it or not, in our progress toward dealing with our IC

So we take on these LBP’s and we’ve started our journey  And we’re doing pretty well  But then something happens to derail our firm intentions

The Holidays

The festivities with family and friends during the two weeks around Christmas, although a great break from work, can be disruptive to those firm intentions that we have set around these new LBP   If you think you’re all alone in this one, just ask some of your friends in your IC support group about this

Any disruption in regular schedule whether it be from traveling or festivities sets us back on our LBP intentions  This is why traveling is becoming so strenuous and Vata aggravating  It causes our loss of normal schedules that is stressful and eventually hard on the physiology  I know of many avoid travel like the plague and have severely tapered their schedules just for this very reason(change in routine to make it to the airport, eating out with airport food, change in time zones and biological clock times to name just a few)

But the disuption doesn’t end with travel  Change in sleep schedule, eating times, types of foods(difficult to place your order for different food combinations or the limitation of certain foods that you’re trying to avoid) are hard to control and hence the LBP resolutions that you’ve been working on are now on the back burner

3 Secrets for Holiday Disruption

One can only do what what one can do  Accept that and it will calm your Pitta frustration fi you have some

1 When you’re traveling practice try  just doing 5min of pranayama…or just do a minute(whatever you can do)….to keep yourself from feeling like you’re a failure because you haven’t done anything for a week or two  And when you arrive at your destination try to get into your sleeping and exercise routines as much as possible

2 Take a list of foods along with you that you want to avoid and then when surveying the various foods on the table you know you’re going to avoid those particular foods or combinations

3 Restoring your LBP  rhythm when you get back from the travels or festivities as soon as possible is another step to keep you from getting siderailed and beginning those old LBP that you know don’t support your healing

Best of luck having fun       Love DB

Antiinflammatory Cocktail for IC

Posted by on Oct 8, 2012 in bladder pain, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Antiinflammatory Cocktail for IC

The inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms  But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all  This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before...

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Every IC Patient Should Be Urologically Evaluated

Posted by on Oct 1, 2012 in chronic pelvic pain syndrome, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Every IC Patient Should Be Urologically Evaluated

Pelvic pain(also known as CPPS or chronic pelvic pain syndrome) has many different causes  When everything has been ruled out with CT scan, cytology, and cystoscopy then the urologist is left with the diagnosis of IC or chronic prostatitis   So the evaluation of IC pain is a diagnosis of exclusion To the astute clinician often the symptom complex of IC stands out from other pelvic pain complexes having nuances that separate them apart from the IC label   Be that as it may it still is important to have studies done to be sure what you are...

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What Is IC?: An Energy Science Explanation

Posted by on Sep 27, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, fibromyalgia, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

What Is IC?:  An Energy Science Explanation

The pain of interstitial cystitis(IC) is chronic, intermittent, and eventually debilitating  It is pelvic in origin and often originates from the bladder but may also involve the vagina leading to painful intercourse(dyspareunia)  The pain distribution is from belly button to midthigh and is associated with episodic urinary burning, urgency, and frequency Diagnosis of the Disease Label of IC This complex of symptoms is labeled by the current matter or molecular science healing discipline(your urologist) by many different names:  chronic...

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Eggs: Are They Good or Bad for IC?

Posted by on Sep 24, 2012 in IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Eggs:  Are They Good or Bad for IC?

The pain of IC can be unpredictable which is distressing anxiety provoking in itself  Let alone that you have to contend with the pain And sometimes diet suggestions of well meaning matter science dieticians(RD) work and sometimes they don’t  Much of the current state of dietary recommendations is anecdotal even though touted as good molecular science  Diet recommendations are not as exact a science as we would like   If you feel good then the recommendations must be correct  If you’re not feeling good then that information...

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The Painful Molecules of Inflammation: NO Infection NO Cure

Posted by on Sep 18, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

The Painful Molecules of Inflammation: NO Infection NO Cure

Everyone agrees that the pain of IC is related to inflammation but it may be surprising to find that all diseases from cancer to diabetes have an element of this inflammation  And this is where we are at in our current understanding of disease from a matter or molecular science point of view  And we as the signpost points are left with no direction There are many painful molecules that have now been identified that produce inflammation in the mindbody  We have identified many of these molecules  But what causes them to begin to show up in...

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Heartburn and Interstitial Cystitis: 3 Ways to Go Beyond Prelief

Posted by on Sep 15, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Heartburn and Interstitial Cystitis:  3 Ways to Go Beyond Prelief

You would do anything to deal with the pain of IC especially when flares occur so it would stand to reason that using an antacid of some form would be appropriate since for some it gives them relief of their heartburn but has also been anecdotally reported by some to help with their IC symptoms Interestingly acid indigestion(heartburn) and GERD are strongly associated with IC  In an online survey done by the ICA: 559 respondents to the diet survey  84% found diet helped reduced symptoms 59% used Prelief (OTC...

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Castor Oil Packs and Interstitial Cystitis: Why They Work

Posted by on Sep 10, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Castor Oil Packs and Interstitial Cystitis:  Why They Work

As you know at times the pelvic pain from IC can become unbearable and many in the IC community have talked and written about the use of  the castor oil pack  As a matter of fact these packs can be a great refuge from the chronic pain Even if the relief is short lived it can bring a reprieve  Wow, what would it be like if castor could give you complete relief and the pain never came back ever?  In the energy science healing tradition of Ayurveda there are many reasons that a dis-ease occurs so the treatments must be multifactorial as...

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Seeing Food as Qualites Not Molecules: An Energy Science View

Posted by on Aug 30, 2012 in bladder pain, IC, Interstiial cystitis | 0 comments

Seeing Food as Qualites Not Molecules: An Energy Science View

The chronic pain from IC seeks a solution but you are told that the “dis-ease is treatable  not curable” But what would it be like if there was a solution?  Is it possible?  We are led to believe a lie, when we give up hope  And obviously there is no quick fix or IC wouldn’t be a problem  But what would it be like to have your life back?  Too hard to believe?  Well read on The experience amongst IC patients is that the diet promoted by ICA or ICN may work for some, not for others  Sometimes works for awhile then seems...

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The Pain of Flares: 3 Energy Science Things To Do

Posted by on Aug 24, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis | 0 comments

The Pain of Flares:  3 Energy Science Things To Do

A “flare” is a common phrase used in IC circles to describe the sudden occurrence of pain around voiding  It can also describe the pelvic pain associated with the burning and frequency of urination that can be part of the recurrent symptom complex so characteristic of interstitial cystitis You may remember the graph on the home page near the bottom  If not go check it out now because it will show you the ups and downs of ANY dis-ease in the physiology  Even acute conditions such as renal colic from urinary stones or appendicitis...

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Listening To the Feelings and Needs of IC Patients

Posted by on Aug 6, 2012 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Listening To the Feelings and Needs of IC Patients

This is a review of the summary of responses that we received from IC patients who were willing to spend their time to discuss the distressing pain of IC as well as the repercussions of the pain  Dr Bill also was able to interview more than 50% of the survey respondents who graciously gave their time to talk with him regarding their difficulties with the dis-ease Survey Results Here are the questions: 1 What’s your biggest frustration with interstitial cystitis? Most common response was the unrelenting pain 2. What have you tried so far...

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IC and Pelvic Nerve Involvement: 3 Energy Science Techniques

bigstock-Female-Reproduction-System-2034758IC produces not only bladder pain that can be intermittent(as in flares) but also often involves the vaginal canal(vulvodynia),  pelvic floor muscles, and often the rectum   And as is common with all people with IC there is some form of bowel involvement with symptoms since from an energy science point of view the disease arises from the GI tract

Why the Pelvic Nerves?

IC is a systemic disease  Many matter science medical authorities who write about IC agree that in some way it is a systemic disease but the current matter science medical model limits their thinking in how IC can be systemic

From the energy model perspective the energy patterns of primarily Vata and Pitta leave the GI (GERD and IBS)after being provoked usually by the foods consumed that are unbalancing, by using incompatible food combinations, and having particular lifestyle behavioral patterns that provoke

These energy patterns find weak and vulnerable areas in the physiology   In the case of IC they settle in the pelvic area and bring about the symptoms of IC in the bladder but often times they can involve the vaginal and rectal organs as well  As you can see in the accompanying anatomical diagram the vagina, bladder, rectum, and uterus  are all intimately associated with one another as well as the pelvic plexus that innervates all these contiguous structures  You can also see how close everything is to the pelvic floor and why the pelvic muscles would be thought to be involved

When the pelvic nerves are involved, the muscles supplied by these nerves may go into spasm  Hence physical therapy has been prescribed for IC pain that seems localized to the pelvic floor or for what appears to be pelvic floor dysfunction

As the pelvic nerves are  part of the pelvic structures they can become involved   When this happens, even if the bladder and vagina are targeted with herbal therapy, either by instillation or taking herbs by mouth, it may not be enough as the nerves are not in the path of the instillations but peripheral to them

3 Techniques for Improving Pelvic Nerve Health

The vaginal canal can serve as an excellent delivery pathway to the pelvic nerves as they lay as a vast network overlying the bladder, vaginal and rectal sidewalls  The use of medicated oils freely applied or medicated herbal suppositories can be applied to the vaginal canal  By moving across the vaginal lining the herbs can directly be applied to this pelvic plexus of nerves where these energy patterns are lingering, unable to be released

Another energy science technique called pranayama(breathing exercies) can strengthen the pelvic muscles but at the same time can bring about clearance of abnormal accumulatons of energy that prevent the free flow of energy through the pelvic cavity  The specific breath technique is called kapalabhati which can be seen at this link  The individual demonstrating the technique is advanced but you can only start where you are  Pay attention to those who should not practice this technique

The last type of breath technique that can be helpful is bhramari or bumble bee’s breath…. here is a link for this technique

These last two breath techniques are best done at first with some guidance  They can both be done in a firm chair so that the hips are higher than the knees

When done daily over months with attention placed on the pelvic cavity during the practice, by and by, it will help with the energy disturbance present in the pelvic cavity

If you’d like to receive guidance, leave your email at

To health as a skill       Dr Bill







Antiinflammatory Cocktail for IC

Posted by on Oct 8, 2012 in bladder pain, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Antiinflammatory Cocktail for IC

The inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms  But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all  This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before...

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Every IC Patient Should Be Urologically Evaluated

Posted by on Oct 1, 2012 in chronic pelvic pain syndrome, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Every IC Patient Should Be Urologically Evaluated

Pelvic pain(also known as CPPS or chronic pelvic pain syndrome) has many different causes  When everything has been ruled out with CT scan, cytology, and cystoscopy then the urologist is left with the diagnosis of IC or chronic prostatitis   So the evaluation of IC pain is a diagnosis of exclusion To the astute clinician often the symptom complex of IC stands out from other pelvic pain complexes having nuances that separate them apart from the IC label   Be that as it may it still is important to have studies done to be sure what you are...

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What Is IC?: An Energy Science Explanation

Posted by on Sep 27, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, fibromyalgia, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

What Is IC?:  An Energy Science Explanation

The pain of interstitial cystitis(IC) is chronic, intermittent, and eventually debilitating  It is pelvic in origin and often originates from the bladder but may also involve the vagina leading to painful intercourse(dyspareunia)  The pain distribution is from belly button to midthigh and is associated with episodic urinary burning, urgency, and frequency Diagnosis of the Disease Label of IC This complex of symptoms is labeled by the current matter or molecular science healing discipline(your urologist) by many different names:  chronic...

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Eggs: Are They Good or Bad for IC?

Posted by on Sep 24, 2012 in IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Eggs:  Are They Good or Bad for IC?

The pain of IC can be unpredictable which is distressing anxiety provoking in itself  Let alone that you have to contend with the pain And sometimes diet suggestions of well meaning matter science dieticians(RD) work and sometimes they don’t  Much of the current state of dietary recommendations is anecdotal even though touted as good molecular science  Diet recommendations are not as exact a science as we would like   If you feel good then the recommendations must be correct  If you’re not feeling good then that information...

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The Painful Molecules of Inflammation: NO Infection NO Cure

Posted by on Sep 18, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

The Painful Molecules of Inflammation: NO Infection NO Cure

Everyone agrees that the pain of IC is related to inflammation but it may be surprising to find that all diseases from cancer to diabetes have an element of this inflammation  And this is where we are at in our current understanding of disease from a matter or molecular science point of view  And we as the signpost points are left with no direction There are many painful molecules that have now been identified that produce inflammation in the mindbody  We have identified many of these molecules  But what causes them to begin to show up in...

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Heartburn and Interstitial Cystitis: 3 Ways to Go Beyond Prelief

Posted by on Sep 15, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Heartburn and Interstitial Cystitis:  3 Ways to Go Beyond Prelief

You would do anything to deal with the pain of IC especially when flares occur so it would stand to reason that using an antacid of some form would be appropriate since for some it gives them relief of their heartburn but has also been anecdotally reported by some to help with their IC symptoms Interestingly acid indigestion(heartburn) and GERD are strongly associated with IC  In an online survey done by the ICA: 559 respondents to the diet survey  84% found diet helped reduced symptoms 59% used Prelief (OTC...

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Castor Oil Packs and Interstitial Cystitis: Why They Work

Posted by on Sep 10, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Castor Oil Packs and Interstitial Cystitis:  Why They Work

As you know at times the pelvic pain from IC can become unbearable and many in the IC community have talked and written about the use of  the castor oil pack  As a matter of fact these packs can be a great refuge from the chronic pain Even if the relief is short lived it can bring a reprieve  Wow, what would it be like if castor could give you complete relief and the pain never came back ever?  In the energy science healing tradition of Ayurveda there are many reasons that a dis-ease occurs so the treatments must be multifactorial as...

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Seeing Food as Qualites Not Molecules: An Energy Science View

Posted by on Aug 30, 2012 in bladder pain, IC, Interstiial cystitis | 0 comments

Seeing Food as Qualites Not Molecules: An Energy Science View

The chronic pain from IC seeks a solution but you are told that the “dis-ease is treatable  not curable” But what would it be like if there was a solution?  Is it possible?  We are led to believe a lie, when we give up hope  And obviously there is no quick fix or IC wouldn’t be a problem  But what would it be like to have your life back?  Too hard to believe?  Well read on The experience amongst IC patients is that the diet promoted by ICA or ICN may work for some, not for others  Sometimes works for awhile then seems...

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The Pain of Flares: 3 Energy Science Things To Do

Posted by on Aug 24, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis | 0 comments

The Pain of Flares:  3 Energy Science Things To Do

A “flare” is a common phrase used in IC circles to describe the sudden occurrence of pain around voiding  It can also describe the pelvic pain associated with the burning and frequency of urination that can be part of the recurrent symptom complex so characteristic of interstitial cystitis You may remember the graph on the home page near the bottom  If not go check it out now because it will show you the ups and downs of ANY dis-ease in the physiology  Even acute conditions such as renal colic from urinary stones or appendicitis...

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Listening To the Feelings and Needs of IC Patients

Posted by on Aug 6, 2012 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Listening To the Feelings and Needs of IC Patients

This is a review of the summary of responses that we received from IC patients who were willing to spend their time to discuss the distressing pain of IC as well as the repercussions of the pain  Dr Bill also was able to interview more than 50% of the survey respondents who graciously gave their time to talk with him regarding their difficulties with the dis-ease Survey Results Here are the questions: 1 What’s your biggest frustration with interstitial cystitis? Most common response was the unrelenting pain 2. What have you tried so far...

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Happy Thanksgiving To All


Whether you’re traveling like myself to get together with family or your friends and family are right there in your hometown I wish you and our IC community the best of Thanksgiving 2013   When we share our gratitude we occupy a different plane of reality, away from the mundane, day to day schedules  So Thanksgivings give us a special time to express our gratitude for all that we have and to transcend the humdrum          DB

bigstock_Thanksgiving_1010751                                       Happy Thanksgiving  2013

Antiinflammatory Cocktail for IC

Posted by on Oct 8, 2012 in bladder pain, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Antiinflammatory Cocktail for IC

The inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms  But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all  This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before...

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Every IC Patient Should Be Urologically Evaluated

Posted by on Oct 1, 2012 in chronic pelvic pain syndrome, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Every IC Patient Should Be Urologically Evaluated

Pelvic pain(also known as CPPS or chronic pelvic pain syndrome) has many different causes  When everything has been ruled out with CT scan, cytology, and cystoscopy then the urologist is left with the diagnosis of IC or chronic prostatitis   So the evaluation of IC pain is a diagnosis of exclusion To the astute clinician often the symptom complex of IC stands out from other pelvic pain complexes having nuances that separate them apart from the IC label   Be that as it may it still is important to have studies done to be sure what you are...

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What Is IC?: An Energy Science Explanation

Posted by on Sep 27, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, fibromyalgia, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

What Is IC?:  An Energy Science Explanation

The pain of interstitial cystitis(IC) is chronic, intermittent, and eventually debilitating  It is pelvic in origin and often originates from the bladder but may also involve the vagina leading to painful intercourse(dyspareunia)  The pain distribution is from belly button to midthigh and is associated with episodic urinary burning, urgency, and frequency Diagnosis of the Disease Label of IC This complex of symptoms is labeled by the current matter or molecular science healing discipline(your urologist) by many different names:  chronic...

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Eggs: Are They Good or Bad for IC?

Posted by on Sep 24, 2012 in IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Eggs:  Are They Good or Bad for IC?

The pain of IC can be unpredictable which is distressing anxiety provoking in itself  Let alone that you have to contend with the pain And sometimes diet suggestions of well meaning matter science dieticians(RD) work and sometimes they don’t  Much of the current state of dietary recommendations is anecdotal even though touted as good molecular science  Diet recommendations are not as exact a science as we would like   If you feel good then the recommendations must be correct  If you’re not feeling good then that information...

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The Painful Molecules of Inflammation: NO Infection NO Cure

Posted by on Sep 18, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

The Painful Molecules of Inflammation: NO Infection NO Cure

Everyone agrees that the pain of IC is related to inflammation but it may be surprising to find that all diseases from cancer to diabetes have an element of this inflammation  And this is where we are at in our current understanding of disease from a matter or molecular science point of view  And we as the signpost points are left with no direction There are many painful molecules that have now been identified that produce inflammation in the mindbody  We have identified many of these molecules  But what causes them to begin to show up in...

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Heartburn and Interstitial Cystitis: 3 Ways to Go Beyond Prelief

Posted by on Sep 15, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Heartburn and Interstitial Cystitis:  3 Ways to Go Beyond Prelief

You would do anything to deal with the pain of IC especially when flares occur so it would stand to reason that using an antacid of some form would be appropriate since for some it gives them relief of their heartburn but has also been anecdotally reported by some to help with their IC symptoms Interestingly acid indigestion(heartburn) and GERD are strongly associated with IC  In an online survey done by the ICA: 559 respondents to the diet survey  84% found diet helped reduced symptoms 59% used Prelief (OTC...

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Castor Oil Packs and Interstitial Cystitis: Why They Work

Posted by on Sep 10, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Castor Oil Packs and Interstitial Cystitis:  Why They Work

As you know at times the pelvic pain from IC can become unbearable and many in the IC community have talked and written about the use of  the castor oil pack  As a matter of fact these packs can be a great refuge from the chronic pain Even if the relief is short lived it can bring a reprieve  Wow, what would it be like if castor could give you complete relief and the pain never came back ever?  In the energy science healing tradition of Ayurveda there are many reasons that a dis-ease occurs so the treatments must be multifactorial as...

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Seeing Food as Qualites Not Molecules: An Energy Science View

Posted by on Aug 30, 2012 in bladder pain, IC, Interstiial cystitis | 0 comments

Seeing Food as Qualites Not Molecules: An Energy Science View

The chronic pain from IC seeks a solution but you are told that the “dis-ease is treatable  not curable” But what would it be like if there was a solution?  Is it possible?  We are led to believe a lie, when we give up hope  And obviously there is no quick fix or IC wouldn’t be a problem  But what would it be like to have your life back?  Too hard to believe?  Well read on The experience amongst IC patients is that the diet promoted by ICA or ICN may work for some, not for others  Sometimes works for awhile then seems...

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The Pain of Flares: 3 Energy Science Things To Do

Posted by on Aug 24, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis | 0 comments

The Pain of Flares:  3 Energy Science Things To Do

A “flare” is a common phrase used in IC circles to describe the sudden occurrence of pain around voiding  It can also describe the pelvic pain associated with the burning and frequency of urination that can be part of the recurrent symptom complex so characteristic of interstitial cystitis You may remember the graph on the home page near the bottom  If not go check it out now because it will show you the ups and downs of ANY dis-ease in the physiology  Even acute conditions such as renal colic from urinary stones or appendicitis...

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Listening To the Feelings and Needs of IC Patients

Posted by on Aug 6, 2012 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Listening To the Feelings and Needs of IC Patients

This is a review of the summary of responses that we received from IC patients who were willing to spend their time to discuss the distressing pain of IC as well as the repercussions of the pain  Dr Bill also was able to interview more than 50% of the survey respondents who graciously gave their time to talk with him regarding their difficulties with the dis-ease Survey Results Here are the questions: 1 What’s your biggest frustration with interstitial cystitis? Most common response was the unrelenting pain 2. What have you tried so far...

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Baking Soda and IC: Is There Value?

Since flares are related to mounting inflammation in the mindbody and acidity is a primary source of the hot quality as a result of the sour taste in foods it makes sense that you would use alkalinity to reverse the process

And many people with IC bladder pain, GERD, IBS, and fibromyalgia  swear by it

Recently a client told me about alkaline water   It brought back memory of my friend’s picture seen to the left  It is indeed stranger than fiction

Now under the right conditions with minor acidity, using baking soda could be of value  It’s just that it’s very difficult to alkalinize the physiology acutely  It would take a lot to alkanize the body and help it feel better

That’s why baking soda is questionable value

It’s like the cranberry juice story  Some people swear by it but overall the approach doesn’t make much sense from an energy science view

So is there value?  The energy science of Ayurveda says that everything in Nature is medicine and I think you can see that if the right circumstances are there it might work but the percentages are against this being a permanent solution but a temporary bandaid

All the best to solving IC      To Health as a Skill  Dr Bill

Antiinflammatory Cocktail for IC

Posted by on Oct 8, 2012 in bladder pain, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Antiinflammatory Cocktail for IC

The inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms  But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all  This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC The Hot Quality As we’ve mentioned before...

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Every IC Patient Should Be Urologically Evaluated

Posted by on Oct 1, 2012 in chronic pelvic pain syndrome, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Every IC Patient Should Be Urologically Evaluated

Pelvic pain(also known as CPPS or chronic pelvic pain syndrome) has many different causes  When everything has been ruled out with CT scan, cytology, and cystoscopy then the urologist is left with the diagnosis of IC or chronic prostatitis   So the evaluation of IC pain is a diagnosis of exclusion To the astute clinician often the symptom complex of IC stands out from other pelvic pain complexes having nuances that separate them apart from the IC label   Be that as it may it still is important to have studies done to be sure what you are...

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What Is IC?: An Energy Science Explanation

Posted by on Sep 27, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, fibromyalgia, IC, Interstiial cystitis, vulvodynia | 0 comments

What Is IC?:  An Energy Science Explanation

The pain of interstitial cystitis(IC) is chronic, intermittent, and eventually debilitating  It is pelvic in origin and often originates from the bladder but may also involve the vagina leading to painful intercourse(dyspareunia)  The pain distribution is from belly button to midthigh and is associated with episodic urinary burning, urgency, and frequency Diagnosis of the Disease Label of IC This complex of symptoms is labeled by the current matter or molecular science healing discipline(your urologist) by many different names:  chronic...

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Eggs: Are They Good or Bad for IC?

Posted by on Sep 24, 2012 in IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Eggs:  Are They Good or Bad for IC?

The pain of IC can be unpredictable which is distressing anxiety provoking in itself  Let alone that you have to contend with the pain And sometimes diet suggestions of well meaning matter science dieticians(RD) work and sometimes they don’t  Much of the current state of dietary recommendations is anecdotal even though touted as good molecular science  Diet recommendations are not as exact a science as we would like   If you feel good then the recommendations must be correct  If you’re not feeling good then that information...

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The Painful Molecules of Inflammation: NO Infection NO Cure

Posted by on Sep 18, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

The Painful Molecules of Inflammation: NO Infection NO Cure

Everyone agrees that the pain of IC is related to inflammation but it may be surprising to find that all diseases from cancer to diabetes have an element of this inflammation  And this is where we are at in our current understanding of disease from a matter or molecular science point of view  And we as the signpost points are left with no direction There are many painful molecules that have now been identified that produce inflammation in the mindbody  We have identified many of these molecules  But what causes them to begin to show up in...

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Heartburn and Interstitial Cystitis: 3 Ways to Go Beyond Prelief

Posted by on Sep 15, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Heartburn and Interstitial Cystitis:  3 Ways to Go Beyond Prelief

You would do anything to deal with the pain of IC especially when flares occur so it would stand to reason that using an antacid of some form would be appropriate since for some it gives them relief of their heartburn but has also been anecdotally reported by some to help with their IC symptoms Interestingly acid indigestion(heartburn) and GERD are strongly associated with IC  In an online survey done by the ICA: 559 respondents to the diet survey  84% found diet helped reduced symptoms 59% used Prelief (OTC...

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Castor Oil Packs and Interstitial Cystitis: Why They Work

Posted by on Sep 10, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Castor Oil Packs and Interstitial Cystitis:  Why They Work

As you know at times the pelvic pain from IC can become unbearable and many in the IC community have talked and written about the use of  the castor oil pack  As a matter of fact these packs can be a great refuge from the chronic pain Even if the relief is short lived it can bring a reprieve  Wow, what would it be like if castor could give you complete relief and the pain never came back ever?  In the energy science healing tradition of Ayurveda there are many reasons that a dis-ease occurs so the treatments must be multifactorial as...

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Seeing Food as Qualites Not Molecules: An Energy Science View

Posted by on Aug 30, 2012 in bladder pain, IC, Interstiial cystitis | 0 comments

Seeing Food as Qualites Not Molecules: An Energy Science View

The chronic pain from IC seeks a solution but you are told that the “dis-ease is treatable  not curable” But what would it be like if there was a solution?  Is it possible?  We are led to believe a lie, when we give up hope  And obviously there is no quick fix or IC wouldn’t be a problem  But what would it be like to have your life back?  Too hard to believe?  Well read on The experience amongst IC patients is that the diet promoted by ICA or ICN may work for some, not for others  Sometimes works for awhile then seems...

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The Pain of Flares: 3 Energy Science Things To Do

Posted by on Aug 24, 2012 in bladder pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, CPPS, IC, Interstiial cystitis | 0 comments

The Pain of Flares:  3 Energy Science Things To Do

A “flare” is a common phrase used in IC circles to describe the sudden occurrence of pain around voiding  It can also describe the pelvic pain associated with the burning and frequency of urination that can be part of the recurrent symptom complex so characteristic of interstitial cystitis You may remember the graph on the home page near the bottom  If not go check it out now because it will show you the ups and downs of ANY dis-ease in the physiology  Even acute conditions such as renal colic from urinary stones or appendicitis...

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Listening To the Feelings and Needs of IC Patients

Posted by on Aug 6, 2012 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Listening To the Feelings and Needs of IC Patients

This is a review of the summary of responses that we received from IC patients who were willing to spend their time to discuss the distressing pain of IC as well as the repercussions of the pain  Dr Bill also was able to interview more than 50% of the survey respondents who graciously gave their time to talk with him regarding their difficulties with the dis-ease Survey Results Here are the questions: 1 What’s your biggest frustration with interstitial cystitis? Most common response was the unrelenting pain 2. What have you tried so far...

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