The energy science of Ayurveda uses the VPK(Vata Pitta Kapha) paradigm as a way of talking about the mindbody as a biologic energy field In the energy field model of the energy science health is enjoyed when there is free flow of this biologic energy throughout the physiology and dis-ease is recognized when there is abnormal flow of this biologic energy In this model energy is called prana Prana is a general term for the biologic energy but VPK are types of biologic energy In other energy models prana is called chi, qi, ru, or ruha Regardless we notice things are not right when this energy flow is in some way compromised or obstructed
In the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, fibromyalgia) prana gets stuck in the pelvic plexus of nerves This pranic blockage of Vata is due to the buildup of the Vata qualities of cold, light, mobile, dry, rough, subtle, clear; pranic blockage can occur with the buildup of Pitta qualities of hot, light, spreading, sharp, liquid, oily; and prana is significantly blocked with the Kapha qualities of heavy, slow/dull, cool, slimy/smooth, liquid, dense, hard, soft, static, cloudy/sticky
When these above qualities accumulate they slow down the flow of prana through the GIT(GI tract) and affect agni When agni becomes disturbed food is no longer digested well and the result is undigested unprocessed food called ama When these qualities of VPK leave the GIT and go into the pelvic nerves(IC bladder pain syndrome) they carry this ama with them You can see this ama on your tongue when you scrape it in the morning during your morning ritual This is a great way as to check your progress when you are regaining your health
This ama blocks the energy channels as well as the qualities of VPK mentioned above So as you can see one of the major ways to clear the channels and hence improve the flow of prana is to augment or improve your own digestive fire or agni
The beauty of the energy model is that it not only helps us understand how disease originates but it gives us multiple ways to fix it One of the major problems in the matter science medical model is that it does not have any understanding of this concept of agni Even though it speaks about metabolism in a molecular way due to the model it has no way of treating the metabolism about which it speaks
The energy science offers several ways to clear obstructed channels in the mindbody some of which you are familiar with
1 Teas CCF tea….cumin, coriander, and fennel
Fresh ginger, cardamom, cinnamon tea
Agni tea….fresh ginger, pinch of cayenne pepper, and sucanat
2 Use of ginger pickle will stoke agni
3 Following a nutritional format for your mindbody energy constitutional makeup…seems strange that a nutrition not appropriate for your energy makeup would obstruct prana but think about it….if the qualities that you bring into your body are already in excess that will disturb digestive fire which will build ama which further obstructs the channels of flow
4 Pranayama This is a powerful way to augment agni if done on a regular basis and get prana moving
5 Asana.…certain yoga postures can enhance agni…for example naukasana(boat pose) and flow sequence such as sun salutation
6 Herbs...specific herbs used in the kitchen can improve agni such as CCF, fresh ginger, turmeric, black pepper, garlic The last 2 can be too heating especially if Pitta is provoked or during the hot summer season
7 Herbal forumla.…all formulae should be written to address agni with common herbs such as chitrak, haridra, pippali, aloe, manjistha, neem, bhumy amalaki, and kutki
Mind and body are intimately spliced We cannot separate them physically What happens in the mind happens in the body and vice versa But we do separate them because the symptoms of mental stress seem different than physical stress But anyone with a painful bladder flare will tell that it’s intimately associated with mental duress Chronic disease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystistis, vulvodynia IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, and GERD) no matter how minor the symptoms takes a toll on mental...
read moreFrom an energy science view symptoms that occur in the physical body such as those with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, IBS, and GERD) are expressions of physiologic imbalance in the energy body In the energy science world of healing it’s all about balance or harmony in the mindbody When there is no disease or imbalance then there is no expression of qualities Everything is good These imbalances are expressed in a qualitative way, that is, too much hot or too much...
read moreWhen I first heard about how shirodhara can induce maximum relaxation when I was just a budding Ayurvedic student, I skeptically thought to myself, “Who wouldn’t find warm oil slowly being poured onto their forehead relaxing?” But what seemed to me at the time as simply a luxurious pampering has amazed me both in its broadness in application as well as the beauty behind the mechanism of how it works. What It Is For those who are not so familiar with shirodhara, it is a therapy wherein a liquid substance, usually a warm oil or herbal oil,...
read moreWhen you subscribe to our site, you’re sent a short list of questions in order to get to know your interests One of the questions specifically asks about whether the topic of sour and pungent tastes interests you 50% of you have responded that you wanted to hear more…so here goes In the energy science foods play a predominant role in creating imbalances which in turn produce disease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, and fibromyalgia) Of...
read moreFrom my experience with the IC bladder pain syndrome over the last almost 40 years it appears that two thirds of patients will have intermittent symptoms that appear last for a period of like a year or so and then there is a long hiatus where they are free of symptoms But one third of patients may have preceding symptoms but then come to a time when they have unrelenting symptoms and become debilitated by the symptoms So for two thirds of the patients identified as IC many don’t suffer chronic debility Chronic Debility and IC Those...
read moreThose who have followed this blog on the IC/PBS(IC Bladder Pain Syndrome) are well aware of the fundamental energy science principle that mostly all disease in the body(except for trauma) originates in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) From this location energetic qualities or vibrational frequencies(they are one and the same) disseminate from the GIT to locations and/or organs in the body to produce symptoms of disease This is true for chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, IBS(irritable bowel syndrome), GERD(gastroesophageal reflux disease),...
read moreVulvodynia(burning or stinging pain in the vaginal entrance) is a uncommonly common problem in the IC community yet not fully recognized for its severity and sexual debility It’s like it’s taboo to talk about female sexual function as a problem As part of the IC bladder pain syndrome(GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis) vulvodynia actually mirrors the sexual dysfunction that occurs in men with chronic prostatitis It must be addressed in order for the IC community to make some sense of the IC bladder pain...
read moreA frequent visitor to our blog writes, “Here’s my problem. I keep reading your blog, but I’m not getting any answers. How about a little more precise answers to the issues you talk about. Those of us with IC/IBS need solutions to our problems, not ramblings” And Here’s My Response Thanks so much for expressing your frustration in looking for answers And you’re right, your problem of IC/PBS/IBS is unique and so is the energy science solutions to your problem From this model’s perspective there are...
read moreI think it’s fairly obvious that if you have gram negative sepsis or you’re severely injured in an accident that you wouldn’t be looking for energy science therapies But by the same token if you’re suffering from chronic disease such as IC, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, IBS, GERD, or fibromyalgia most likely you wouldn’t opt for high powered antibiotics or surgery as your first therapies of choice So what options are available to you? This is a definite conundrum in healing in this early 21st...
read moreThe nutritional formats recommended for patients with the IC bladder pain syndrome come from the energy science healing tradition of Ayurveda Whether you have just IC or complicating IBS, GERD. fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, or chronic prostatitis, these formats either at or give you guidance as to which foods you would avoid if you were to maintain physiologic balance As we have discussed before nutrition is different than diet Nutrition encompasses a broad range of recommendations that are simply not found in the...
read more The qualities that bring about the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) vary according to which of the VPK energy patterns are involved Each of the energy patterns has qualities Vata has cold light mobile dry rough subtle clear; Pitta hot light spreading sharp/penetrating liquid oily; and for Kapha heavy slow/dull cool slimy/smooth liquid dense soft hard static cloudy/sticky In the energy science these qualities are universal, that is, they make up all of our observable world, including ourselves
So when the environment is hot our mindbody becomes hot as well and you seek cold for comfort Similarly when you eat food that is hot such as salsa then your mindbody becomes hot The windows to your mindbody’s energy field is through its senses of the above qualities Honey is a unique food from an energy science point of view and is far from a simple sweet treat
The energy science of Ayurveda says that everything can be medicine when used appropriately so we need to know about the qualities of honey to use it as food Honey has qualities that can aggravate each of the energy patterns but is most most appropriate for the slow/dull cool slimy/smooth and static Kapha because of its heating qualities
In the IC bladder pain syndrome the earliest qualities to be expressed either in the gut or bladder are the hot mobile and spreading qualiites
The hot characteristic of Pitta will be aggravated by honey so PK people should not use honey all the time It also follows that during the summer months honey should not be used due to the heat
Since honey has a heating quality it can help with clearing Kapha imbalance Mucous is the signature symptom of either Kapha imbalance or release and the mucous of the common cold is an experience that we can all relate to But when Kapha’s qualities show up in the IC syndrome you can experience the heavy slow/dull and static qualities in the pelvis
The best time to use honey is during the cold winter months
Honey and ghee should be used in equal volumes NOT equal weights(toxic if you do)
NEVER cook honey(toxic if you do)
Honey will NOT be heating if used in basti since you’re not digesting it
Use honey in moderation (1 to at most 2x per week during summer)
Don’t use honey with fruit
Honey can be used with herbs to carry it to the lungs or kidneys
Honey is best used in cool mucous Kapha conditions
Honey is best used with warm to hot water
Mind and body are intimately spliced We cannot separate them physically What happens in the mind happens in the body and vice versa But we do separate them because the symptoms of mental stress seem different than physical stress But anyone with a painful bladder flare will tell that it’s intimately associated with mental duress Chronic disease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystistis, vulvodynia IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, and GERD) no matter how minor the symptoms takes a toll on mental...
read moreFrom an energy science view symptoms that occur in the physical body such as those with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, IBS, and GERD) are expressions of physiologic imbalance in the energy body In the energy science world of healing it’s all about balance or harmony in the mindbody When there is no disease or imbalance then there is no expression of qualities Everything is good These imbalances are expressed in a qualitative way, that is, too much hot or too much...
read moreWhen I first heard about how shirodhara can induce maximum relaxation when I was just a budding Ayurvedic student, I skeptically thought to myself, “Who wouldn’t find warm oil slowly being poured onto their forehead relaxing?” But what seemed to me at the time as simply a luxurious pampering has amazed me both in its broadness in application as well as the beauty behind the mechanism of how it works. What It Is For those who are not so familiar with shirodhara, it is a therapy wherein a liquid substance, usually a warm oil or herbal oil,...
read moreWhen you subscribe to our site, you’re sent a short list of questions in order to get to know your interests One of the questions specifically asks about whether the topic of sour and pungent tastes interests you 50% of you have responded that you wanted to hear more…so here goes In the energy science foods play a predominant role in creating imbalances which in turn produce disease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, and fibromyalgia) Of...
read moreFrom my experience with the IC bladder pain syndrome over the last almost 40 years it appears that two thirds of patients will have intermittent symptoms that appear last for a period of like a year or so and then there is a long hiatus where they are free of symptoms But one third of patients may have preceding symptoms but then come to a time when they have unrelenting symptoms and become debilitated by the symptoms So for two thirds of the patients identified as IC many don’t suffer chronic debility Chronic Debility and IC Those...
read moreThose who have followed this blog on the IC/PBS(IC Bladder Pain Syndrome) are well aware of the fundamental energy science principle that mostly all disease in the body(except for trauma) originates in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) From this location energetic qualities or vibrational frequencies(they are one and the same) disseminate from the GIT to locations and/or organs in the body to produce symptoms of disease This is true for chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, IBS(irritable bowel syndrome), GERD(gastroesophageal reflux disease),...
read moreVulvodynia(burning or stinging pain in the vaginal entrance) is a uncommonly common problem in the IC community yet not fully recognized for its severity and sexual debility It’s like it’s taboo to talk about female sexual function as a problem As part of the IC bladder pain syndrome(GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis) vulvodynia actually mirrors the sexual dysfunction that occurs in men with chronic prostatitis It must be addressed in order for the IC community to make some sense of the IC bladder pain...
read moreA frequent visitor to our blog writes, “Here’s my problem. I keep reading your blog, but I’m not getting any answers. How about a little more precise answers to the issues you talk about. Those of us with IC/IBS need solutions to our problems, not ramblings” And Here’s My Response Thanks so much for expressing your frustration in looking for answers And you’re right, your problem of IC/PBS/IBS is unique and so is the energy science solutions to your problem From this model’s perspective there are...
read moreI think it’s fairly obvious that if you have gram negative sepsis or you’re severely injured in an accident that you wouldn’t be looking for energy science therapies But by the same token if you’re suffering from chronic disease such as IC, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, IBS, GERD, or fibromyalgia most likely you wouldn’t opt for high powered antibiotics or surgery as your first therapies of choice So what options are available to you? This is a definite conundrum in healing in this early 21st...
read moreThe nutritional formats recommended for patients with the IC bladder pain syndrome come from the energy science healing tradition of Ayurveda Whether you have just IC or complicating IBS, GERD. fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, or chronic prostatitis, these formats either at or give you guidance as to which foods you would avoid if you were to maintain physiologic balance As we have discussed before nutrition is different than diet Nutrition encompasses a broad range of recommendations that are simply not found in the...
read moreThe IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) originates in the bowel according to the energy science of Ayurveda so it’s not surprising that bowel disorders are common in the syndrome Bloating is one of the bowel symptoms that occur with the syndrome
Bloating or abdominal distention is a common digestive problem which typically occurs after eating and varies in degree like any symptom At times it may be very transient, lasting for short period of time(hour or less) while in others it may last longer(several hours or an entire day)
It is described by the matter science as a functional bowel disorder, that is, a motility disorder of the gut It’s not known why this motility problem occurs although matter science researchers suggest that it’s related to alterations in the gut flora or the microbiome This has been termed dysbiosis and SIBO has been used of recent to define this alteration in gut flora There is an older cousin to SIBO that has been recognized for some time initially in children called “leaky gut syndrome” Once felt by the research establishment as a ridiculous concept is now being taken seriously
As is usually the case the matter science is rich in testing and trying to come up with names of these human biological disease phenomena but not so effective in determining treatment Drugs or pharma have not been very effective in dealing with bloating but because they pay the bills for the current medical establishment reports don’t surface as to their ineffectiveness
In the energy science world of Ayurveda there is one primary reason for bloating and that’s poor digestive strength or agni As I have written a number of times in this blog agni is essential for health from an Ayurvedic perspective and without it the individual is bound to incur disease of some form It’s not a matter of “if” it’s really only “when” The fundamental reason that the matter(molecular) science model of healing has trouble with dealing with digestive disorders in general is the Western allopathic model(these are all synonyms) has no understanding of the concept of agni
Poor agni can lead to a couple of different scenarios The primary result is the production of undigested, unprocessed food called ama and this leads to the interference of movement of food through the small bowel…..this interference leads to bloating Since the microbiome(gut flora) is an integral part of agni or the digestive fire, the matter science is getting close to understanding what Ayurveda has been articulating as a model of healing for 5,000 years but still not there yet So for now, take some pills
As ama progresses over time(years) more and more congestion in the gut occurs leading to progressive worsening of the bloating This leads to a second and fortunately less common reason…….a change in the direction of the normal downward movement of energy in the rectum and this interferes with normal rectal function and bowel movement function This becomes the “end of the road” for many who initially are treated as IBS due to the symptoms of their bloating But this progression leads to a severe complex of symptoms that are difficult to treat
These are meant to be added to each other over time Don’t try to do all at once or your mind WILL rebel
Eat according to your energy constitutional makeup
Avoid incompatible food combinations
Avoid overeating.….2handfuls for any one meal Place a bowl that sits comfortably in your 2 cupped hands….now that’s how much you should eat at your biggest meal of the day
Biggest meal at noon
Use spices ALL THE TIME in your cooking….fresh ginger turmeric cumin coriander fennel vanilla fresh basil
Use GHEE instead of butter or cooking oil….ghee has the qualities of digestive fire
Exercise regularly but don’t overdo it….pranayama is the best way to stoke agni
Avoid fatty fried foods
Make a deal with yourself to always sit to eat The more focus and attention you bring to eating the better your agni digestion When you calm the mind you improve agni which from a mental standpoint is better focused attention Calm the mind with meditation….at an energy level the mind and body are intimately spliced…you cannot separate them(you can’t say this using the matter science model)
Fasting This does not have to be a water fast….simply using juice or fruit for 24hours….or eat dinner at 6-7p and don’t eat until 8a the next morning and you have a 12h fast
Mind and body are intimately spliced We cannot separate them physically What happens in the mind happens in the body and vice versa But we do separate them because the symptoms of mental stress seem different than physical stress But anyone with a painful bladder flare will tell that it’s intimately associated with mental duress Chronic disease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystistis, vulvodynia IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, and GERD) no matter how minor the symptoms takes a toll on mental...
read moreFrom an energy science view symptoms that occur in the physical body such as those with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, IBS, and GERD) are expressions of physiologic imbalance in the energy body In the energy science world of healing it’s all about balance or harmony in the mindbody When there is no disease or imbalance then there is no expression of qualities Everything is good These imbalances are expressed in a qualitative way, that is, too much hot or too much...
read moreWhen I first heard about how shirodhara can induce maximum relaxation when I was just a budding Ayurvedic student, I skeptically thought to myself, “Who wouldn’t find warm oil slowly being poured onto their forehead relaxing?” But what seemed to me at the time as simply a luxurious pampering has amazed me both in its broadness in application as well as the beauty behind the mechanism of how it works. What It Is For those who are not so familiar with shirodhara, it is a therapy wherein a liquid substance, usually a warm oil or herbal oil,...
read moreWhen you subscribe to our site, you’re sent a short list of questions in order to get to know your interests One of the questions specifically asks about whether the topic of sour and pungent tastes interests you 50% of you have responded that you wanted to hear more…so here goes In the energy science foods play a predominant role in creating imbalances which in turn produce disease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, and fibromyalgia) Of...
read moreFrom my experience with the IC bladder pain syndrome over the last almost 40 years it appears that two thirds of patients will have intermittent symptoms that appear last for a period of like a year or so and then there is a long hiatus where they are free of symptoms But one third of patients may have preceding symptoms but then come to a time when they have unrelenting symptoms and become debilitated by the symptoms So for two thirds of the patients identified as IC many don’t suffer chronic debility Chronic Debility and IC Those...
read moreThose who have followed this blog on the IC/PBS(IC Bladder Pain Syndrome) are well aware of the fundamental energy science principle that mostly all disease in the body(except for trauma) originates in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) From this location energetic qualities or vibrational frequencies(they are one and the same) disseminate from the GIT to locations and/or organs in the body to produce symptoms of disease This is true for chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, IBS(irritable bowel syndrome), GERD(gastroesophageal reflux disease),...
read moreVulvodynia(burning or stinging pain in the vaginal entrance) is a uncommonly common problem in the IC community yet not fully recognized for its severity and sexual debility It’s like it’s taboo to talk about female sexual function as a problem As part of the IC bladder pain syndrome(GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis) vulvodynia actually mirrors the sexual dysfunction that occurs in men with chronic prostatitis It must be addressed in order for the IC community to make some sense of the IC bladder pain...
read moreA frequent visitor to our blog writes, “Here’s my problem. I keep reading your blog, but I’m not getting any answers. How about a little more precise answers to the issues you talk about. Those of us with IC/IBS need solutions to our problems, not ramblings” And Here’s My Response Thanks so much for expressing your frustration in looking for answers And you’re right, your problem of IC/PBS/IBS is unique and so is the energy science solutions to your problem From this model’s perspective there are...
read moreI think it’s fairly obvious that if you have gram negative sepsis or you’re severely injured in an accident that you wouldn’t be looking for energy science therapies But by the same token if you’re suffering from chronic disease such as IC, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, IBS, GERD, or fibromyalgia most likely you wouldn’t opt for high powered antibiotics or surgery as your first therapies of choice So what options are available to you? This is a definite conundrum in healing in this early 21st...
read moreThe nutritional formats recommended for patients with the IC bladder pain syndrome come from the energy science healing tradition of Ayurveda Whether you have just IC or complicating IBS, GERD. fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, or chronic prostatitis, these formats either at or give you guidance as to which foods you would avoid if you were to maintain physiologic balance As we have discussed before nutrition is different than diet Nutrition encompasses a broad range of recommendations that are simply not found in the...
read moreIn any chronic disease process an emotional roller coaster is potentially possible This is particularly true for the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD. and fibromyalgia) due to the ups and downs of the painful flares
We are all unique not only physically but psychologically and because we are mindbodies what happens in the body, happens in the mind and vice versa…the mind and body are intimately spliced…you cannot separate them….so what happens in the body happens in the mind
In the energy science the individual reigns What this means is that using the VPK(Vata Pitta Kapha) paradigm the type of emotions that crop up for someone will be different for a Vata individual than for a Kapha individual’s energy pattern
All the tools in the energy science such as the VPK energy patterns are basically to help us become better observers of ourselves When we become observers of ourselves as energy patterns of mixtures of VPK we then can have choices as to how to treat ourselves
The Vata energy pattern is that of movement so the qualities of cold, light, mobile, dry, rough, subtle, and clear are observed when there is physiologic imbalance And each of these qualities are associated with emotions For example, the cold, light, rough, and subtle qualities bring about fear and anxiety
In general the emotions of Vata are fear, anxiety, loneliness, and insecurity and the best way to treat these unnerving emotions is to provide grouding in the form of a “heavy” nutrition(dairy, nuts, root vegetables), internal oleation with ghee and externally with oil massage, practices such as calming pranayama and asana yoga practice, and meditation
Pitta, the energy of physiologic transformation, is characterized by the qualities of hot, light, spreading, sharp/penetrating, liquid, and oily As you can see these qualities deliver the transformative like emotions of getting things done But when out of balance this need to accomplish can result in anger, irritability, impatience, rigidity, intrusiveness, and meddlesomeness
The rigidity arises from the emotion of “my way or the highway” type of attitude When Pitta is out of balance there often is a need to control to the point of not listening to another’s point of view This kind of controlling behavior can lead to intrusiveness and even meddlesomeness
The way to deal with these negative emotions is to cool the Pitta energy pattern off with foods, yogic practices, and ghee
Kapha, the energy of stability, is the most manifested of the energy patterns and thus has the most qualities of heavy, slow/dull, cool, oily, slimy/smooth, liquid, dense, soft, hard, static, gross, and sticky These qualities when in balance are associated with positive human emotions of love, compassion, and empathy But when out of balance they can lead to inability to leave relationships that are serving us…. inability to move at all so complacency, inappropriate acceptance, lack of initiative….being cloying or clinging in relationships
Too often for Kapha individuals they overlook the negative emotions and see themselves as loving and compassionate This can be self destructive in the end The way out of these tricky emotional situations is to MOVE and to eat a light nourishing diet
Mind and body are intimately spliced We cannot separate them physically What happens in the mind happens in the body and vice versa But we do separate them because the symptoms of mental stress seem different than physical stress But anyone with a painful bladder flare will tell that it’s intimately associated with mental duress Chronic disease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystistis, vulvodynia IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, and GERD) no matter how minor the symptoms takes a toll on mental...
read moreFrom an energy science view symptoms that occur in the physical body such as those with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, IBS, and GERD) are expressions of physiologic imbalance in the energy body In the energy science world of healing it’s all about balance or harmony in the mindbody When there is no disease or imbalance then there is no expression of qualities Everything is good These imbalances are expressed in a qualitative way, that is, too much hot or too much...
read moreWhen I first heard about how shirodhara can induce maximum relaxation when I was just a budding Ayurvedic student, I skeptically thought to myself, “Who wouldn’t find warm oil slowly being poured onto their forehead relaxing?” But what seemed to me at the time as simply a luxurious pampering has amazed me both in its broadness in application as well as the beauty behind the mechanism of how it works. What It Is For those who are not so familiar with shirodhara, it is a therapy wherein a liquid substance, usually a warm oil or herbal oil,...
read moreWhen you subscribe to our site, you’re sent a short list of questions in order to get to know your interests One of the questions specifically asks about whether the topic of sour and pungent tastes interests you 50% of you have responded that you wanted to hear more…so here goes In the energy science foods play a predominant role in creating imbalances which in turn produce disease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, and fibromyalgia) Of...
read moreFrom my experience with the IC bladder pain syndrome over the last almost 40 years it appears that two thirds of patients will have intermittent symptoms that appear last for a period of like a year or so and then there is a long hiatus where they are free of symptoms But one third of patients may have preceding symptoms but then come to a time when they have unrelenting symptoms and become debilitated by the symptoms So for two thirds of the patients identified as IC many don’t suffer chronic debility Chronic Debility and IC Those...
read moreThose who have followed this blog on the IC/PBS(IC Bladder Pain Syndrome) are well aware of the fundamental energy science principle that mostly all disease in the body(except for trauma) originates in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) From this location energetic qualities or vibrational frequencies(they are one and the same) disseminate from the GIT to locations and/or organs in the body to produce symptoms of disease This is true for chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, IBS(irritable bowel syndrome), GERD(gastroesophageal reflux disease),...
read moreVulvodynia(burning or stinging pain in the vaginal entrance) is a uncommonly common problem in the IC community yet not fully recognized for its severity and sexual debility It’s like it’s taboo to talk about female sexual function as a problem As part of the IC bladder pain syndrome(GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis) vulvodynia actually mirrors the sexual dysfunction that occurs in men with chronic prostatitis It must be addressed in order for the IC community to make some sense of the IC bladder pain...
read moreA frequent visitor to our blog writes, “Here’s my problem. I keep reading your blog, but I’m not getting any answers. How about a little more precise answers to the issues you talk about. Those of us with IC/IBS need solutions to our problems, not ramblings” And Here’s My Response Thanks so much for expressing your frustration in looking for answers And you’re right, your problem of IC/PBS/IBS is unique and so is the energy science solutions to your problem From this model’s perspective there are...
read moreI think it’s fairly obvious that if you have gram negative sepsis or you’re severely injured in an accident that you wouldn’t be looking for energy science therapies But by the same token if you’re suffering from chronic disease such as IC, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, IBS, GERD, or fibromyalgia most likely you wouldn’t opt for high powered antibiotics or surgery as your first therapies of choice So what options are available to you? This is a definite conundrum in healing in this early 21st...
read moreThe nutritional formats recommended for patients with the IC bladder pain syndrome come from the energy science healing tradition of Ayurveda Whether you have just IC or complicating IBS, GERD. fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, or chronic prostatitis, these formats either at or give you guidance as to which foods you would avoid if you were to maintain physiologic balance As we have discussed before nutrition is different than diet Nutrition encompasses a broad range of recommendations that are simply not found in the...
read moreFor the general health consumer trying to figure out where to turn when the standard treatments are not helping, a deep troubling confusion begins to occur because they enter a world of the unknown Not only is their disease and its management unknown in the traditional sense but the world of healing is unknown to not only them but their MD’s who have become their trusted medical advisors So there is a very difficult environment of confusion created
However it may surprise many to find that in the treatments used by the energy science of Ayurveda that both the homeopathic and allopathic principles are held dependent on the situation being treated and what is being used
The homeopathic principle of treatment of using like to cure like is one of the foundational treatments in disease management also called an agonist approach Diarrhea is treated by homeopathic natural formulations in small dosing of plant based material that in higher doses would cause diarrhea Ayurveda at times will use materials that in small doses will stop diarrhea but in larger dosings produce diarrhea And at times will suggest no treatment of the diarrhea and allow the toxins to leave the body
The allopathic discipline which is used by most doctors in the West treats like with the opposite or an antagonistic approach A classical example is the use of antibiotics(anti or against + bios or ‘life or organisms) to treat infections(bios or organisms) This principle is also used in Ayurvedic treatment management of disease
So the energy science uses all principles of healing in coming up with a solution for a particular disease based on the patient and her condition The way this occurs is through the magic of herbs In some situations the complexity of the herb will be agonist to some qualities of the disease whereas the same herb may be antagonistic to other certain qualities in the same disease
Let’s see how that plays out with our IC herbal friend aloe vera Aloe vera is clearly cooling and so it would be antagonistic for the hot quality but agonist or similar to the cool quality of the Kapha energy pattern that may play a role in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) The same applies to our commonly used CCF tea for ICPBS, heating and cooling at the same time
Just by this knowledge one can have some solace that the principles of treatment are the same….different tools but same principles This is the beauty of the energy science tradition
Mind and body are intimately spliced We cannot separate them physically What happens in the mind happens in the body and vice versa But we do separate them because the symptoms of mental stress seem different than physical stress But anyone with a painful bladder flare will tell that it’s intimately associated with mental duress Chronic disease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystistis, vulvodynia IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, and GERD) no matter how minor the symptoms takes a toll on mental...
read moreFrom an energy science view symptoms that occur in the physical body such as those with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, IBS, and GERD) are expressions of physiologic imbalance in the energy body In the energy science world of healing it’s all about balance or harmony in the mindbody When there is no disease or imbalance then there is no expression of qualities Everything is good These imbalances are expressed in a qualitative way, that is, too much hot or too much...
read moreWhen I first heard about how shirodhara can induce maximum relaxation when I was just a budding Ayurvedic student, I skeptically thought to myself, “Who wouldn’t find warm oil slowly being poured onto their forehead relaxing?” But what seemed to me at the time as simply a luxurious pampering has amazed me both in its broadness in application as well as the beauty behind the mechanism of how it works. What It Is For those who are not so familiar with shirodhara, it is a therapy wherein a liquid substance, usually a warm oil or herbal oil,...
read moreWhen you subscribe to our site, you’re sent a short list of questions in order to get to know your interests One of the questions specifically asks about whether the topic of sour and pungent tastes interests you 50% of you have responded that you wanted to hear more…so here goes In the energy science foods play a predominant role in creating imbalances which in turn produce disease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, and fibromyalgia) Of...
read moreFrom my experience with the IC bladder pain syndrome over the last almost 40 years it appears that two thirds of patients will have intermittent symptoms that appear last for a period of like a year or so and then there is a long hiatus where they are free of symptoms But one third of patients may have preceding symptoms but then come to a time when they have unrelenting symptoms and become debilitated by the symptoms So for two thirds of the patients identified as IC many don’t suffer chronic debility Chronic Debility and IC Those...
read moreThose who have followed this blog on the IC/PBS(IC Bladder Pain Syndrome) are well aware of the fundamental energy science principle that mostly all disease in the body(except for trauma) originates in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) From this location energetic qualities or vibrational frequencies(they are one and the same) disseminate from the GIT to locations and/or organs in the body to produce symptoms of disease This is true for chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, IBS(irritable bowel syndrome), GERD(gastroesophageal reflux disease),...
read moreVulvodynia(burning or stinging pain in the vaginal entrance) is a uncommonly common problem in the IC community yet not fully recognized for its severity and sexual debility It’s like it’s taboo to talk about female sexual function as a problem As part of the IC bladder pain syndrome(GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis) vulvodynia actually mirrors the sexual dysfunction that occurs in men with chronic prostatitis It must be addressed in order for the IC community to make some sense of the IC bladder pain...
read moreA frequent visitor to our blog writes, “Here’s my problem. I keep reading your blog, but I’m not getting any answers. How about a little more precise answers to the issues you talk about. Those of us with IC/IBS need solutions to our problems, not ramblings” And Here’s My Response Thanks so much for expressing your frustration in looking for answers And you’re right, your problem of IC/PBS/IBS is unique and so is the energy science solutions to your problem From this model’s perspective there are...
read moreI think it’s fairly obvious that if you have gram negative sepsis or you’re severely injured in an accident that you wouldn’t be looking for energy science therapies But by the same token if you’re suffering from chronic disease such as IC, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, IBS, GERD, or fibromyalgia most likely you wouldn’t opt for high powered antibiotics or surgery as your first therapies of choice So what options are available to you? This is a definite conundrum in healing in this early 21st...
read moreThe nutritional formats recommended for patients with the IC bladder pain syndrome come from the energy science healing tradition of Ayurveda Whether you have just IC or complicating IBS, GERD. fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, or chronic prostatitis, these formats either at or give you guidance as to which foods you would avoid if you were to maintain physiologic balance As we have discussed before nutrition is different than diet Nutrition encompasses a broad range of recommendations that are simply not found in the...
read moreIn the Ayurvedic sense heating foods are Pitta provoking…..that is they produce excess heat in the body leading to any inflammatory conditions in the mindbody such as acid indigestion, GERD, the hot form of IBS, forms of inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid and gouty, even atherosclerosis which has a Pitta component to it Psychologically Pitta provocation leads to anger, hostility, rage, all kinds of heated emotions
Another uncommon seed that is used in Indian sweets and cooking is charole, a small almond like seed that comes from a bush but it is not widely available It’s seen in the image on blog entry page
By electing to blanch the almonds there is a creation of a Pitta pacifying almond butter that makes it a superb choice and substitute for any nut butter on the market today Almonds also happen to be one of the 4 pure sattvic foods in Nature(sattvic means harmonious to the mindbody and therefore balancing…milk dates and ghee are the other 3) As you can see by not having the skins almonds become a gift from Nature herself
Mind and body are intimately spliced We cannot separate them physically What happens in the mind happens in the body and vice versa But we do separate them because the symptoms of mental stress seem different than physical stress But anyone with a painful bladder flare will tell that it’s intimately associated with mental duress Chronic disease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystistis, vulvodynia IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, and GERD) no matter how minor the symptoms takes a toll on mental...
read moreFrom an energy science view symptoms that occur in the physical body such as those with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, IBS, and GERD) are expressions of physiologic imbalance in the energy body In the energy science world of healing it’s all about balance or harmony in the mindbody When there is no disease or imbalance then there is no expression of qualities Everything is good These imbalances are expressed in a qualitative way, that is, too much hot or too much...
read moreWhen I first heard about how shirodhara can induce maximum relaxation when I was just a budding Ayurvedic student, I skeptically thought to myself, “Who wouldn’t find warm oil slowly being poured onto their forehead relaxing?” But what seemed to me at the time as simply a luxurious pampering has amazed me both in its broadness in application as well as the beauty behind the mechanism of how it works. What It Is For those who are not so familiar with shirodhara, it is a therapy wherein a liquid substance, usually a warm oil or herbal oil,...
read moreWhen you subscribe to our site, you’re sent a short list of questions in order to get to know your interests One of the questions specifically asks about whether the topic of sour and pungent tastes interests you 50% of you have responded that you wanted to hear more…so here goes In the energy science foods play a predominant role in creating imbalances which in turn produce disease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, and fibromyalgia) Of...
read moreFrom my experience with the IC bladder pain syndrome over the last almost 40 years it appears that two thirds of patients will have intermittent symptoms that appear last for a period of like a year or so and then there is a long hiatus where they are free of symptoms But one third of patients may have preceding symptoms but then come to a time when they have unrelenting symptoms and become debilitated by the symptoms So for two thirds of the patients identified as IC many don’t suffer chronic debility Chronic Debility and IC Those...
read moreThose who have followed this blog on the IC/PBS(IC Bladder Pain Syndrome) are well aware of the fundamental energy science principle that mostly all disease in the body(except for trauma) originates in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) From this location energetic qualities or vibrational frequencies(they are one and the same) disseminate from the GIT to locations and/or organs in the body to produce symptoms of disease This is true for chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, IBS(irritable bowel syndrome), GERD(gastroesophageal reflux disease),...
read moreVulvodynia(burning or stinging pain in the vaginal entrance) is a uncommonly common problem in the IC community yet not fully recognized for its severity and sexual debility It’s like it’s taboo to talk about female sexual function as a problem As part of the IC bladder pain syndrome(GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis) vulvodynia actually mirrors the sexual dysfunction that occurs in men with chronic prostatitis It must be addressed in order for the IC community to make some sense of the IC bladder pain...
read moreA frequent visitor to our blog writes, “Here’s my problem. I keep reading your blog, but I’m not getting any answers. How about a little more precise answers to the issues you talk about. Those of us with IC/IBS need solutions to our problems, not ramblings” And Here’s My Response Thanks so much for expressing your frustration in looking for answers And you’re right, your problem of IC/PBS/IBS is unique and so is the energy science solutions to your problem From this model’s perspective there are...
read moreI think it’s fairly obvious that if you have gram negative sepsis or you’re severely injured in an accident that you wouldn’t be looking for energy science therapies But by the same token if you’re suffering from chronic disease such as IC, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, IBS, GERD, or fibromyalgia most likely you wouldn’t opt for high powered antibiotics or surgery as your first therapies of choice So what options are available to you? This is a definite conundrum in healing in this early 21st...
read moreThe nutritional formats recommended for patients with the IC bladder pain syndrome come from the energy science healing tradition of Ayurveda Whether you have just IC or complicating IBS, GERD. fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, or chronic prostatitis, these formats either at or give you guidance as to which foods you would avoid if you were to maintain physiologic balance As we have discussed before nutrition is different than diet Nutrition encompasses a broad range of recommendations that are simply not found in the...
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