When you subscribe to our site, you’re sent a short list of questions in order to get to know your interests One of the questions specifically asks about whether the topic of sour and pungent tastes interests you 50% of you have responded that you wanted to hear more…so here goes
In the energy science foods play a predominant role in creating imbalances which in turn produce disease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, and fibromyalgia) Of course not all foods will produce imbalance but HOW DO WE KNOW WHICH FOODS are good and those that are not good for our disease state
The energy science provides the answer in the form of food lists that have foods that you should avoid(NO column), those that can be taken in moderation, and those that can be used all the time See foodsheal.com or icdiet.com to review these formats
There are 6 energetic tastes that are recognized: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent Each of these are composed of specific qualities but for our IC bladder pain syndrome interest the ones that stand out are sour, salty, and pungent These are important because all 3 have the hot quality among others that will produce the imbalance that leads to the disease complex of the IC bladder pain syndrome
This is why the tastes of the sour and pungent can be provoking for those with IC The sour taste is the acid taste in Nature(bitter being the alkaline taste) and the pungent taste is the sensation we have when we eat a hot chili or horseradish
The importance of the lists is that they have built within them what predominance of tastes are within the food being evaluated, that is what qualities are present that may be provoking There are two benefits here 1 tells you which foods are imbalancing to you seeing your body as an energy field and 2 tells you which foods will produce disease for you And included within this construct is whether the foods are heating, that is have the hot quality or the sour and pungent tastes
1 As discussed we would want to follow the nutritional formats described at foodsheal.com(should take the questionnaire to determine your energy pattern constitution) or simply follow the icdiet format at icdiet.com The advantage of the former is that it gives you a broader choice range But both get the job done by cutting out the excessive hot quality
2 Avoid incompatible food combinations that are outlined at either of the above sites One of the fundamental principles of this list is the avoidance of fresh fruits in combination with other foods This is because the fruit with other foods can interfere with digestion and create as a byproduct toxic load called ama Ama is part of most disease processes and has to be cleared as a part of the IC syndrome
3 The use of a churan will give you all 6 tastes necessary for having healthy digestion but not giving the excess hot quality that will produce imbalance
Until next week To Health as a Skill Love DrBill
As a belated Valentine’s Day thought I would pass on this information for painful intercourse in IC Vulvodynia can occur as an isolated clinical problem but more often than not the condition is more than likely associated with the IC bladder pain syndrome in some form Obviously it’s a debilitating condition for relationships and the loss of womanhood becomes an inevitable psychological effect In my soon to be released book IC Bladder Pain Syndrome I discuss the herbal therapy of this sister disease of IC Survey...
read moreThanks so much for all your participation in the survey that I announced to members last week It was a great success and had 3x the amount of responses than I expected I wanted to share with you the results of what the community thought about the various questions If you haven’t participated and still want to you can go to this link and get your feelings counted An Energy Science IC Forum One of the threads that came out in the questions in various forms throughout your survey was the need for a place where you can post...
read moreThere are many herbs that can be adjunctive in healing IC but they should be used in the context of who is the person using them. By now you now know that each of us are unique expressions of VPK and this can change the use of a herb suggested. And even though IC is the common disease label being treated, the person has unique imbalances that may dictate the use of one herb over another. Having said that there is a uniqueness to the prescribing of herbs that are commonly used herbs in IC. I have heard people talk about allergy to certain...
read moreMany who have IC accept that once the pain of the flares is reduced that it’s enough Many look at health like this as well “It’s enough” means to marginalize To get by But to sometimes skirt issues You see I believe that a state of health is a process of evolution Health is more than the absence of disease That each day I can be healthier than I was yesterday The energy science helps us a glimpse a that greater reality of health Not to just get by Good Deal! The Pain is Reduced There is a...
read moreObviously this is a common question posed by those doing energy science work for clearance of their IC complex of bladder pain and possibly IBS, GERD and fibromyalgia As a child you may have asked, “Are we there yet?” and “Now are we there yet?” So when will this IC be over? The short answer is, “It’s over when it’s over.” But to be more specific, in general it takes 2 months of release for every year of imbalance So if you have had symptoms of IC for 10 years it will take 20 months of work to clear the...
read moreOne caveat: diet in IC is a very individual thing. When I read the list of foods that were deemed to be safe for IC, my reaction to the inclusion of some of them was “I WISH I could eat that!” IC patient The matter science dietary approach to IC is to determine personal trigger foods This approach is hit and miss and makes it difficult to be sure what foods carry the offending “molecules” In the end it becomes virtual guesswork except for the obvious choices such as white chicken(good) or...
read moreA beautiful question was posed by a reader who asked about carrageenan(ca-rag-ee-nan) as an ingredient in aloe vera gel and whether that affected its ability to be useful in the management of IC flares This brings up some questions for us Questions 1 “Is the gelatinous property of aloe vera gel related to the carrageenan?” No the aloe is gelatinous by itself without the carrageenan Perhaps another question 2 “Does the carrageenan affect the effectiveness of the aloe vera gel physiologically?” Again no 3 ...
read moreNutrition is different than diet Diet is about food choices but nutrition encompasses the entire process of nourishment From an energy science view improving digestion by the enzyme and bacterial systems of the gut requires some changes in lifestyle behaviors around eating So here are some helpful tips of do’s and dont’s around the nutrition Some of the supporting information as mentioned in the video can be found at foodsheal.com All my best for a great 2013 It’s going to be an awesome...
read moreIt’s estimated that 50-70% of IC patients have poor digestion as part of their disease process So it’s a good idea that you understand how to get it healthy as part of the process of healing this chronic disease The gastrointestinal tract’s digestive strength is likened to a magical forest where trees represent the enzyme and bacterial systems that digest your food(lactose, gluten, carbohydrates, proteins, fats) But here’s the magic!! As the trees burn and digest food they replenish themselves and the stronger the...
read moreThe pain of your IC flare is related to the movement of the qualities of hot, mobile, and dry These qualities lead to the burning in the pelvis and on urination as well as the frequency and intense urgency you experience(leading to the rusty zipper syndrome) These primordial vibrational frequencies(fancy term for qualities) are moving through a long tube in the mindbody This tube begins in the kidney and ends where the urine comes out when you urinate It’s that simple! Energy in the form of urine moves through this...
read moreFrom my experience with the IC bladder pain syndrome over the last almost 40 years it appears that two thirds of patients will have intermittent symptoms that appear last for a period of like a year or so and then there is a long hiatus where they are free of symptoms But one third of patients may have preceding symptoms but then come to a time when they have unrelenting symptoms and become debilitated by the symptoms So for two thirds of the patients identified as IC many don’t suffer chronic debility
Those with the chronic disease of the IC bladder pain syndrome(fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, and irritable bowel syndrome) will suffer due to the unrelenting symptoms that are associated with not just interstitial cystitis but with its other attendant “sister disease labels” listed above Usually it’s the IBS that becomes a major problem because as I’ve written in the past, from an energy science view all disease begins in the gastrointestinal tract(GIT) and this is the major driving force for the development and perpetuation of IC in the first place
So healing IC is not so hard for two thirds of IC patients if they are fortunate to fall into the remission category but for the one third of patients it’s frankly a difficult but not impossible job
There will be a few brave souls who will embark on a healing journey because they are so miserable or so incapacitated that life is not worth living if they have to be unemployed and lose their social network
But to do so requires courage, determination, and discipline to stay on task because as I’ve talked about in the past real healing using the energy science approach takes time It requires a gentle correction of the quantitative imbalances that have occurred over time that gradually need to be resolved
1 Belief One of the sole purposes of this blog is to defeat the aphorism that is repeatedly stated in the IC community, “treatable but not curable” So a patient embarking on taking on the healing of IC must at least in part overcome this negativity that nothing can be done This mindset is probably the most difficult in healing any chronic disease That realizing that life will be better and that there is hope is the best medicine This belief then supports the next two requirements
2 Time/patience The imbalance of Vata/Pitta creates an impatient mind…..I want the result yesterday One can support the healing process but not rush it Expecting more often sabotages the process since energy science healing requires persistent and consistent work And it’s not like one doesn’t get positive reinforcement along the way There will occur improved quality of life and lessening of symptoms as one does the work but there will be ups and downs This is why journaling can be so valuable One is able to see that there is improvement as one marks the way
3 Peeling an Onion Even though no two imbalances are exactly alike the process of healing chronic IC requires that when one symptom seems to get better and resolve that there will be another that seemingly comes up for healing as one peels the onion This is true of any chronic imbalance that is created in the body and is corrected To realize this reduces the risk of discouragement as one goes forward in the healing process Some long time readers may remember the graph depicting the wave form of creating and healing disease
To Health as a Skill Dr Bill Dean
As a belated Valentine’s Day thought I would pass on this information for painful intercourse in IC Vulvodynia can occur as an isolated clinical problem but more often than not the condition is more than likely associated with the IC bladder pain syndrome in some form Obviously it’s a debilitating condition for relationships and the loss of womanhood becomes an inevitable psychological effect In my soon to be released book IC Bladder Pain Syndrome I discuss the herbal therapy of this sister disease of IC Survey...
read moreThanks so much for all your participation in the survey that I announced to members last week It was a great success and had 3x the amount of responses than I expected I wanted to share with you the results of what the community thought about the various questions If you haven’t participated and still want to you can go to this link and get your feelings counted An Energy Science IC Forum One of the threads that came out in the questions in various forms throughout your survey was the need for a place where you can post...
read moreThere are many herbs that can be adjunctive in healing IC but they should be used in the context of who is the person using them. By now you now know that each of us are unique expressions of VPK and this can change the use of a herb suggested. And even though IC is the common disease label being treated, the person has unique imbalances that may dictate the use of one herb over another. Having said that there is a uniqueness to the prescribing of herbs that are commonly used herbs in IC. I have heard people talk about allergy to certain...
read moreMany who have IC accept that once the pain of the flares is reduced that it’s enough Many look at health like this as well “It’s enough” means to marginalize To get by But to sometimes skirt issues You see I believe that a state of health is a process of evolution Health is more than the absence of disease That each day I can be healthier than I was yesterday The energy science helps us a glimpse a that greater reality of health Not to just get by Good Deal! The Pain is Reduced There is a...
read moreObviously this is a common question posed by those doing energy science work for clearance of their IC complex of bladder pain and possibly IBS, GERD and fibromyalgia As a child you may have asked, “Are we there yet?” and “Now are we there yet?” So when will this IC be over? The short answer is, “It’s over when it’s over.” But to be more specific, in general it takes 2 months of release for every year of imbalance So if you have had symptoms of IC for 10 years it will take 20 months of work to clear the...
read moreOne caveat: diet in IC is a very individual thing. When I read the list of foods that were deemed to be safe for IC, my reaction to the inclusion of some of them was “I WISH I could eat that!” IC patient The matter science dietary approach to IC is to determine personal trigger foods This approach is hit and miss and makes it difficult to be sure what foods carry the offending “molecules” In the end it becomes virtual guesswork except for the obvious choices such as white chicken(good) or...
read moreA beautiful question was posed by a reader who asked about carrageenan(ca-rag-ee-nan) as an ingredient in aloe vera gel and whether that affected its ability to be useful in the management of IC flares This brings up some questions for us Questions 1 “Is the gelatinous property of aloe vera gel related to the carrageenan?” No the aloe is gelatinous by itself without the carrageenan Perhaps another question 2 “Does the carrageenan affect the effectiveness of the aloe vera gel physiologically?” Again no 3 ...
read moreNutrition is different than diet Diet is about food choices but nutrition encompasses the entire process of nourishment From an energy science view improving digestion by the enzyme and bacterial systems of the gut requires some changes in lifestyle behaviors around eating So here are some helpful tips of do’s and dont’s around the nutrition Some of the supporting information as mentioned in the video can be found at foodsheal.com All my best for a great 2013 It’s going to be an awesome...
read moreIt’s estimated that 50-70% of IC patients have poor digestion as part of their disease process So it’s a good idea that you understand how to get it healthy as part of the process of healing this chronic disease The gastrointestinal tract’s digestive strength is likened to a magical forest where trees represent the enzyme and bacterial systems that digest your food(lactose, gluten, carbohydrates, proteins, fats) But here’s the magic!! As the trees burn and digest food they replenish themselves and the stronger the...
read moreThe pain of your IC flare is related to the movement of the qualities of hot, mobile, and dry These qualities lead to the burning in the pelvis and on urination as well as the frequency and intense urgency you experience(leading to the rusty zipper syndrome) These primordial vibrational frequencies(fancy term for qualities) are moving through a long tube in the mindbody This tube begins in the kidney and ends where the urine comes out when you urinate It’s that simple! Energy in the form of urine moves through this...
read moreThose who have followed this blog on the IC/PBS(IC Bladder Pain Syndrome) are well aware of the fundamental energy science principle that mostly all disease in the body(except for trauma) originates in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) From this location energetic qualities or vibrational frequencies(they are one and the same) disseminate from the GIT to locations and/or organs in the body to produce symptoms of disease This is true for chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, IBS(irritable bowel syndrome), GERD(gastroesophageal reflux disease), and interstitial cystitis which are all part of the IC/PBS
When excessive these qualities produce disease They are grouped into the energy patterns of VPK(Vata Pitta and Kapha)and are associated with specific physical symptoms or manifestations
Vata, the energy of movement, is associated with gas in the body We most notably experience gas as flatus or belching
Due to its mobile vibrational frequency Vata qualities easily relate to the nervous system which is the most active mobile system in the body
Pitta, the energy of transformation, is associated with the hot sensation in the body We experience this energy pattern as burning
Kapha, the energy of stability, is the most physically expressed and we experience this pattern as mucous
When the Vata group of vibrational frequencies become progressively excessive in the colon the qualities of cold, dry, light, mobile, and rough begin moving out of the colon and usually seeks out the nervous tissue that it is most like
The stage is now set for these vibrational frequencies to extend to peripheral adjacent tissues Since these frequencies have an affinity to nervous tissue which has similar frequencies, they increase in amount in the pelvic plexus of nerves around the rectum, vagina bladder, and prostate
The increase in vibrational frequencies in the pelvic nervous system brings nerve irritability with “nerves that are screaming” These irritated and hurting nerves send signals to the organs innervated such as the bladder, prostate, vagina, sciatic nerve, and even the pelvic floor Literally the “nerves are killing her”!
This pelvic floor involvement can at times lead to pelvic floor spasm leading to discoordinated efforts of voiding or eliminating stool, pain in the perineum, and/or spasms
1 Stop taking in these unwanted vibrational freqeuncies This is why the energy science nutrtional format is so important It gives you guidance as to what foods are good to use and those foods that are not so good as choices
2 Basti When herbally medicated fluid is placed in the lower rectum it eliminates excess vibrational frequencies from the lower rectum This creates a negative pressure in the lower rectum and there is a return of these frequencies from the involved pelvic nerves to the lower rectum for elimination with subsequent basti
3 Use of herbal formula Each of the imbalances created in us are unique because there are so many aspects to the imbalance A formula specifically tailored to the individual’s imbalance is helpful in maintaining the flow of excess vibrational frequencies from the body
To Health as a Skill Best DB
As a belated Valentine’s Day thought I would pass on this information for painful intercourse in IC Vulvodynia can occur as an isolated clinical problem but more often than not the condition is more than likely associated with the IC bladder pain syndrome in some form Obviously it’s a debilitating condition for relationships and the loss of womanhood becomes an inevitable psychological effect In my soon to be released book IC Bladder Pain Syndrome I discuss the herbal therapy of this sister disease of IC Survey...
read moreThanks so much for all your participation in the survey that I announced to members last week It was a great success and had 3x the amount of responses than I expected I wanted to share with you the results of what the community thought about the various questions If you haven’t participated and still want to you can go to this link and get your feelings counted An Energy Science IC Forum One of the threads that came out in the questions in various forms throughout your survey was the need for a place where you can post...
read moreThere are many herbs that can be adjunctive in healing IC but they should be used in the context of who is the person using them. By now you now know that each of us are unique expressions of VPK and this can change the use of a herb suggested. And even though IC is the common disease label being treated, the person has unique imbalances that may dictate the use of one herb over another. Having said that there is a uniqueness to the prescribing of herbs that are commonly used herbs in IC. I have heard people talk about allergy to certain...
read moreMany who have IC accept that once the pain of the flares is reduced that it’s enough Many look at health like this as well “It’s enough” means to marginalize To get by But to sometimes skirt issues You see I believe that a state of health is a process of evolution Health is more than the absence of disease That each day I can be healthier than I was yesterday The energy science helps us a glimpse a that greater reality of health Not to just get by Good Deal! The Pain is Reduced There is a...
read moreObviously this is a common question posed by those doing energy science work for clearance of their IC complex of bladder pain and possibly IBS, GERD and fibromyalgia As a child you may have asked, “Are we there yet?” and “Now are we there yet?” So when will this IC be over? The short answer is, “It’s over when it’s over.” But to be more specific, in general it takes 2 months of release for every year of imbalance So if you have had symptoms of IC for 10 years it will take 20 months of work to clear the...
read moreOne caveat: diet in IC is a very individual thing. When I read the list of foods that were deemed to be safe for IC, my reaction to the inclusion of some of them was “I WISH I could eat that!” IC patient The matter science dietary approach to IC is to determine personal trigger foods This approach is hit and miss and makes it difficult to be sure what foods carry the offending “molecules” In the end it becomes virtual guesswork except for the obvious choices such as white chicken(good) or...
read moreA beautiful question was posed by a reader who asked about carrageenan(ca-rag-ee-nan) as an ingredient in aloe vera gel and whether that affected its ability to be useful in the management of IC flares This brings up some questions for us Questions 1 “Is the gelatinous property of aloe vera gel related to the carrageenan?” No the aloe is gelatinous by itself without the carrageenan Perhaps another question 2 “Does the carrageenan affect the effectiveness of the aloe vera gel physiologically?” Again no 3 ...
read moreNutrition is different than diet Diet is about food choices but nutrition encompasses the entire process of nourishment From an energy science view improving digestion by the enzyme and bacterial systems of the gut requires some changes in lifestyle behaviors around eating So here are some helpful tips of do’s and dont’s around the nutrition Some of the supporting information as mentioned in the video can be found at foodsheal.com All my best for a great 2013 It’s going to be an awesome...
read moreIt’s estimated that 50-70% of IC patients have poor digestion as part of their disease process So it’s a good idea that you understand how to get it healthy as part of the process of healing this chronic disease The gastrointestinal tract’s digestive strength is likened to a magical forest where trees represent the enzyme and bacterial systems that digest your food(lactose, gluten, carbohydrates, proteins, fats) But here’s the magic!! As the trees burn and digest food they replenish themselves and the stronger the...
read moreThe pain of your IC flare is related to the movement of the qualities of hot, mobile, and dry These qualities lead to the burning in the pelvis and on urination as well as the frequency and intense urgency you experience(leading to the rusty zipper syndrome) These primordial vibrational frequencies(fancy term for qualities) are moving through a long tube in the mindbody This tube begins in the kidney and ends where the urine comes out when you urinate It’s that simple! Energy in the form of urine moves through this...
read moreVulvodynia(burning or stinging pain in the vaginal entrance) is a uncommonly common problem in the IC community yet not fully recognized for its severity and sexual debility It’s like it’s taboo to talk about female sexual function as a problem
As part of the IC bladder pain syndrome(GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis) vulvodynia actually mirrors the sexual dysfunction that occurs in men with chronic prostatitis It must be addressed in order for the IC community to make some sense of the IC bladder pain syndrome
Most have heard of the referred pain from organs in the body The most commonly talked about referred patterns are those that center around heart pain or angina When the heart is deprived of blood the muscle complains and nerve pathways are stimulated that produce pain at different and distant sites such as the left wrist, neck, left jaw area, and sometimes even between the shoulder blades in the back
Vulvodynia is also referred pain but in this situation coming from pelvic nerve irritability of the pelvic nerve plexus itself, not from the bladder itself The origin and reason for such pain is baffling for the matter science of today to figure out How do the pelvic nerves get involved? What process leads to such involvement?
As I have written about in the past the energy pattern of physiologic movement in the body is Vata and the system that moves the most in the body is the nervous system…hence Vata as an energy pattern plays a central role in nervous system function
When the Vata energy pattern becomes excessive in the colon specifically it tends to move directly from the lower rectum into the pelvic nerve system of nervous tissue When Pitta is present as well the Vata energy pattern can “carry” this energy pattern into the nervous tissue of the pelvis as well
There is no pain without Vata in the body so transient, movable, shifting, sucking type pain can occur in areas of the body that are innervated by pelvic nerves involved When Pitta is brought into the picture, burning sensations are prominent
So this is the energy science anatomical and physiologic setup for vulvodynia and as a matter of fact for chronic prostatitis as well What to do?
1 Basti Since the origin of the imbalance leading to the pelvic nerve involvement is the colon and specifically the lower rectum using herbal medicated solutions to bring the Vata energy pattern back to the colon where it can be eliminated is an effective way of dealing with this problem The term basti simply means enema but this is a specialized form of enema in that herbs create a saturated solution that have a direct effect on the colonic mucosal surface
2 Herbal formula The use of herbs to deal with the individual energetic imbalances is part of dealing with the overall disease process that is taking place in the body
3 Maintaining GIT health As I have written about in many past blogs the health of the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) is paramount for anyone wishing to take on this type of healing discipline If you keep making imbalancing choices and not paying attention to the details of energy science nutrition then the first two solutions will not work
To Health as a Skill Dr Bill
As a belated Valentine’s Day thought I would pass on this information for painful intercourse in IC Vulvodynia can occur as an isolated clinical problem but more often than not the condition is more than likely associated with the IC bladder pain syndrome in some form Obviously it’s a debilitating condition for relationships and the loss of womanhood becomes an inevitable psychological effect In my soon to be released book IC Bladder Pain Syndrome I discuss the herbal therapy of this sister disease of IC Survey...
read moreThanks so much for all your participation in the survey that I announced to members last week It was a great success and had 3x the amount of responses than I expected I wanted to share with you the results of what the community thought about the various questions If you haven’t participated and still want to you can go to this link and get your feelings counted An Energy Science IC Forum One of the threads that came out in the questions in various forms throughout your survey was the need for a place where you can post...
read moreThere are many herbs that can be adjunctive in healing IC but they should be used in the context of who is the person using them. By now you now know that each of us are unique expressions of VPK and this can change the use of a herb suggested. And even though IC is the common disease label being treated, the person has unique imbalances that may dictate the use of one herb over another. Having said that there is a uniqueness to the prescribing of herbs that are commonly used herbs in IC. I have heard people talk about allergy to certain...
read moreMany who have IC accept that once the pain of the flares is reduced that it’s enough Many look at health like this as well “It’s enough” means to marginalize To get by But to sometimes skirt issues You see I believe that a state of health is a process of evolution Health is more than the absence of disease That each day I can be healthier than I was yesterday The energy science helps us a glimpse a that greater reality of health Not to just get by Good Deal! The Pain is Reduced There is a...
read moreObviously this is a common question posed by those doing energy science work for clearance of their IC complex of bladder pain and possibly IBS, GERD and fibromyalgia As a child you may have asked, “Are we there yet?” and “Now are we there yet?” So when will this IC be over? The short answer is, “It’s over when it’s over.” But to be more specific, in general it takes 2 months of release for every year of imbalance So if you have had symptoms of IC for 10 years it will take 20 months of work to clear the...
read moreOne caveat: diet in IC is a very individual thing. When I read the list of foods that were deemed to be safe for IC, my reaction to the inclusion of some of them was “I WISH I could eat that!” IC patient The matter science dietary approach to IC is to determine personal trigger foods This approach is hit and miss and makes it difficult to be sure what foods carry the offending “molecules” In the end it becomes virtual guesswork except for the obvious choices such as white chicken(good) or...
read moreA beautiful question was posed by a reader who asked about carrageenan(ca-rag-ee-nan) as an ingredient in aloe vera gel and whether that affected its ability to be useful in the management of IC flares This brings up some questions for us Questions 1 “Is the gelatinous property of aloe vera gel related to the carrageenan?” No the aloe is gelatinous by itself without the carrageenan Perhaps another question 2 “Does the carrageenan affect the effectiveness of the aloe vera gel physiologically?” Again no 3 ...
read moreNutrition is different than diet Diet is about food choices but nutrition encompasses the entire process of nourishment From an energy science view improving digestion by the enzyme and bacterial systems of the gut requires some changes in lifestyle behaviors around eating So here are some helpful tips of do’s and dont’s around the nutrition Some of the supporting information as mentioned in the video can be found at foodsheal.com All my best for a great 2013 It’s going to be an awesome...
read moreIt’s estimated that 50-70% of IC patients have poor digestion as part of their disease process So it’s a good idea that you understand how to get it healthy as part of the process of healing this chronic disease The gastrointestinal tract’s digestive strength is likened to a magical forest where trees represent the enzyme and bacterial systems that digest your food(lactose, gluten, carbohydrates, proteins, fats) But here’s the magic!! As the trees burn and digest food they replenish themselves and the stronger the...
read moreThe pain of your IC flare is related to the movement of the qualities of hot, mobile, and dry These qualities lead to the burning in the pelvis and on urination as well as the frequency and intense urgency you experience(leading to the rusty zipper syndrome) These primordial vibrational frequencies(fancy term for qualities) are moving through a long tube in the mindbody This tube begins in the kidney and ends where the urine comes out when you urinate It’s that simple! Energy in the form of urine moves through this...
read moreA frequent visitor to our blog writes, “Here’s my problem. I keep reading your blog, but I’m not getting any answers. How about a little more precise answers to the issues you talk about. Those of us with IC/IBS need solutions to our problems, not ramblings”
Thanks so much for expressing your frustration in looking for answers And you’re right, your problem of IC/PBS/IBS is unique and so is the energy science solutions to your problem From this model’s perspective there are generalities to the IC population that can be shared in this blog such as nutritional formats, how to improve agni, reduce ama, and helping new and seasoned readers understand the difference between the energy model and the current molecular model of healing As a matter of fact I’m going to turn this response into a blog that will be posted Monday, August 11, 2014 to help readers understand this very point
But when it comes down to your specific problem(s) there is no “cookie cutter formula” from the energy science to “get fixed” We all wish that healing was this simple but unfortunately it just isn’t that way even from a matter science point of view If that was the case no one would have chronic disease and everyone would be healthy But each of us is different and unique in our imbalances and their expressions
There may be four people with IC but each are different in their symptoms One may have significant IBS, another fibromyalgia, another chronic prostatitis, and the last incapacitating vulvodynia They all need to have individualized attention to solve their unique presentations
Each of these individuals will require different herbal formulations to address specific physiologic imbalances, specific herbs to address GI issues(from this model all disease begins in the GI tract), specific self administered therapies, and even specific yoga and breathing techniques
So this individualized approach is what can be written for you as an energy science prescription….and to realize that the process of healing won’t occur overnight but will take time based on the length of time of your chronic illness and strength of the imbalance
1 Free consultations are available for those who want to explore this approach to see if it’s right for them and if you and I are a “fit” (you may not like what you hear or I may not think you’re in a position to take on this type of healing approach)…..and to realize that you can always quit the process at any time if you feel the progress being made is not satisfactory or you simply need a break(that is, to be continued in the future) Yes, there’s money involved(no free lunch) but ask yourself how much money you’ve spent thus far with no results
2 Keep reading We all want assurance that we are making a good choice Some of you are early in understanding this approach to healing……whether it’s right for you, whether it will work For those of you in this phase, keep educating yourself, read as much as you have time for…..that is, explore, explore and explore some more until you’re satisfied
3 Time to Move On As I said earlier, this approach works but it’s not for everyone If you’ve heard it all and it doesn’t make sense to you, then just click the button and unsubscribe
I believe to simply arrest the process of IC with the energy science approach is a big deal…to not have acceleration of symptoms is a significant step But to go beyond that and get rid of IC and its attendant symptoms is something that is attainable for everyone Only you know whether that is a path you want to try
And thanks to our reader helping us further our understanding DB
As a belated Valentine’s Day thought I would pass on this information for painful intercourse in IC Vulvodynia can occur as an isolated clinical problem but more often than not the condition is more than likely associated with the IC bladder pain syndrome in some form Obviously it’s a debilitating condition for relationships and the loss of womanhood becomes an inevitable psychological effect In my soon to be released book IC Bladder Pain Syndrome I discuss the herbal therapy of this sister disease of IC Survey...
read moreThanks so much for all your participation in the survey that I announced to members last week It was a great success and had 3x the amount of responses than I expected I wanted to share with you the results of what the community thought about the various questions If you haven’t participated and still want to you can go to this link and get your feelings counted An Energy Science IC Forum One of the threads that came out in the questions in various forms throughout your survey was the need for a place where you can post...
read moreThere are many herbs that can be adjunctive in healing IC but they should be used in the context of who is the person using them. By now you now know that each of us are unique expressions of VPK and this can change the use of a herb suggested. And even though IC is the common disease label being treated, the person has unique imbalances that may dictate the use of one herb over another. Having said that there is a uniqueness to the prescribing of herbs that are commonly used herbs in IC. I have heard people talk about allergy to certain...
read moreMany who have IC accept that once the pain of the flares is reduced that it’s enough Many look at health like this as well “It’s enough” means to marginalize To get by But to sometimes skirt issues You see I believe that a state of health is a process of evolution Health is more than the absence of disease That each day I can be healthier than I was yesterday The energy science helps us a glimpse a that greater reality of health Not to just get by Good Deal! The Pain is Reduced There is a...
read moreObviously this is a common question posed by those doing energy science work for clearance of their IC complex of bladder pain and possibly IBS, GERD and fibromyalgia As a child you may have asked, “Are we there yet?” and “Now are we there yet?” So when will this IC be over? The short answer is, “It’s over when it’s over.” But to be more specific, in general it takes 2 months of release for every year of imbalance So if you have had symptoms of IC for 10 years it will take 20 months of work to clear the...
read moreOne caveat: diet in IC is a very individual thing. When I read the list of foods that were deemed to be safe for IC, my reaction to the inclusion of some of them was “I WISH I could eat that!” IC patient The matter science dietary approach to IC is to determine personal trigger foods This approach is hit and miss and makes it difficult to be sure what foods carry the offending “molecules” In the end it becomes virtual guesswork except for the obvious choices such as white chicken(good) or...
read moreA beautiful question was posed by a reader who asked about carrageenan(ca-rag-ee-nan) as an ingredient in aloe vera gel and whether that affected its ability to be useful in the management of IC flares This brings up some questions for us Questions 1 “Is the gelatinous property of aloe vera gel related to the carrageenan?” No the aloe is gelatinous by itself without the carrageenan Perhaps another question 2 “Does the carrageenan affect the effectiveness of the aloe vera gel physiologically?” Again no 3 ...
read moreNutrition is different than diet Diet is about food choices but nutrition encompasses the entire process of nourishment From an energy science view improving digestion by the enzyme and bacterial systems of the gut requires some changes in lifestyle behaviors around eating So here are some helpful tips of do’s and dont’s around the nutrition Some of the supporting information as mentioned in the video can be found at foodsheal.com All my best for a great 2013 It’s going to be an awesome...
read moreIt’s estimated that 50-70% of IC patients have poor digestion as part of their disease process So it’s a good idea that you understand how to get it healthy as part of the process of healing this chronic disease The gastrointestinal tract’s digestive strength is likened to a magical forest where trees represent the enzyme and bacterial systems that digest your food(lactose, gluten, carbohydrates, proteins, fats) But here’s the magic!! As the trees burn and digest food they replenish themselves and the stronger the...
read moreThe pain of your IC flare is related to the movement of the qualities of hot, mobile, and dry These qualities lead to the burning in the pelvis and on urination as well as the frequency and intense urgency you experience(leading to the rusty zipper syndrome) These primordial vibrational frequencies(fancy term for qualities) are moving through a long tube in the mindbody This tube begins in the kidney and ends where the urine comes out when you urinate It’s that simple! Energy in the form of urine moves through this...
read moreI think it’s fairly obvious that if you have gram negative sepsis or you’re severely injured in an accident that you wouldn’t be looking for energy science therapies But by the same token if you’re suffering from chronic disease such as IC, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, IBS, GERD, or fibromyalgia most likely you wouldn’t opt for high powered antibiotics or surgery as your first therapies of choice So what options are available to you?
This is a definite conundrum in healing in this early 21st century…healing is at a crossroads Does it stick with the current model of healing that bails us out of life threatening emergency situations but doesn’t take care of our chronic illnesses?
It is no longer tenable to see the our biological mindbody as a matter or molecular field alone By today’s accepted and established laws of Nature the mindbody simultaneously coexists as both a molecular and an energy field As a matter of fact the matter science community is making discoveries that support the energy science healing tenets
The matter science is rediscovering what the energy science of Ayurveda has been talking about for 5,000 years. The rediscovery process occurs because the technological tools that have come about in the last 30 years have allowed us to probe the human anatomy and physiology more deeply than had been previously thought possible. And with that probing we are uncovering information that allows us to validate what the ancient energy science has taken as fact. How could this be?
How could an ancient science see without today’s technological methodologies? The answer is quite simple but hard for us to believe these days of cell phones, computers, and moon walks. The people who cognized this energy science were more evolved than we are today. They had the ability to think of the body from an energy perspective since they were not encumbered with an influencing biological matter field structure. They were able to cognize past the structure to view a richer and more reliable physiological model. And as they tested their theories of biological energy healing, refinements of the model continued but the foundation of the tenets of the model were sound and hold true today
But this is not about exclusivity. Since the holistic mindbody is both an energy and matter field coexisting simultaneously it follows that the healing tradition that takes care of it should be holistic. Holistic healing is a merging of the energy and matter science traditions where they simultaneously coexist, each drawing on their respective strengths. So this is not “east meets west”. The concept of inclusivity of healing disciplines from a science point of view means that the healing tradition of the 21st century abides by the laws of Nature Herself
The energy science can actually serve as a guide to future matter science probings Some of the more advanced matter science researchers that I have known have looked outside their world for ideas as to how to advance their thinking This begins weaving what is a true integrative medical model
To Health as a Skill DB
As a belated Valentine’s Day thought I would pass on this information for painful intercourse in IC Vulvodynia can occur as an isolated clinical problem but more often than not the condition is more than likely associated with the IC bladder pain syndrome in some form Obviously it’s a debilitating condition for relationships and the loss of womanhood becomes an inevitable psychological effect In my soon to be released book IC Bladder Pain Syndrome I discuss the herbal therapy of this sister disease of IC Survey...
read moreThanks so much for all your participation in the survey that I announced to members last week It was a great success and had 3x the amount of responses than I expected I wanted to share with you the results of what the community thought about the various questions If you haven’t participated and still want to you can go to this link and get your feelings counted An Energy Science IC Forum One of the threads that came out in the questions in various forms throughout your survey was the need for a place where you can post...
read moreThere are many herbs that can be adjunctive in healing IC but they should be used in the context of who is the person using them. By now you now know that each of us are unique expressions of VPK and this can change the use of a herb suggested. And even though IC is the common disease label being treated, the person has unique imbalances that may dictate the use of one herb over another. Having said that there is a uniqueness to the prescribing of herbs that are commonly used herbs in IC. I have heard people talk about allergy to certain...
read moreMany who have IC accept that once the pain of the flares is reduced that it’s enough Many look at health like this as well “It’s enough” means to marginalize To get by But to sometimes skirt issues You see I believe that a state of health is a process of evolution Health is more than the absence of disease That each day I can be healthier than I was yesterday The energy science helps us a glimpse a that greater reality of health Not to just get by Good Deal! The Pain is Reduced There is a...
read moreObviously this is a common question posed by those doing energy science work for clearance of their IC complex of bladder pain and possibly IBS, GERD and fibromyalgia As a child you may have asked, “Are we there yet?” and “Now are we there yet?” So when will this IC be over? The short answer is, “It’s over when it’s over.” But to be more specific, in general it takes 2 months of release for every year of imbalance So if you have had symptoms of IC for 10 years it will take 20 months of work to clear the...
read moreOne caveat: diet in IC is a very individual thing. When I read the list of foods that were deemed to be safe for IC, my reaction to the inclusion of some of them was “I WISH I could eat that!” IC patient The matter science dietary approach to IC is to determine personal trigger foods This approach is hit and miss and makes it difficult to be sure what foods carry the offending “molecules” In the end it becomes virtual guesswork except for the obvious choices such as white chicken(good) or...
read moreA beautiful question was posed by a reader who asked about carrageenan(ca-rag-ee-nan) as an ingredient in aloe vera gel and whether that affected its ability to be useful in the management of IC flares This brings up some questions for us Questions 1 “Is the gelatinous property of aloe vera gel related to the carrageenan?” No the aloe is gelatinous by itself without the carrageenan Perhaps another question 2 “Does the carrageenan affect the effectiveness of the aloe vera gel physiologically?” Again no 3 ...
read moreNutrition is different than diet Diet is about food choices but nutrition encompasses the entire process of nourishment From an energy science view improving digestion by the enzyme and bacterial systems of the gut requires some changes in lifestyle behaviors around eating So here are some helpful tips of do’s and dont’s around the nutrition Some of the supporting information as mentioned in the video can be found at foodsheal.com All my best for a great 2013 It’s going to be an awesome...
read moreIt’s estimated that 50-70% of IC patients have poor digestion as part of their disease process So it’s a good idea that you understand how to get it healthy as part of the process of healing this chronic disease The gastrointestinal tract’s digestive strength is likened to a magical forest where trees represent the enzyme and bacterial systems that digest your food(lactose, gluten, carbohydrates, proteins, fats) But here’s the magic!! As the trees burn and digest food they replenish themselves and the stronger the...
read moreThe pain of your IC flare is related to the movement of the qualities of hot, mobile, and dry These qualities lead to the burning in the pelvis and on urination as well as the frequency and intense urgency you experience(leading to the rusty zipper syndrome) These primordial vibrational frequencies(fancy term for qualities) are moving through a long tube in the mindbody This tube begins in the kidney and ends where the urine comes out when you urinate It’s that simple! Energy in the form of urine moves through this...
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