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Forum and Your IC Community: More On Castor Packs

Forum and Your IC Community:  More On Castor Packs

Thanks so much for all your participation in the survey that I announced to members last week   It was a great success and had 3x the amount of responses than I expected   I wanted to share with you the results of what the community thought about the various questions   If you haven’t participated and still want to you can go to this link and get your feelings counted

An Energy Science IC Forum

One of the threads that came out in the questions in various forms throughout your survey was the need for a place where you can post questions that I or the community can answer regarding the application of energy science principles in IC   The ICA and ICN both support members through threads and so it’s our thought that we would emulate them

Questions like the use of castor oil packs and frequency of application   BTW using heat with the castor oil pack seems to work better   Get the cooling effect of the castor energetically and the heat helps reduce muscle spasm   Since you’re applying the pack over the bladder area you’re also doing marma(acupuncture) therapy as well   Applying a sandalwood(kinda spendy) or Khus essential oil attars to the pack provides not only marma therapy but aromatherapy as well    If interested I’ll have it in the  Supporting Products section of website in the next couple of weeks

This site is all about an energy science approach to the chronic disease of IC   Since this approach is different than what you’re used to seeing the site is not only about the  application of the principles but also education about what the energy science of Ayurveda is all about   The IC Bladder Pain Syndrome book was a gift for participating in the survey and is all about getting some of those basics questions answered

So I think a thread is a great idea and I’ll be posting a page called Forum in order for threads to be managed in the next couple of weeks   In the meantime you can post your questions in the Contact heading and I’ll make sure the question is posted

Survey Results

The most frequent question was how to control pain(in emergency situations as well ie vacations) but also about the bothersomeness of the voiding pattern problems of frequency and urgency   Another commonly asked question was how long will it take to get better, how to mentally cope and intimacy issues

Other interesting questions were about disease interconnectivity and what to do to maintain healing  Insomnia and the fear of long range damage came up

You were split about a course being offered but 70% felt that an energy science approach to the problem was valuable and you were nearly unanimous about having a guide help you with specific details about healing IC with this discipline

Lastly 46% felt that a course to help with intimacy issues would be of value   For your information the energy science uses medicated tea vaginal douches to lavage the vaginal lining that can be effective in dealing with stagnant pelvic energy responsible for intercourse pain

Until next week                      To Health as a Skill     Love DrBill


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