The inflammation that occurs with your IC pain as we’ve talked about in the past is from the hot and mobile qualities from an energy science viewpoint
As you know this pain can be excruciating and unrelenting causing undue stress on relationships and plans
And there are things that we have discussed that can help with temporary relief of symptoms But what would it be like it you lived a life without any bladder symptoms at all This is the cure of the apparent curable condition of IC
As we’ve mentioned before the human energy anatomy Ayurveda says that there are three energy patterns that give us function The Vata, Pitta, and Kapha physiologic energies gives the body movement, transformation, and stability respectively
Pitta the energy of transformation is the only one of the three energy patterns that has the hot vibrational frequency This energy of transformation is responsible for your flares Makes sense doesn’t it? Hot transforms right? But too much of this energy produces IC Burning wood, burning thoughts, burning stomach burning bladder, burning pelvis, burning vagina Holy smoke! Burned up relationships!
This is the energy that slso makes us competitive but if more hot enters into the equation it leads to aggressive behaviors that turn people off
So when it’s hot in the environment the same hot is aggravated in our own mindbody energy field And when you eat trigger foods the same thing happens whether we can appreciate it or not That’s why the food guidelines are so important because sometimes you can’t appreciate what’s happening
The hot from the sun is never as long term provoking as the hot that we ingest As I’ve discussed in other blogs consumption of the hot quality has a much longer staying power of influence This is a very important point since the physiology is affected literally for 35 days after a trigger food is chosen to be ingested
What happens when too much hot is in the energy physiology? You guessed it! INFLAMMATION
Sooo…. here’s a recipe for a delicious cooling herbal cocktail that you may find valuable particularly during flare seasons
2T of aloe vera gel(NOT the juice)
2oz of pomegranite juice
2oz of water
Chug a lug! Hmmmm delissios
Here’s to cooling off
In a recent article the Washington Post( reviewed the reasons people are reluctant to take the COVID vaccine. One significantly addressed reason in the article is that many antivaxxers are followers of alternative health social media platforms that sow misinformation about the current vaccines which mislead their loyal followers who have grown to trust the messaging as reliable and trustworthy. In the past while heavy metal adjuvants such as mercury and aluminum may have had significant effects in...
read moreLast time we talked about a long list of Ayurvedic lifestyles that will enhance immunity Here’s a shortlist of trace metals that are important in immunity which is the only way we individually will improve our immunologic response when infected by a viral load such as COVID 19 Nasal breathing Many of us breathe through the mouth The simple transition to nasal breathing can enhance nitric oxide which improves immunologic response among other things Neti use can improve immunity directly and indirectly Because it clears ...
read moreIt’s now surprising that as we have been discussing the microbiome and how healing it can lead to healing ICPBS that treating the microbiome can be instrumental in protecting yourself and loved ones during this COVID 19 pandemic now going on in the US Here’s a video link for more information: And below is the supporting information referred to in the video THE RELEVANCE OF AGNI AND GUT MICROBIOME TO HEALTH From an Ayurvedic perspective our digestive strength and function (agni) is central to the disease process....
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreBacteria populate the gut in increasing numbers from the upper smalll bowel to the densest population residing in the colon which are “good and bad guys” From previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, anf vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. From an AY...
read moreIn the world of Ayurveda the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia) arises from a disturbance in the ability to digest food. This impaired digestion leads to toxic buildup that then leads to toxins collecting in areas outside the bowel. One of the areas where this buildup occurs in the pelvic nerves surrounding the large bowel. This leads to all the bladder symptoms that occur in IC such as urinary frequency, urgency, and episodic burning on urination but also the...
read moreThrough the Ayurvedic lens of seeing disease in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) is inflammed with acidic blood pH in the range of 5.5 to 6.5 Alkalinizing the GIT using diet is fundamental to healing the disease This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions A unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can...
read moreIt’s not just one thing that you do energetically to heal a problem but a multiplicity of things because it takes a multipliticity of things to cause IC in the first place Neti is one on those things Kapha is the energy pattern of stability in the physiology It is composed of the qualities of heavy, slow/dull, cool, slimy/smooth, liquid, dense, soft, hard, static, and sticky Think of the mucous from the common cold and you will have a good understanding of the qualities of Kapha which supports bodily structures When Kapha becomes...
read moreWishing you all the best of health in your journey to eliminate the energy imbalance of interstitial cystitis from your life And the best of holiday cheer in sharing this season with your loved...
read moreProbably one of the most challenging clinical conditions in medicine are those where physical pain plays a role in the chronic disesase Although there is always a psychological or emotional component to this pain, it is the physical pain that becomes so daunting This is the case in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) and what makes it so challenging for people afflicted But what makes it so challenging? Is it really the pain? Or is it something else?
Anybody confronted with chronic pain will attest to the fact that it’s the continuous physical discomfort that doesn’t go away that leads to the challenge But what if the person is given things to do to help with the pain but won’t do them because they make the assumption that it won’t work This becomes a problem
Let’s talk about a middle aged woman with high Vata energy who has a 4 year history of sharp burning electrical pelvic symptoms that move up toward her head But over the last 6 months these pelvic symptoms progressed to severe bladder symptoms with burning pain during and after urination to the point of incapacitation so she cannot work or do normal daily activities She’s given specific therapies that will indeed help her with the pain but is unable to do even a small part of them because she believes that they are making her symptoms worse In the end her mind is so strung out that she becomes confused with loss of ability to maintain direction in helping herself with healing
I know there will be some who would argue that this is just part of the problem and that is indeed true But what we have here is a mind that is interfering with the person getting better by preventing her from even using the therapies to begin with Physical pain freaks the mind out It produces enormous unsettling so that there is confusion, disarray, loss of ability to maintain direction, and lack of faith in any process
Obviously meditation does not eliminate pain but it has one very important attribute It settles the mind so that there is a potential for faith to peek its head in the door and nuture some calmness to the freaked out mind
We see a lot of people in the clinic with chronic disease who have perhaps underlying psychological or emotional pain but not obvious physical pain and so these people can also benefit from meditation
But it’s one thing to deal with helping people with chronic disease but quite another to try to help those with chronic disease who have chronic physical pain
Meditation does not eliminate the pain It helps settle the mind so that it is not so anxious and is able to accept suggested therapies without freaking out There are times when pain is so commanding of our attention that a trial of a particular approach freaks us out Everything is uncertain and we just want the pain to go away This is specifically a very bad place for people with chronic disease
In a recent article the Washington Post( reviewed the reasons people are reluctant to take the COVID vaccine. One significantly addressed reason in the article is that many antivaxxers are followers of alternative health social media platforms that sow misinformation about the current vaccines which mislead their loyal followers who have grown to trust the messaging as reliable and trustworthy. In the past while heavy metal adjuvants such as mercury and aluminum may have had significant effects in...
read moreLast time we talked about a long list of Ayurvedic lifestyles that will enhance immunity Here’s a shortlist of trace metals that are important in immunity which is the only way we individually will improve our immunologic response when infected by a viral load such as COVID 19 Nasal breathing Many of us breathe through the mouth The simple transition to nasal breathing can enhance nitric oxide which improves immunologic response among other things Neti use can improve immunity directly and indirectly Because it clears ...
read moreIt’s now surprising that as we have been discussing the microbiome and how healing it can lead to healing ICPBS that treating the microbiome can be instrumental in protecting yourself and loved ones during this COVID 19 pandemic now going on in the US Here’s a video link for more information: And below is the supporting information referred to in the video THE RELEVANCE OF AGNI AND GUT MICROBIOME TO HEALTH From an Ayurvedic perspective our digestive strength and function (agni) is central to the disease process....
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreBacteria populate the gut in increasing numbers from the upper smalll bowel to the densest population residing in the colon which are “good and bad guys” From previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, anf vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. From an AY...
read moreIn the world of Ayurveda the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia) arises from a disturbance in the ability to digest food. This impaired digestion leads to toxic buildup that then leads to toxins collecting in areas outside the bowel. One of the areas where this buildup occurs in the pelvic nerves surrounding the large bowel. This leads to all the bladder symptoms that occur in IC such as urinary frequency, urgency, and episodic burning on urination but also the...
read moreThrough the Ayurvedic lens of seeing disease in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) is inflammed with acidic blood pH in the range of 5.5 to 6.5 Alkalinizing the GIT using diet is fundamental to healing the disease This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions A unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can...
read moreIt’s not just one thing that you do energetically to heal a problem but a multiplicity of things because it takes a multipliticity of things to cause IC in the first place Neti is one on those things Kapha is the energy pattern of stability in the physiology It is composed of the qualities of heavy, slow/dull, cool, slimy/smooth, liquid, dense, soft, hard, static, and sticky Think of the mucous from the common cold and you will have a good understanding of the qualities of Kapha which supports bodily structures When Kapha becomes...
read moreWishing you all the best of health in your journey to eliminate the energy imbalance of interstitial cystitis from your life And the best of holiday cheer in sharing this season with your loved...
read more Healing is a process that is poorly understood in our Western culture From an energy science point of view it requires time because it’s a release of accumulated toxicity which takes time The major interfering stumbling block in the process of healing is the mind
Seemingly time isn’t a commodity that much of us have in this Vata whacked…ie excessive movement… society in which we live but if real healing is going to happen it will require that a person decides on the part of herself to spend time to do the work
Whether it’s reading a blog or doing a healing activity for oneself, it’s consistency that counts One may find that there doesn’t seem to be anything there for them one day but when they keep coming back they continue to find value in their activity
The most influence in healing is the mind because it prevents us from trusting the process and moving ahead with treatment plans
Change Nor do we understand often what is required of us taking on energy science healing Change in nutrition, change in lifestyle behavior patterns, doing unusual therapies that are foreign to us…these make the mind unsettled and want to run away, distrusting the process being suggested
Unknown journey Healing is in and of itself an unknown This can be very unsettling for the mind and most of us because as we drop our toxicity and imbalances, new states present themselves The once comfortable steady state of disease is not so steady which can be a good thing New experiences will occur and because they are out of the realm of our day to day experiences it freaks us out At times we yearn for no change Having said this, this change is slow and not herky-jerky and once we settle into this new way of doing things it’s exciting seeing our old disease state dissolve into new areas of comfort
Pain Another reason that the mind interferes is because of pain particularly if an accentuation of the pain occurs with treatment This is obviously a real problem that causes the person to freak out about the therapy but it’s nothing but a release(below) This will immediately send a signal to the mind of distrust and anxiety It will make the mind run and distrust But if the practitioner is able make adjustments things will get better and healing can occur
Release Who hasn’t done a yoga session without experiencing some element of discomfort in the stretch? But this experience is simply a release of old patterns of holding the body in space When we get used to this experience we are not so fearful of it
Real healing takes time Energy science healing is not like modern medicine healing(matter science healing) The latter gets us out of tight jams such as cancer, car wrecks, and suicidal tendencies But it doesn’t answer the major problem of chronic disease The word chronic disease has a specific meaning here It relates to a significant amount of time that it has taken to develop and express itself If someone has vein distention seen on the legs(varicosities) it implies that the microscopic veins have been distended for a long period of time It also implies that it will take a long time of treatment to deal with the problem Most people realize this time relationship but the mind interferes
The mind is the fastest moving vehicle in the body If it is always moving fast, it makes us impatient, undecided, and upset If treatment is not progressing fast enough or things seem to get worse, the mind will stop us on our healing journey
The use of meditation is a way to quiet the mind It stabilizes the mind energy field and allows us to witness the mind as it really is…an petulant, impatient, and confused child Meditation quiets the mind so we can have better clarity and see what we are doing for the long haul
In a recent article the Washington Post( reviewed the reasons people are reluctant to take the COVID vaccine. One significantly addressed reason in the article is that many antivaxxers are followers of alternative health social media platforms that sow misinformation about the current vaccines which mislead their loyal followers who have grown to trust the messaging as reliable and trustworthy. In the past while heavy metal adjuvants such as mercury and aluminum may have had significant effects in...
read moreLast time we talked about a long list of Ayurvedic lifestyles that will enhance immunity Here’s a shortlist of trace metals that are important in immunity which is the only way we individually will improve our immunologic response when infected by a viral load such as COVID 19 Nasal breathing Many of us breathe through the mouth The simple transition to nasal breathing can enhance nitric oxide which improves immunologic response among other things Neti use can improve immunity directly and indirectly Because it clears ...
read moreIt’s now surprising that as we have been discussing the microbiome and how healing it can lead to healing ICPBS that treating the microbiome can be instrumental in protecting yourself and loved ones during this COVID 19 pandemic now going on in the US Here’s a video link for more information: And below is the supporting information referred to in the video THE RELEVANCE OF AGNI AND GUT MICROBIOME TO HEALTH From an Ayurvedic perspective our digestive strength and function (agni) is central to the disease process....
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreBacteria populate the gut in increasing numbers from the upper smalll bowel to the densest population residing in the colon which are “good and bad guys” From previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, anf vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. From an AY...
read moreIn the world of Ayurveda the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia) arises from a disturbance in the ability to digest food. This impaired digestion leads to toxic buildup that then leads to toxins collecting in areas outside the bowel. One of the areas where this buildup occurs in the pelvic nerves surrounding the large bowel. This leads to all the bladder symptoms that occur in IC such as urinary frequency, urgency, and episodic burning on urination but also the...
read moreThrough the Ayurvedic lens of seeing disease in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) is inflammed with acidic blood pH in the range of 5.5 to 6.5 Alkalinizing the GIT using diet is fundamental to healing the disease This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions A unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can...
read moreIt’s not just one thing that you do energetically to heal a problem but a multiplicity of things because it takes a multipliticity of things to cause IC in the first place Neti is one on those things Kapha is the energy pattern of stability in the physiology It is composed of the qualities of heavy, slow/dull, cool, slimy/smooth, liquid, dense, soft, hard, static, and sticky Think of the mucous from the common cold and you will have a good understanding of the qualities of Kapha which supports bodily structures When Kapha becomes...
read moreWishing you all the best of health in your journey to eliminate the energy imbalance of interstitial cystitis from your life And the best of holiday cheer in sharing this season with your loved...
read moreThe IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) is caused by a pelvic neuropathy from an energy science point of view What this means is that abnormal vibrational frequencies from the gut infiltrate the nervous tissue in the pelvic complex of nerves to produce symptoms in the bladder, vagina, prostate, and distant organs as in fibromyalgia
These abnormal vibrational frequencies or qualities are given names which we are familiar…hot, light, dry, mobile, static, sticky, and sharp These match the symptoms that all people with the IC bladder pain syndrome experience and report to their physicians The symptoms are a result of these qualities occupying the pelvic nerves leading to organ symptoms And this model of disease has been articulated by current IC medical researchers but because the matter science human model cannot take this neurological process any deeper they are left with the inability to treat the IC bladder pain syndrome
Rose petal jam…pacifies Pitta in the heart and prana Vata and cools the system
Rose is renown for its cooling effects and the energy science shows us why that’s the case
Sesame crunch
Refined sugar cravings are addictions The body however is energetically looking for more energy substrate called soma Refined sugar provides the soma but at the price of addiction Sesame crunch provides soma without the addictive quality
Avoid onions/garlic…kills friendly bacteria, replace with cabbage and brussel sprouts
80/20 water/homemade yogurt with soma salt and Pitta masala
Green Composite Protein Recipe
This is an alkalinizing diet that reduces acidity in the GI tract which is the source fo inflammation It is a cornerstone to begin removing inflammatory sources for the GI tract
Early bedtime…go to bed 30m b4 anticipate going to bed…go at it slow
All products can be obtained at
In a recent article the Washington Post( reviewed the reasons people are reluctant to take the COVID vaccine. One significantly addressed reason in the article is that many antivaxxers are followers of alternative health social media platforms that sow misinformation about the current vaccines which mislead their loyal followers who have grown to trust the messaging as reliable and trustworthy. In the past while heavy metal adjuvants such as mercury and aluminum may have had significant effects in...
read moreLast time we talked about a long list of Ayurvedic lifestyles that will enhance immunity Here’s a shortlist of trace metals that are important in immunity which is the only way we individually will improve our immunologic response when infected by a viral load such as COVID 19 Nasal breathing Many of us breathe through the mouth The simple transition to nasal breathing can enhance nitric oxide which improves immunologic response among other things Neti use can improve immunity directly and indirectly Because it clears ...
read moreIt’s now surprising that as we have been discussing the microbiome and how healing it can lead to healing ICPBS that treating the microbiome can be instrumental in protecting yourself and loved ones during this COVID 19 pandemic now going on in the US Here’s a video link for more information: And below is the supporting information referred to in the video THE RELEVANCE OF AGNI AND GUT MICROBIOME TO HEALTH From an Ayurvedic perspective our digestive strength and function (agni) is central to the disease process....
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreBacteria populate the gut in increasing numbers from the upper smalll bowel to the densest population residing in the colon which are “good and bad guys” From previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, anf vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. From an AY...
read moreIn the world of Ayurveda the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia) arises from a disturbance in the ability to digest food. This impaired digestion leads to toxic buildup that then leads to toxins collecting in areas outside the bowel. One of the areas where this buildup occurs in the pelvic nerves surrounding the large bowel. This leads to all the bladder symptoms that occur in IC such as urinary frequency, urgency, and episodic burning on urination but also the...
read moreThrough the Ayurvedic lens of seeing disease in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) is inflammed with acidic blood pH in the range of 5.5 to 6.5 Alkalinizing the GIT using diet is fundamental to healing the disease This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions A unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can...
read moreIt’s not just one thing that you do energetically to heal a problem but a multiplicity of things because it takes a multipliticity of things to cause IC in the first place Neti is one on those things Kapha is the energy pattern of stability in the physiology It is composed of the qualities of heavy, slow/dull, cool, slimy/smooth, liquid, dense, soft, hard, static, and sticky Think of the mucous from the common cold and you will have a good understanding of the qualities of Kapha which supports bodily structures When Kapha becomes...
read moreWishing you all the best of health in your journey to eliminate the energy imbalance of interstitial cystitis from your life And the best of holiday cheer in sharing this season with your loved...
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