As part of the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) acid indigestion as manifested in hyperacidity syndrome(HAS) or gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD) would not be surprising This is because from an energy science point of view the hot quality(Pitta energy pattern) is a major contributor to the imbalance that creates interstitial cystitis(IC)…the burning on urination, vaginal burning are related to this quality The other IC imbalancing quality is the mobile quality of the Vata energy pattern
All physiologic disease shows up as an array of symptoms from not so bad to terrible Patients with occasional heartburn can then begin to have it all the time This makes it eligible for the disease label of HAS If it progresses to a sour taste in the mouth or a burning in the chest then it advances to GERD And if GERD progresses then it can become the disease label of Barrett’s esophagitis
But notice that in all these advancing disease labels one thing remains constant The hot quality So in the end these disease labels are related to the increasing intensity of this quality But wait there’s more from an energy science perspective The Pitta energy pattern displays the hot quality when out of balance in its functional seat, the liver
So again from an energy science point of view the liver imbalances due to Pitta must be addressed if a patient is having problems with GERD
There are a number of ways to go beyond Prelief which like all its molecular relatives( such as over the counter Prevacid and various expensive pharmaceuticals) represent pharma bandaids From an energy science treatment perspective the alternatives not only provide relief but done properly with other allied therapies become permanent solutions, not bandaids
Wouldn’t you rather have something that is sustainable long term instead of relying on a pharmacological bandaid? Here are some basic energy science treatments that can bring about control of this Pitta energy pattern of transformation
Avipattikar This herb combination is an excellent way to get control of raging hot Pitta in the stomach reducing the hot quality
Aloe vera gel This herb is not only cooling to the small bowel therefore reduces the Pitta energy pattern but because it is effective for Pitta disorders in general it is a good liver protectant This makes it a valuable herb overall in treating Pitta disorders From an energy point of view aloe is special because it falls into a special group of herbs called rasayana This means it is a tissue rejuvenative and restorative of bodily tissues There are no Western pharma that can make that claim
Ghee In the Ayurvedic classics ghee assumes a significant therapeutic role in the management of high Pitta conditions such as HAS and GERD
Psyllium husk Using this herb may sound strange as it is used as a laxative but 1t at bedtime mixed with fresh yogurt or with warm water will absorb Pitta in the small intestine and stop the colonic wall irritation
Nutritional format and incompatible food combinations We can take all the herbs in the world but if we continue to take into our bodies the same imbalancing qualities then no gains will be made It’s like 2steps forward and 3 steps back If there is HAS or GERD then no doubt the person is a strong Pitta and these conditions would be the ways that they might go out of balance One should follow a Pitta pacifying diet At the very least one should follow the PK or PV formats at
Kefir milk When Pitta is out of control and the hot quality is raging, the microbiome or the gut flora becomes affected Since the gut flora is an important aspect of agni it’s important to replenish and support this vital aspect to our health Kefir does this by providing new healthy bacteria to our gut microbiome population You can get it in the stores or make it yourself by finding some Kefir granules from someone willing to share
Shatavari is a wonderful herb to reduce Pitta and like aloe vera it has far reaching physiologic consequences due to its rasayana effect Rasayanas are a special group of herbs that have strengthening physiologic effects over other herbs and are used particularly after cleansing therapies used in panchakarma
Kama dudha moti bhasma and abhrak bhasma are basically calcium salts that act as coenzymes in metabolic processes and can be effective when Pitta is high
Like all energy work it is subtle and the healing shifts occur slowly over months but the good thing is that they are sustainable long lasting effects
In a recent article the Washington Post( reviewed the reasons people are reluctant to take the COVID vaccine. One significantly addressed reason in the article is that many antivaxxers are followers of alternative health social media platforms that sow misinformation about the current vaccines which mislead their loyal followers who have grown to trust the messaging as reliable and trustworthy. In the past while heavy metal adjuvants such as mercury and aluminum may have had significant effects in...
read moreLast time we talked about a long list of Ayurvedic lifestyles that will enhance immunity Here’s a shortlist of trace metals that are important in immunity which is the only way we individually will improve our immunologic response when infected by a viral load such as COVID 19 Nasal breathing Many of us breathe through the mouth The simple transition to nasal breathing can enhance nitric oxide which improves immunologic response among other things Neti use can improve immunity directly and indirectly Because it clears ...
read moreIt’s now surprising that as we have been discussing the microbiome and how healing it can lead to healing ICPBS that treating the microbiome can be instrumental in protecting yourself and loved ones during this COVID 19 pandemic now going on in the US Here’s a video link for more information: And below is the supporting information referred to in the video THE RELEVANCE OF AGNI AND GUT MICROBIOME TO HEALTH From an Ayurvedic perspective our digestive strength and function (agni) is central to the disease process....
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreBacteria populate the gut in increasing numbers from the upper smalll bowel to the densest population residing in the colon which are “good and bad guys” From previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, anf vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. From an AY...
read moreIn the world of Ayurveda the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia) arises from a disturbance in the ability to digest food. This impaired digestion leads to toxic buildup that then leads to toxins collecting in areas outside the bowel. One of the areas where this buildup occurs in the pelvic nerves surrounding the large bowel. This leads to all the bladder symptoms that occur in IC such as urinary frequency, urgency, and episodic burning on urination but also the...
read moreThrough the Ayurvedic lens of seeing disease in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) is inflammed with acidic blood pH in the range of 5.5 to 6.5 Alkalinizing the GIT using diet is fundamental to healing the disease This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions A unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can...
read moreIt’s not just one thing that you do energetically to heal a problem but a multiplicity of things because it takes a multipliticity of things to cause IC in the first place Neti is one on those things Kapha is the energy pattern of stability in the physiology It is composed of the qualities of heavy, slow/dull, cool, slimy/smooth, liquid, dense, soft, hard, static, and sticky Think of the mucous from the common cold and you will have a good understanding of the qualities of Kapha which supports bodily structures When Kapha becomes...
read moreWishing you all the best of health in your journey to eliminate the energy imbalance of interstitial cystitis from your life And the best of holiday cheer in sharing this season with your loved...
read more From an energy science point of view the IC bladder pain syndrome( interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) is a Vata and Pitta provoked disease, that is, too much hot and mobile qualities in the urinary tract – an imbalance created by the foods consumed So the obvious first step is to reduce those foods that are Pitta and Vata provoking When first getting started to get some relief from the burning sensation you can begin with just a Pitta pacifying nutritional format as at but as you progress using a format that is appropriate for you energy constitutional makeup can be found at after taking the test
One particular thread that I have seen come up is the question about IC and yogurt How should it be used and whether it is safe in IC, that is, whether it is Vata and Pitta provoking, causing bladder pain
Yogurt is an amazing food and many ethinic cultures on the planet use fresh yogurt and kefir as health promoting foods in their nutrition And there are very good reasons for doing so but due to the Pitta aggravating nature of yogurt, freshly made is the only way to go in moderation
The value of yogurt is that it serves when freshly made a rich source of probiotic which is a population of “good bacteria” that reside in the bowel “Bad” bacteria at times overgrow the gut flora leading to poor digestion, absorption, and assimilation so it’s important that the good flora flourishes and the bad are kept in check As I’ve alluded to in the past, bacterial growth is a major part of our digestive strength that needs to be nourished
This is particularly important if you have GERD, IBS, and fibromyalgia associated with IC since the digestive fire is significantly compromised in these dual conditions
Regular use of freshly made yogurt insures that the “good” bacteria are consistently replenished Agni is always compromised in these conditions and since the bacterial flora is part of agni it’s important to supplement with probiotic foods such as yogurt SIBO(small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) is commonly thought of as the root cause of many bowel diseases but from an energy science perspective it’s just saying that agni is disturbed
You may have heard of yeast overgrowth and this is yet another factor that can lead to poor digestive fire(eliminating yeast laden bread products is a good idea in that it gives us more than we need so flatbreads are best or at least toasting yeasted products) This candidal imbalance in bowel flora much like SIBO is a result of poor agni So building up agni is one of the central therapeutic themes in the management of the IC bladder pain syndrome
Bowel flora is important in the concept of digestive fire and aids in bowel digestive function as well as providing important nutrients for our nutrition
Pasteurized yogurts should be avoided as pasteurization kills off the beneficial probiotic component of yogurt
The value of yogurt comes in the predigestion of lactose and casein which we talked about a couple of days ago Hence the bacteria during the incubation phase of creating yogurt use the sugar lactose and break down the protein casein The lactose then doesn’t bother the lactose intolerant and the casomorphin derivative from casein digestion can be less, hence affecting us less
Why freshly made? From an energy science view the build up of acidity occurs with aging yogurt even if refrigerated becomes inflammatory and thus Pitta provoking You also get the maximal amount of probiotic in the yogurt(some bacteria die off after 4-5 days)
Even though fresh yogurt is not very acidic(sour taste) it still can be Pitta provoking if used daily Hence home made yogurt has its consumption limitations
1 Based on the food combining list, don’t use fruit with yogurt
2 To really inhibit the negative sour effects of even freshly made yogurt, the use of Sucanat or Turbinado(crystallized cane sugars) can be important because the sweet taste helps balance the aggravating sour taste
3 Always use yogurt in moderation, that is, 2-3x per week
4 Store bought and therefore processed yogurt is too acidic and will provoke IC
5 Diluting the yogurt with water reduces its acidity
6 Keeping in the fridge after it comes from the incubation phase will help get the yogurt firmer
7 For best results use whole mil
Buy a yogurt maker(Donvier is a French brand or other various manufacturers can be found on Amazon) Using fresh starter each time ensures that the bacterial count of the yogurt will be rich The small amount of starter is not enough to aggravate Pitta
And yes, it does take some time to make your own yogurt but after doing it, in a short time you can do a batch in about 15 minutes(total time; heating the milk and cooling it can be done while doing other things)
If the yogurt is curdly and clearly not smooth in texture it means that there’s probably too much cooking going on and that the incubation times are too long So try 10 hours instead of 12 hours with the Donvier
YouTube has several videos on how to make your own yogurt
It’s best not to use dry milk powder as the milk product as it is provoking to Vata Pitta
Here’s a link for directions on making your own for trouble shooting
The greatest value is making your own yogurt is that you participate in your own health and this is a small but significant step in assuming responsibility for our health
In a recent article the Washington Post( reviewed the reasons people are reluctant to take the COVID vaccine. One significantly addressed reason in the article is that many antivaxxers are followers of alternative health social media platforms that sow misinformation about the current vaccines which mislead their loyal followers who have grown to trust the messaging as reliable and trustworthy. In the past while heavy metal adjuvants such as mercury and aluminum may have had significant effects in...
read moreLast time we talked about a long list of Ayurvedic lifestyles that will enhance immunity Here’s a shortlist of trace metals that are important in immunity which is the only way we individually will improve our immunologic response when infected by a viral load such as COVID 19 Nasal breathing Many of us breathe through the mouth The simple transition to nasal breathing can enhance nitric oxide which improves immunologic response among other things Neti use can improve immunity directly and indirectly Because it clears ...
read moreIt’s now surprising that as we have been discussing the microbiome and how healing it can lead to healing ICPBS that treating the microbiome can be instrumental in protecting yourself and loved ones during this COVID 19 pandemic now going on in the US Here’s a video link for more information: And below is the supporting information referred to in the video THE RELEVANCE OF AGNI AND GUT MICROBIOME TO HEALTH From an Ayurvedic perspective our digestive strength and function (agni) is central to the disease process....
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreBacteria populate the gut in increasing numbers from the upper smalll bowel to the densest population residing in the colon which are “good and bad guys” From previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, anf vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. From an AY...
read moreIn the world of Ayurveda the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia) arises from a disturbance in the ability to digest food. This impaired digestion leads to toxic buildup that then leads to toxins collecting in areas outside the bowel. One of the areas where this buildup occurs in the pelvic nerves surrounding the large bowel. This leads to all the bladder symptoms that occur in IC such as urinary frequency, urgency, and episodic burning on urination but also the...
read moreThrough the Ayurvedic lens of seeing disease in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) is inflammed with acidic blood pH in the range of 5.5 to 6.5 Alkalinizing the GIT using diet is fundamental to healing the disease This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions A unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can...
read moreIt’s not just one thing that you do energetically to heal a problem but a multiplicity of things because it takes a multipliticity of things to cause IC in the first place Neti is one on those things Kapha is the energy pattern of stability in the physiology It is composed of the qualities of heavy, slow/dull, cool, slimy/smooth, liquid, dense, soft, hard, static, and sticky Think of the mucous from the common cold and you will have a good understanding of the qualities of Kapha which supports bodily structures When Kapha becomes...
read moreWishing you all the best of health in your journey to eliminate the energy imbalance of interstitial cystitis from your life And the best of holiday cheer in sharing this season with your loved...
read moreIC pain and the pain of IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) are interrelated on an energy level because gut problems begin the imbalance that leads to IC symptoms What happens in the gut in IC eventually leads to problems in the urinary tract
To be aware of this is to begin the healing of painful IC flares Why? Because when you begin to understand the origins of your dis-ease then you can be empowered to take on the challenges to live the life you once had
And we have seen that there are often psychological similarities between those with IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromylagia) and those with IBS
From an energy science medical view Nature is described in terms of the VPK(Vata Pitta Kapha) frame of reference Everything in Nature can be seen as these energy patterns and they’re composed of primary vibrational frequencies or qualities that contribute to their expression in the mindbody
As we have talked about in the past from an energy science view they represent who we are in the world and we’re varying proportions of these energy patterns of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha They are mindbody energy expressions or combined mental and physical characteristics And the pain of IC and IBS come as expressions of imbalances of the energy patterns of Vata and Pitta
When there is imbalance of the qualities of hot and mobile the Vata and Pitta energy patterns are provoked and may be expressed as IC and IBS first at the gut level then at the bladder This is the relationship between these two apparent dissimilar dis-eases
When you are in balance there is no excess of these qualities
When we are out of balance or unbalanced, using our example above there’s an excess of the qualities of mobile or hot In this way we would see more mobility of thought, movement, and the GI tract as in diarrhea; excessive hot in the GI tract suggesting acid indigestion or heartburn, headache, or the painful flares of IC
1 Take this energy pattern test and thank God you can’t fail the test!
2 Choose the nutritional format best for your energy mindbody makeup- you’ll see that when you take the quiz
3 Make a deal with yourself that you’ll do one thing to change something that is not consistent with the nutritional format you choose
In a recent article the Washington Post( reviewed the reasons people are reluctant to take the COVID vaccine. One significantly addressed reason in the article is that many antivaxxers are followers of alternative health social media platforms that sow misinformation about the current vaccines which mislead their loyal followers who have grown to trust the messaging as reliable and trustworthy. In the past while heavy metal adjuvants such as mercury and aluminum may have had significant effects in...
read moreLast time we talked about a long list of Ayurvedic lifestyles that will enhance immunity Here’s a shortlist of trace metals that are important in immunity which is the only way we individually will improve our immunologic response when infected by a viral load such as COVID 19 Nasal breathing Many of us breathe through the mouth The simple transition to nasal breathing can enhance nitric oxide which improves immunologic response among other things Neti use can improve immunity directly and indirectly Because it clears ...
read moreIt’s now surprising that as we have been discussing the microbiome and how healing it can lead to healing ICPBS that treating the microbiome can be instrumental in protecting yourself and loved ones during this COVID 19 pandemic now going on in the US Here’s a video link for more information: And below is the supporting information referred to in the video THE RELEVANCE OF AGNI AND GUT MICROBIOME TO HEALTH From an Ayurvedic perspective our digestive strength and function (agni) is central to the disease process....
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreBacteria populate the gut in increasing numbers from the upper smalll bowel to the densest population residing in the colon which are “good and bad guys” From previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, anf vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. From an AY...
read moreIn the world of Ayurveda the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia) arises from a disturbance in the ability to digest food. This impaired digestion leads to toxic buildup that then leads to toxins collecting in areas outside the bowel. One of the areas where this buildup occurs in the pelvic nerves surrounding the large bowel. This leads to all the bladder symptoms that occur in IC such as urinary frequency, urgency, and episodic burning on urination but also the...
read moreThrough the Ayurvedic lens of seeing disease in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) is inflammed with acidic blood pH in the range of 5.5 to 6.5 Alkalinizing the GIT using diet is fundamental to healing the disease This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions A unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can...
read moreIt’s not just one thing that you do energetically to heal a problem but a multiplicity of things because it takes a multipliticity of things to cause IC in the first place Neti is one on those things Kapha is the energy pattern of stability in the physiology It is composed of the qualities of heavy, slow/dull, cool, slimy/smooth, liquid, dense, soft, hard, static, and sticky Think of the mucous from the common cold and you will have a good understanding of the qualities of Kapha which supports bodily structures When Kapha becomes...
read moreWishing you all the best of health in your journey to eliminate the energy imbalance of interstitial cystitis from your life And the best of holiday cheer in sharing this season with your loved...
read moreIt’s long been held that genes are fixed and if we have genetic predisposition to specific diseases in our family gene pool that there is a strong likelihoold that we’ll experience the same Common examples come to mind Alcoholism, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, prostate cancer, and even the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) or components of the syndrome are inheritable
But the matter science model of disease is coming to the realization that all disease is genetic at some level And that’s because even our behaviors which lead to diseases are genetically driven So when we are addicted to cigarettes, the genetically driven addiction leads to in some cases lung cancer Or our genetically driven choices regarding the foods we eat lead to the IC bladder pain syndrome
But we need not fee victimized by our genes Only 5% of the time do our genes become the responsible agent for disease The other 95% of the time genes play an influential role in the disease process but don’t actually cause the disease In other words biology doesn’t spell our destiny
It turns out that genes are highly active to influences around us and, yes, within us The whole mindbody through its genes are always listening to what’s going on in the environment which causes our gene expression to change on a moment to moment basis Cold or hot weather affects gene expression, life events such as work stress and parking tickets, the foods that we eat, the entertainment choices that we make all impact our gene expression for the better or worse leading eventually to disease
We are constantly tallking to our genes with every thought, word, and action
From the energy science point of view mind is in every cell of the mindbody and resides in our DNA or our genetic pool
So the question becomes “What’s favorable genetic input and unfavorable genetic input” There are specific guidelines that the energy science helps us
1 When we settle the mind we settle our genes Meditation produces a calm, peaceful, clear mind that reduces anxiety, fear, loneliness, insecurity, anger, impatience, lethargy, and indecision A peaceful mind creates a stable genetic structure established in groundedness when exposed to chaos As we remember the more activity that is going on in the mindbody the more there is genetic activity The more genetic activity the more room for genetic mistakes This exposes us to the risk of creating genetic disease out of frenzied lifestyle behaviors
In a recent article the Washington Post( reviewed the reasons people are reluctant to take the COVID vaccine. One significantly addressed reason in the article is that many antivaxxers are followers of alternative health social media platforms that sow misinformation about the current vaccines which mislead their loyal followers who have grown to trust the messaging as reliable and trustworthy. In the past while heavy metal adjuvants such as mercury and aluminum may have had significant effects in...
read moreLast time we talked about a long list of Ayurvedic lifestyles that will enhance immunity Here’s a shortlist of trace metals that are important in immunity which is the only way we individually will improve our immunologic response when infected by a viral load such as COVID 19 Nasal breathing Many of us breathe through the mouth The simple transition to nasal breathing can enhance nitric oxide which improves immunologic response among other things Neti use can improve immunity directly and indirectly Because it clears ...
read moreIt’s now surprising that as we have been discussing the microbiome and how healing it can lead to healing ICPBS that treating the microbiome can be instrumental in protecting yourself and loved ones during this COVID 19 pandemic now going on in the US Here’s a video link for more information: And below is the supporting information referred to in the video THE RELEVANCE OF AGNI AND GUT MICROBIOME TO HEALTH From an Ayurvedic perspective our digestive strength and function (agni) is central to the disease process....
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreFrom previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today’s marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are...
read moreBacteria populate the gut in increasing numbers from the upper smalll bowel to the densest population residing in the colon which are “good and bad guys” From previous blogs the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, anf vulvodynia) is a neuropathy that stems from an imbalance in the agni of the colon specifically the rectosigmoid and rectum. This leads to an energetic imbalance in the colon leading to an imbalance in the pelvic nerves. From an AY...
read moreIn the world of Ayurveda the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia) arises from a disturbance in the ability to digest food. This impaired digestion leads to toxic buildup that then leads to toxins collecting in areas outside the bowel. One of the areas where this buildup occurs in the pelvic nerves surrounding the large bowel. This leads to all the bladder symptoms that occur in IC such as urinary frequency, urgency, and episodic burning on urination but also the...
read moreThrough the Ayurvedic lens of seeing disease in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, IBS, fibromyalgia) the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) is inflammed with acidic blood pH in the range of 5.5 to 6.5 Alkalinizing the GIT using diet is fundamental to healing the disease This also helps heal over time the microbiome that is universally affected in these conditions A unique combination of alkalinizing greens and protein can make a complete meal or as side dish for other foods on the table(can...
read moreIt’s not just one thing that you do energetically to heal a problem but a multiplicity of things because it takes a multipliticity of things to cause IC in the first place Neti is one on those things Kapha is the energy pattern of stability in the physiology It is composed of the qualities of heavy, slow/dull, cool, slimy/smooth, liquid, dense, soft, hard, static, and sticky Think of the mucous from the common cold and you will have a good understanding of the qualities of Kapha which supports bodily structures When Kapha becomes...
read moreWishing you all the best of health in your journey to eliminate the energy imbalance of interstitial cystitis from your life And the best of holiday cheer in sharing this season with your loved...
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