One of the foundational therapies for anyone embarking on energy science work to deal with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) is to cultivate a daily routine that brings about physiologic balance Balance from the energy science of Ayurveda perspective means that when you are suffering from a disease by bringing balance to your lifestyle keeps you from getting worse But more importantly it helps promote healing
I ran across a website that talks about a young lady’s experience with IBS/IC that is worth looking at The key that strikes me through her post is the need for consistency in taking action and the use of herbs to clear her physiologic imbalance So just as consistency for nutrition and herbs is important so is it true for our daily routines or lifestyle choices
Some people are blessed in beginning their lives in families that had some form of structure or routine The main difference in these kinds of routine and the Ayurvedic routine is based on living in harmony with Nature herself and the morning things to do as you will see
The energy science suggests that the next day’s tone is set by what you’ve done the previous night So getting to bed by 10 to 1030 for Pitta and Vata and 11p for Kapha ensures that you can begin the following day rested and fresh….and early between 6 and 7a Kapha’s should need less sleep so they can afford going to bed later and then waking early Vata and Pitta should be in bed earlier for different reasons Vata hypermetabolic state needs more rest and Pitta if they stay up tend to “raid the fridge” for night time snacking
So now we’re up and ready to go for the morning routine It isn’t as arduous as you may think but all of the steps have important physiologic functions that help the energy mindbody wake up and get ready for the day A full list of things to do is at the website under Services and Resources Here’s a link to the page
A strong consistent morning routine with attention to particular detail is very beneficial to your health in general and specifically when going through physical challenges Volume of fluids for the day should be around 50-60oz for PV and 40-50oz for PK and by consuming 20oz in the early am gets you started with bowel activity but also gets you started for the day with healthy volume consumption Increased fluids consumed around mealtimes is not a good habit because it dilutes agni and if you already have a compromised agni(most people do) then digestion, absorption, assimilation will be affected
Lunchtime should be the biggest meal of the day because the physiology is ready for the experience of food between 11a and 2p Fruits make a great snack for in between meals and every once in a while just do a day of nothing but fruit or fruit fast
Dinner should usually be less than the noon meal which would be what you could hold in your two hands It should normally not be later than 8 to 830p
There are other details on the routine If you have questions you can leave them with this post
Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute mile world record that had stood for decades Shortly after he did it many men became sub 4 runners as well Roger broke through the idea that it was possible So can you when it comes to IC It is possible to deal with IC and change your life
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