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IC and the Flow of Your Prana: 5 Ways to Improve It

IC and the Flow of Your Prana:  5 Ways to Improve It

Energized man 10.21.09What is matter is energy and what is energy is matter  A molecule is both a particle(matter) and a wave(energy)  And so biologically we simultaneously coexist as both a matter/molecular field and an energy field  We know this from E=mc2 and the energy science of Ayurveda gives us a vocabulary by which we can talk about our mindbody as an energy field

Quite simply whenever we become sick there is an improper flow of energy to parts of the body caused by qualities that interfere with the flow of energy through those tissues This is what happens in the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, GERD, and fibromyalgia) where the free flow of energy becomes disrupted in the pelvic nerves

The Flow of Biologic Energy and Spontaneous Remission From Cancer

When we hear the words prana, chi, qi, ru,and ruha they are expressing the biologic energy field  Numerous healing traditions over the past 1000’s of years have understood this of the human biology

You may have heard of people having spontaneous remissions from cancer  There is actually an international registry of such cases where there is good documentation of a diagnosed cancer going away spontaneously without any therapy  There is no molecular explanation but from an energy science view the reason is clear

For some reason and there are many the flow of biologic prana becomes established again  And because the matter/molecular model cannot explain the phenomenon, the word miracle is used  But energetically the flow of prana is reestablished

5 Ways to Reestablish Pranic Flow

All of the energy science tools that I have mentioned through the years are to help reestablish the flow of biologic physiologic energy  At times the biologic energy is particularly stuck or stubborn in the process of movement but by and by it moves and the reestablishment of pranic flow occurs  Whether it’s CCF tea, yoga asana, breath exercises called pranayama, herbs, basti, or meditation the tools help reestablish pranic flow

Here are some basic things to begin fixing pranic flow

1 Eat according to your nutritional energy pattern

2 Avoid incompatible food combinations

3 Improve your agni

4 Utilize pranayama breath exercises

5 Fit your daily schedule into the rhythms of Nature

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