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IC and the Energy Science Secret to Healing

IC and the Energy Science Secret to Healing

Pelvic nerves and rectum with labelsPeople with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, irritable bowel syndrome, GERD, and fibromyalgia) are used to being probed and prodded “down there” since that’s where the pain and symptoms are  Cystoscopies are done, cultures are done to rule out infection, medication installations are given with the use of a catheter, intermittent catheterization is used when patients cannot urinate, and at times under anesthesia when burning of bladder lesions is needed to be done

All of this poking and prodding is something patients with IC bladder pain syndrome currently dislike (the pain with urethral manipulation of any kind can be excruciating) as part of the diagnosis and treatment of the illness  The energy science of Ayurveda also has for 1000’s of years used a form of intervention as well for the management and healing of pelvic syndrome disorders but much gentler and not as painful

The good thing from an energy science view is that the little prodding that is done has great rewards

The Secret of Basti

In the energy science all disease begins in the GI tract due to imbalances of qualities mainly created by the foods consumed  So you can see that the first management tool is to continue to feed the imbalance of qualities causing the problem  As I have talked about in the past this comes by following a nutritional format appropriate for your mindbody energy makeup

The second management tool is to improve the strength of the digestive enzyme and bacterial system and I’ve covered some of the ways we do that in previous blogs and will continue in future posts to show you ways to enhance digestive strength  As I mentioned in the past kitchari is a great way to give bowel rest so that the peripheral pelvic nerve tissue that is holding the imbalance of qualities will release and allow the qualities to come back to the GI tract for elimination

Now the stage is set for the elimination of the bothersome qualities lodged in the pelvic nerves that leads to the IC bladder pain syndrome symptoms  This is done by creating a negative pressure in the colon so that the offending vibrational frequencies of hot, mobile, rough, slimy, sticky, sharp, hard, dense, soft, cloudy, gross, and static can move back to the colon for elimination

The way the energy science creates this negative pressure is by the technique of basti  Basti is a general term for localized treatment anywhere on the external body or internally  It is in this situation that localized treatment occurs by the use of medicated herbal enemas that over time eliminate these specific vibrational frequencies in the lower rectum so that “trapped” vibrational frequencies in the pelvic nerve complex that cause the IC bladder pain syndrome to be eliminated

Immediate Pain Relief in Unbearable Situations

At times the painful flares of IC can be uncontrollable  In these circumstances urologists have used a “rescue remedy” that includes among other ingredients lidocaine which is a numbing agent to nerves  It can also include steroids, aloe, among other materials The problem is that the catheterization can be painful in such situations

As I have discussed in a previous blog the cause of the IC bladder pain syndrome is pelvic nerve involvement by the qualities  This is why DMSO sometimes works and “rescue remedy”works  They both affect pelvic nerve function temporarily blocking the nerve impulses that are involved and inflammed

So an obvious alternative is application of the numbing agent lidocaine into the lower rectum so it can diffuse across the mucous membrane of the rectum numb the affected inflammed nerves of the pelvis  This will provide at least some  temporary relief from symptoms that become unbearable

If You Want to Heal the IC Bladder Pain Syndrome It Will Be By Basti

This is a fundamental principle in all energy disease in  the mindbody and is particularly true with the IC bladder pain syndrome  As I’ve talked about in previous blogs you can palliate the syndrome with nutrition and various treatments such as CCF tea, avoiding incompatible food combinations,or marma therapy but if you want to deal with the imbalance and truly be free of IC then it will take basti to do it

Of course it also requires other supportive therapies as discussed previously as well  And it will require time and effort on your part  Over time things begin to reverse themselves, symptoms at times lessen and go away for periods of time, but by and by the condition lessens its hold on the energy physiology and one becomes free at last



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