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The Sour and Pungent Tastes: 3 Ways to Avoid Them

The Sour and Pungent Tastes:  3 Ways to Avoid Them

bigstock_Sour_Grimace_1671221When you subscribe to our site, you’re sent a short list of questions in order to get to know your interests  One of the questions specifically asks about whether the topic of sour and pungent tastes interests you  50% of you have responded that you wanted to hear more…so here goes

In the energy science foods play a predominant role in creating imbalances which in turn produce disease such as the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, GERD, and fibromyalgia)  Of course not all foods will produce imbalance but HOW DO WE KNOW WHICH FOODS are good and those that are not good for our disease state

The energy science provides the answer in the form of food lists that have foods that you should avoid(NO column), those that can be taken in moderation, and those that can be used all the time  See or to review these formats

How the Food Lists Are Created Energetically

There are 6 energetic tastes that are recognized:  sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent  Each of these are composed of specific qualities but for our IC bladder pain syndrome interest the ones that stand out are sour, salty, and pungent  These are important because all  3 have the hot quality among others that will produce the imbalance that leads to the disease complex of the IC bladder pain syndrome

This is why the tastes of the sour and pungent can be provoking for those with IC  The sour taste is the acid taste in Nature(bitter being the alkaline taste) and the pungent taste is the sensation we have when we eat a hot chili or horseradish

The importance of the lists is that they have built within them what predominance of tastes are within the food being evaluated, that is what qualities are present that may be provoking  There are two benefits here  1 tells you which foods are imbalancing to you seeing your body as an energy field and 2 tells you which foods will produce disease for you   And included within this construct is whether the foods are heating, that is have the hot quality or the sour and pungent tastes

 3 Ways to Avoid the Sour and Pungent Tastes

1  As discussed we would want to follow the nutritional formats described at take the questionnaire to determine your energy pattern constitution) or simply follow the icdiet format at  The advantage of the former is that it gives you a broader choice range  But both get the job done by cutting out the excessive hot quality

2 Avoid incompatible food combinations that are outlined at either of the above sites  One of the fundamental principles of this list is the avoidance of fresh fruits in combination with other foods  This is because the fruit with other foods can interfere with digestion and create as a byproduct toxic load called ama   Ama is part of most disease processes and has to be cleared as a part of the IC syndrome

3 The use of a churan will give you all 6 tastes necessary for having healthy digestion but not giving the excess hot quality that will produce imbalance

Until next week                                                     To Health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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