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IC and the Invisible Nerve Irritant: Vata Qualities And 3 Things To Do

IC and the Invisible Nerve Irritant:  Vata Qualities And 3 Things To Do

Those who have followed this blog on the IC/PBS(IC Bladder Pain Syndrome) are well aware of the fundamental energy science principle that mostly all disease in the body(except for trauma) originates in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract)  From this location energetic qualities or vibrational frequencies(they are one and the same) disseminate from the GIT to locations and/or organs in the body to produce Pelvic nerves and rectum with labelssymptoms of disease  This is true for chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, IBS(irritable bowel syndrome), GERD(gastroesophageal reflux disease), and interstitial cystitis which are all part of the IC/PBS

Qualities(Vibrational Frequencies) Producing Disease

When excessive these qualities produce disease  They are grouped into the energy patterns of VPK(Vata Pitta and Kapha)and are associated with specific physical symptoms or manifestations 

Vata, the energy of movement, is associated with gas in the body  We most notably experience gas as flatus or belching
Due to its mobile vibrational frequency Vata qualities easily relate to the nervous system which is the most active mobile system in the body

Pitta, the energy of transformation, is associated with the hot sensation in the body  We experience this energy pattern as burning

Kapha, the energy of stability, is the most physically expressed and we experience this pattern as mucous

When the Vata group of vibrational frequencies become progressively excessive in the colon the qualities of cold, dry, light, mobile, and rough begin moving out of the colon and usually seeks out the nervous tissue that it is most like

Traveling Uninvited Guests in the Pelvis

The stage is now set for these vibrational frequencies to extend to peripheral adjacent tissues  Since these frequencies have an affinity to nervous tissue which has similar frequencies, they increase in amount in the pelvic plexus of nerves around the rectum, vagina bladder, and prostate

The increase in vibrational frequencies in the pelvic nervous system brings nerve irritability with “nerves that are screaming”  These irritated and hurting nerves send signals to the organs innervated such as the bladder, prostate, vagina, sciatic nerve, and even the pelvic floor  Literally the “nerves are killing her”!

This pelvic floor involvement can at times lead to pelvic floor spasm leading to discoordinated efforts of voiding or eliminating stool, pain in the perineum, and/or spasms

3 Things You Can Do

1  Stop taking in these unwanted vibrational freqeuncies  This is why the energy science nutrtional format is so important  It gives you guidance as to what foods are good to use and those foods that are not so good as choices

2 Basti  When herbally medicated fluid is placed in the lower rectum it eliminates excess vibrational frequencies from the lower rectum  This creates a negative pressure in the lower rectum and there is a return of these frequencies from the involved pelvic nerves to the lower rectum for elimination with subsequent basti

3 Use of herbal formula   Each of the imbalances created in us are unique because there are so many aspects to the imbalance  A formula specifically tailored to the individual’s imbalance is helpful in maintaining the flow of excess vibrational frequencies from the body

To Health as a Skill          Best DB

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