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Compounding Choices: Why They Count in Your IC

Compounding Choices:  Why They Count in Your IC

Eliminating Foods From DietDoing energy science work to heal is different than what you’ve been exposed to as you’ve wandered through the matter science world of medicine and nutrition  This is because it does its science differently but its recommendations are at least grounded on a system of thinking that spans thousands of years, not just decades  This approach to IC(interstitial cystititis….bladder pain syndrome), IBS, GERD, fibromyalgia, chronic prostatitis, and vulvodynia exposes us to a different way of thinking

Fad Diets

Rumor has it that there is no specific diet for IC  That’s true if the only diet you’ve been exposed to is based on fad  We hear the term “fad diets” these days but what constitutes a diet as fad?  The origins of the word “fad” comes from different sources and some are interesting; a hobby or pet project, from the early 1800’s; perhaps 18th century term, fiddle faddle, implying fashion or craze; from the French, fadaise meaning trifle or nonsense; unltimately from the Latin, fatuus meaning stupid

Whatever,  we don’t take a fad seriously A passing fancy as implied  But currently a fad is only a fad after we have experienced that there is no truth in its approach  I would purport that a nutritional fad is grounded on the following:

No test of time to establish validity or that it actually helps with IC(is there still confusion in the ranks of IC patients?)

Guidelines are based on hearsay (Mary said that this was bad for her IC and corroborated by many other IC patients in a survey)

Based on a particular food(certain fruit, berry etc)

Based on a type of food(carbohydrate, protein)

Elimination of food types until there is nothing left to eat

Based on measurement(number of calories consumed, number of pounds lost)

Intuitively claims cannot be believed(in six weeks you’ll lose 30 pounds!)

No nutritional system supports the overall process(employing scientific concepts…..not molecular information)

This first and last guideline are the most salient because(and this seems like heresy) they place our current matter science nutritional model as suspect as fad

Why? Because there is no nutritional system that supports the underlying tenets of its dimension Therefore I would have to term our current molecular nutritional system as fad and I believe that’s why we fall for all the fad diets; we don’t have a system of nutrition that isn’t fad

How in the world could we know the difference between what is quality and real and fad when we have only been exposed to fad?

Energy Science Medicine and Nutrition:  The Nature of Compounding Qualities

If you’ve read my books you’ll understand that nutrition is different than diet  Nutrition focuses on how food qualities lead to disease  Stay with me here  Just because this may sound confusing doesn’t mean it should be discounted  As the phrase goes, “how’s what you’re doing with diet working for you?”  The energy science says that nutrition should take into account who the consumer is  What a concept!  You mean if I’m a Pitta Vata my food choices would be different than a Pitta Kapha?

In the energy science of healing if you take in the HOT quality in the form of a tomato, then go out on a HOT summer day and enjoy the hot sun(putting on sunscreen of course….hint sunscreen doesn’t negate the hot quality), come inside and have a HOT pepperoni pizza(with some incompatible food combinations….cheese and meat), and the next morning have your routine fruit smootie that you have everyday that is loaded with incompatible food combinations  With this scenario you have just compounded your chances for having a HOT flare sometime in the near future (I know, this may seem like a fictitious scenario that you wouldn’t do….I made it up to make the point about compounding quality…but nonetheless compounding happens in each one of our lives if we just pay attention)
But because we all live in this bubble of convincing molecular dietary fadism, you cannot believe that the moment to moment choices that you make in the day have anything to do with your IC  As a matter of fact you are told by the “authorities” that there is no specific diet for IC so live it up and journal!!
So if you’re caught in the net of dietary fadism, find a hole and swim out   There is a better way             Love DB

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