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Saltwater or Freshwater Fish for IC?

Saltwater or Freshwater Fish for IC?


IC with its associated inflammatory disease labels such as acid indigestion, GERD, chronic prostatitis, IBS, fibromyalgia, and vulvodynia all have one thing in common  Inflammation so it behoves those to stay away from inflammatory foods  To figure out which those are, the energy scince looks at tastes

In energy science nutrition there are six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent  Three of these are inflammatory  Can you guess which ones they are?

While the matter science nutritional format only sees four of these, the pungent and astringent tastes are important from an energy science perspective   And yes, you’re right the pungent taste is inflammatory, composed of the elements of fire and air  This makes sense since our experience is of the hot quality when we take  in hot chiles, horseradish, salsa, or cayenne

The other two tastes that are inflammatory because they are composed of the fire element are sour and salty  As you would expect if the taste is composed of the fire element it would necessarily carry the hot quality

The Inflammatory Nature of Saltwater Fish       

With this background we are lead to the conclusion that meat that has spent its life in the saltwater would not only be  inflammatory but would provoke IC if used consistently

I think the word “consistently” is important here  Many of our readers are from coastal areas such as Florida where seafood is abundant  For them with a steady diet of saltwater fish this  issue of seafood could be problematic

As I have talked about in the past any food can be an IC problem if the agni(digestive fire) is low  So eating occasional seafood once a month would not be a problem but “consistent” use of seafood would clearly lead to flares

Often a condiment that is served with saltwater fish is lemon  Of course the lemon is sour and from the above it carries the hot quality  A substitute is the immature lemon, the lime that can be used without a problem

But what about the omega fat value of seafood? How can we give that up?

Freshwater Fish

Molecular studies of freshwater fish show that they are as equally rich in the good omega fats as seafood  So no problem there

In the Midwest of the US , land locked so to speak, fresh water fish is relatively abundant  Trout, bass, perch, walleye and a particular favorite of mine, tilapia are available  for our palate

But again stay away from the lemon and use lime in moderation(3x per week)

Energy Science Nutrition

Some writers on the IC subject in the community have suggested that there is no specific diet for IC……that is, there is no specific  information that can give you guidelines as to what to eat  And that’s true if the recommendations are based on hearsay

This particular topic gives you just a small inkling as to the efficacy of the energy science nutritional approach It shows how choices of foods should be based on the disease process, such as in IC  Avoiding the hot quality avoids the foods that produce flares

Now I think that can be useful for the IC community

All the best in your healing journey  Love DB

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