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IC and Losing Your Health Identity: 5 Ways to Keep It

IC and Losing Your Health Identity:  5 Ways to Keep It

Identiy theft of cardsHave you become interstitial cystitis?  So bound to the diagnosis, so consumed that health does not factor into your thinking?

When you suffer from the debilitating symptoms of interstitial cystitis, there’s a tendency for any one of us to begin identifying with the symptoms of any disease process, and that includes IC   In the end often what happens is you take on the identity of IC as if you have become IC  The often phrase “I’m an IC patient”, indicating that the “I” is equivalent to the disease

In essence you are committing your own “self identity fraud”, allowing the disease to become you   Identity fraud is when someone assumes your identity   They become you in the form of credit card, driver’s license, and social security numbers  There’s real theft in such a situation and this can occur with IC

The Big Danger of Disease Identity Fraud

The biggest danger of all?  You stop seeing health and focus on disease because it is so “in your face” every day  And I’m not saying, don’t pay attention to your body  I am saying the focus should be on doing energy work to  promote healthy lifestyle patterns of behavior   Such things as CCF tea, aloe with or without pomegranite juice, choosing foods appropriate for IC, avoiding incompatible food combinations, looking into targeted herbal therapies, using marma therapy with castor oil   These are things that you can focus on for health

Of course the problem with identifying with IC is that you become it   Wristbands are created, sweatshirts are worn, and testimonials are written about the disease process   Often times these activities are for the sake of getting public awareness about IC and to help garner money support for disease research

But let’s be honest here  All the research money that has been raised to pay researchers for working toward understanding the origin of IC as a disease has not alleviated any suffering from the disease and not any closer to understanding the origin of disease from a matter science view

So the question is “How much has been gained by this disease identity fraud?”  Your health identity is usurped by a disease called IC and yet you and your friends are no further ahead for it   If all the above activities must be done, then everyone should share in doing small amounts

So the biggest danger of all  You stop seeing health and focus on disease

5 Ways to Stop Disease Identity Fraud:  Focus on Health NOT Disease

If you’re involved in public awareness activities, let someone else do it because as you continue to do this kind of work, you allow your energy to be lost in this non health promoting behavior  There is a real subversive nature to these activities that does not lend to your own health

Stay focused on YOUR health, not IC   This is aided by making energy science work a priority in your day  Your job besides making a living to have shelter and nourish yourself is to heal IC  Period  Nothing else is important

Journal everyday about what health looks like to you

If you must read IC threads, try to stop identifying with the symptoms and begin seeing yourself as healthy and free of IC   See yourself as someone who used to have IC but no longer bothered by those symptoms   In this way you become a wise adviser of energy science principles  to those who are still plagued with symptoms and need your help

Meditate morning and evening for 5 min each time  Gradually expand this to 20min  Sit quietly and use So Hum mantra saying to yourself So on inhalation and Hum on exhalation   This reduces mental turbulence and quiets the anxious, fearful, worried, and fretful mind

Have a great week      All the best   Dr Bill

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