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IC and Carbonated Drinks

IC and Carbonated Drinks

bigstock-Pouring-35142932Interstitial cystitis(IC) is a chronic disease with an unknown cause from the currently practiced matter or molecular science medical discipline  And the treatments are random due to this reason

From an energy science medical view IC is a painful pelvic syndrome not necessarily localized to the bladder due to the failure of the body to eliminate the hot and mobile qualities from the pelvis usually due to toxic load also localized in the pelvis  This disease as in all diseases according to the energy science tradition originates in the gut and hence the foundational approach for treatment must include a shift in nutrition

Shift in Nutrition

So it makes sense that you would remove the hot and mobile qualities from the foods ingested if you want to make any headway in the management of IC  The mobile quality is found in many foods in different forms but one of the obvious foods is carbonated drinks  Air is mobile and gas containing foods have air in them; in carbonated drinks the air is carbon dioxide

The mobile quality is directly responsible for the urinary frequency and urgency associated with the abnormal voiding pattern of IC and the overactive bladder syndrome(OAB)  But it doesn’t stop at IC because these same qualities are involved in chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, IBS and GERD

But there is also the burning sensation associated with IC and the hot quality is responsible for this physical sensation in the pelvis  The OAB does not have much of this quality so urinary frequency and urgency with or without incontinence predominate as symptoms

Carbonated Drinks as the Source of the Hot Quality

It’s not quite intuitive how carbonated drinks produce the hot quality  Usually the drink is taken over ice anyway(ice is not a good idea anyway from a digestive point of view) so where’s the hot quality come from?

Anything that’s acidic in the body contains the hot quality  There is heat associated with digestion and when you digest food with the stomach acid and the enzymes to break down food you are using the hot quality

It turns out that all the favorite carbonated drinks carry orthophosphoric acid  This is now a much publicized ingredient to Coca Cola    The drink is so acidic that it is used as a pesticide, a commercial grade cleaner for car batteries, engines, and removing rust from surfaces   If you leave a penny in a glass of coke over a week, the penny will dissolve into solution!

Cut the Fizzy

The upshot of our discussion today is that carbonated drinks for anyone is problematic but for you with IC it will provoke your symptoms and can instigate a painful pelvic or bladder flare  And then you can add chronic prostatitis, fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, IBS and GERD because all of these seemingly unrelated diseases are associated with the hot and mobile qualities  If you want you can add as a waste basket term CPPS or chronic pelvic pain syndrome

This is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to energy science  food recommendations for IC  The matter science nutrition makes their recommendations based on anecdotal experience so in essence guess work is involved when it comes to recommendations

The energy science nutritional approach is different  It asks for no consumer feedback, does not equivocate, and produces the list grounded in a deep science of an understanding of the workings of Nature herself  The body obeys the laws of Nature and physics  I make no claims that energy science cures everything including IC   Energy work is not a quick fix but with diligence discipline and assuming a different lifestyle, you can bring harmony to the body and resolve  IC

Have an awesome week       Love Dr Bill







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