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Healing IC and Trying to Do It Fast

Healing IC and Trying to Do It Fast

Currently you live in a society where speed is a treasured gift and impatience becomes an acceptable emotion  If something doesn’t happen fast then you can become uncomfortable

And it’s not surprising that people with IC can become impatient  After all the qualities stuck in the pelvis giving rise to the disease are the mobile and hot qualities  These combine to make the mind impatient with the hot quality even leading to frustration and anger

For example, if you are plagued with painful interstitial cystitis(IC) bladder flares and you begin doing some things that can help you, there may come a point where due to impatience you decide what you’re doing is not helping

The Problem of Doing Healing Fast

So the problem that arises with impatience in healing is that it contributes to the failure to follow through with the plan of treatment  Then all that’s left is bouncing from one therapy to the next, never giving any one treatment option a chance to work

Who would expect that if you have a plan to get in shape by going to the gym to get in shape that after the first week that you would trim and buff as you were ten years earlier  We all know that anything that we do to the mindbody requires time and consistency of the messages that we are sending the mindbody to change

Real healing is like this  It takes time for your shape shifting  genes to know that you’re serious about what messages you’re sending  Otherwise with lack of consistency it will be business as usual and your IC symptoms whatever they are will continue to menace you

Evolution and healing IC

Confidence in What You’re Doing

The  structure of a game plan to can help with the wayward mind that can take you out very quickly(fastest vehicle in the universe is your mind)

During any healing of the mindbody whether from trauma, cancer, or IC, what is required is that regardless of what happens you stick with the plan you trust  As you do this energy science work, you’ll get more faith as you see small wins as you progress  As you can see in the diagram there can be backslides with recurrence of symptoms but this is part of the healing process

Another aspect you can see in this diagram is that as you stop putting excess hot and mobile qualities into your mindbody, your physiology must necessarily shed those excess qualities  This leads to a struggle with apparent continued flares

But the flares are different now  They are flares of release not accumulation

4 Things To Do To Stablize the Mind and Reduce Impatience

In order to stay on the healing path it’s valuable to help stabilize the mind which drives the mobile quality and makes you flighty and fickle  Here are some things that you can do to stick with the game plan

Begin with doing a nutritional format appropriate for your mindbody makeup found at or Also watching for incompatible food combinations is also important

Quiet the mind  This can be done with So Hum meditation 5min morning and evening building up to as much as 20min am and pm  Another way to quiet the mind is alternate nostril breathing for the same amount of time  These techniques help reduce the mobile quality of the mind  This will keep you out of the pattern of flightiness that goes with the mobile quality

Going to bed early 930-1030 at night and waking up between 5 – 7am sets the day  Having a morning ritual and exercising is another key component to the day, eating your biggest meal of the day at noon, and meditation are good ways to help create structure around your schedule

Keep a journal of your successes and how you’re feeling  Don’t rely on your memory because more often than not the mind will remember the bad times more than the good  So to keep focused on feeling better journal about the subtle improvements that are happening for you

Be willing to try things that are suggested because one of the problems with the hot quality is that it makes the mind so intense and focused that it’s hard to look at other helpful techniques as you move along in the healing journey

Best on your journey to healing IC   Love DrBill




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