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How Effectiveness in Dealing with IC Pain Can Be Changed

How Effectiveness in Dealing with IC Pain Can Be Changed

Snow scene couple with hotIn all of Nature you only learn by contrast  You can’t know hot if you haven’t experienced cold   You can’t know the bladder pain of IC unless you’ve experienced the pleasure of being pain free

And then there is the contrast of male and female, quantitative and qualitative models of healing   Why is this important?  Because different models of healing lead to different results due to the way they view the disease process

Results Oriented Healing for IC

When you know the strengths and weaknesses of the models of healing you’re using you’re more likely to be successful at achieving the outcomes you’re looking for

Like a marriage or partnership, each person brings a strength to the relationship  And a weakness that each is hoping for support

Currently even though this difference in healing models exist it is not apparent to the participants   But nonetheless it is clear that the matter science approach to healing or what I refer to as the masculine side of healing while results oriented, has results that don’t serve the chronic disease model such as conditions like IC

Missing In Action

What is currently missing in the masculine side of healing, and therefore its weakness, is the ability to see the origin of disease

The energy science discipline, or the feminine side of healing, from its underpinnings the understanding of the origin and therefore can predictably prescribe a charted course for chronic disease

Currently we don’t have a treatment model like that   We have a disease detection and treatment program with really no eye on prevention or the ability to manage chronic disease

The energy science discipline of healing is excellent for guiding us with lifestyle change that literally changes the course of disease and supports not only the support of chronic diseases such as IC but actually the healing of IC

Change the Model of Healing and Change the Healing of IC

So the challenge is to embrace a different model of healing in order to be successful with IC

This requires trust   And the energy science doesn’t expect blind trust   The proof is in the pudding, so to speak  If you do the work, you will see the results   But real healing takes time  Give it 6 months and you’ll see the differences that will change your life

Until next week with a surprise                  To Health as a Skill  Love Dr Bill








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