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Improving Digestion Helps Heal IC and Chronic prostatitis Part 1

Improving Digestion Helps Heal IC and Chronic prostatitis  Part 1

It’s estimated that 50-70% of IC patients have poor digestion as part of their disease process  So it’s a good idea that you understand how to get it healthy as part of the process of healing this chronic disease

The gastrointestinal tract’s digestive strength is likened to a magical forest where trees represent the enzyme and bacterial systems that digest your food(lactose, gluten, carbohydrates, proteins, fats)

But here’s the magic!!  As the trees burn and digest food they replenish themselves and the stronger the individual trees the stronger your ability to digest the food you eat    The weaker the trees the poorer your digestion

In this first of a video series on digestion I discuss what the symptoms are that indicate poor digestion

Nourishment begins by nourishing not the individual trees but the community of trees called the forest

In the next video I’ll show you how you can improve your digestive strength or fire  This is done by nutritional lifestyle behavioral changes which nourish the forest as a whole not just the individual trees


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