The sour taste provokes painful IC flares The problem is that acidity is hidden away in matter science dietary recommendations It’s also widely known that cultural diets that favor a more alkaline nature tend to promote within cultures greater longevity (eg Asian diets)
Animal based protein diets which are high in acidity(fatty acids) demonstrate decreased longevity From an energy science perspective this is not about vegetarianism; it’s about what increasing amounts of acid loading does to person Not only does increased dietary sour decrease longevity, but it can provoke painful IC flares
Energetically the sour taste is the acid taste in Nature so from an energy science nutritional view meats rich in fatty acids are not the only culprits
Any acid in food carries energetically the sour taste Even though we consider sour fruits acidic due to the citric acid(eg grapefruit), we don’t think of tomato(primarily in the seeds), banana, nuts, mayonnaise, red meat(dark chicken, dark turkey, beef, duck, lamb, and pork) and egg yolk as sour Even though they don’t taste sour, energetically they physiologically produce the effects of sour For more guidance you can go to or for a more complete list
From an energy science view all six tastes should be present at a meal for it to be balancing so a wee bit of sour is not a problem as experienced say in a churan
For Pitta Vata(PV) some the sour taste is important in moderation – not all the time but 1-2x per week
For a Pitta Kapha(PK) energy makeup the sour taste should be kept to a minimum
What happens when the physiology sees too much of the sour taste? Energetically we find inflammation such as seen in IC, chronic prostatitis, vulvodynia, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia in the body and psychologically there is judgement, criticality, jealousy, and hate
As we can see the sour taste can lead to degenerative changes even in PV due to the inflammatory nature of the taste if it becomes excessive for that particular physiological pattern
A simple rule: Eat according to your specific mindbody energy pattern
Until tomorrow To Health as a Skill Love DrBill
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