Everyone agrees that the pain of IC is related to inflammation but it may be surprising to find that all diseases from cancer to diabetes have an element of this inflammation And this is where we are at in our current understanding of disease from a matter or molecular science point of view And we as the signpost points are left with no direction
There are many painful molecules that have now been identified that produce inflammation in the mindbody We have identified many of these molecules But what causes them to begin to show up in the first place? The answer from the matter science is infection often times because foreign organisms incite a white cell response which produce this molecular inflammatory response
But IC is defined as a nonbacterial inflammatory response So no infection but inflammation nonetheless And we are all well aware of many different diseases that produce inflammation without infection such as rheumatoid arthritis
This is why at this point in time the matter science urologist has no answer for your IC No infection No Cure Treatable but not curable
If we take off our matter(molecule) science glasses and view the mindbody through energy field glasses we see the mindbody as an energy field
There are three necessary biologic energy patterns according to the science of Ayurveda: the energy of movement Vata, the energy of transformation Pitta, and the energy pattern of stability Kapha
As we discussed with you earlier inflammation is a result of excessive hot quality resulting in inflammation regardless of whether there is infection or not
When the energy pattern of Pitta becomes excessive(too much of the hot quality) then inflammation and the excruciating pain of IC is the result
Unless we’re breatharians we routinely do one thing every day: EAT This is why foods become so important in the management of this chronic condition labeled as IC “Label” is a specific term for the broader term inflammation Other labels used by the matter science urology tradition include chronic pelvic pain syndrome(CPPS) and chronic prostatitis
So you can do 3 things right now:
Go to foodsheal.com right now and take the quiz Then choose the appropriate nutritional format and print the pdf format off so you have it to follow
Read the incompatable food combination list and print off that file as well and post both on your refrigerator so you can reference them regularly Incompatible foods produce inflammation
Use aloe vera gel(not the juice) on a regular basis (2T three times per day) Take it to work, travel with it, and make a ritual out of its use Why? This herb reduces the hot quality(think of applying aloe on a hot sunburn) by using the opposite quality of cold
To Health as a Skill Love DrBill
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